View Full Version : good greif..control your kid!

09-06-2005, 06:39 PM
honestly when my mom and I were at the docters today there was this kid in the waiting room.. can you say BRAT? his mom tried but the kid was playing her like a fiddle, she kept making threats to punish him but not once did she follow through, I mean here is this kid throwing the toys all over the waiting room, his mom tells him to put them away and th kid goes "no" and continues playing, meanwhile his mom is telling him to get over ther e clean it up and the entire time she is saying this she is putting the stuff away herself :confused: the the kid is driving the wooden train all over the place, and whenever the caboose fell off she would walk over and reattach it, so what did I see this kid do? I saw him drive the train to the far end of the room take off the caboose and then keep going and telling his mom "mom! the 'boose fell off!" and the biggest one of em all? he handed him mom a his candy and demanded "open it" no please, no asking, he flat out demanded that she open for him, again no punnishment she said "dont demand from me" as she opens it for him :eek: seriously she nned to learn to displin her kid, because when I relitive says to us(after they left) "I am sorry to say I am related to them" its obviously a regular problem, I mean that kid knew exactly what to do to get anything he wanted.

09-06-2005, 09:10 PM
Unfortunately, proper manners are falling by the wayside. There are some good parents out there but the numbers seem to be getting smaller. I would have gone nuts!

09-06-2005, 11:09 PM
Gall! That is sooo annoying when parents are not actual parents..Another really bad thing is that a lot of kids run around like crazy animals now-a-days too!:mad:

Steph and the gang