View Full Version : Boot camp

09-06-2005, 02:12 PM
What do you guys think of dog boot camp?? Someone from flyball told me about a boot camp place which uses ONLY positive training. I'm at a loss with Josie, and nothing seems to be working. I know it's cause I'm not working with her right.....I've spent SO much money on her....I want to be able to take her with me if I go places and not worry "will she bark at them? What if there is a dog??" I just can't do anything with her anymore cause I'm so worried. She won't listen half the time...

Zeke is such a good dog too. He listens very well and I trust him to be off leash outside my house and know he won't run off. Josie however, would want to smell and would run off a little so I can't grab her.

I am at the point where I will do ANYTHING to help her. I'm iffy about a boot camp though..and I'd miss her SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!!! Esp if it's over a week...(don't know that I could have her gone that long)

What od you think?

I'm thinking of a behaviourist...but it's 100 bucks and hour :(

09-06-2005, 03:52 PM
I honestly don't know much about boot camp, but if you are considering it I'd say check it out really well. If everything seems ok, go for it. I have heard of people saying that their dogs are much better for it, and in an extreme situation you have to do what you have to do...even though it might not be easy :)