View Full Version : Help with my new dog

09-05-2005, 04:15 PM
Hello, I got a new BIG German Shepherd, and she is VERY well behaved and very sweet. she is about 2 years old. But we have a problem. She is a very good girl, and is very good in every situation, with people, kids, and our pet pigeons, she just seems to have a problem w/ cats. We have a cat and three kittens, and the first day we got her, she chased our cat around the yard. my cat hates other cats, so he won't go into the house, and the last place he could stay was outside in the yard, but now that he won't go out into the yard any more, because of the dog, and he won't go in he house, he practically lives in the rafters in the garage.:( Our new dog, Kacey is her name, she is always looking through the window because she knows there are kittens inside, and she stands there and just watches them. we don't know what to do, and we don't know if she is just curious and has never seen a cat before, or if she really does want to kill them, or if she just wants to play with them (to death).

Also, she has a kennel coff and she losing wate BIG TIME. she dose not eat, so now she is very scinny, and we don't know what to do about that either.

thnks 4 any replys:)

09-05-2005, 04:39 PM
You might want to put this in dog general, where more people will see it. :)

09-05-2005, 05:01 PM
Kennel cough is best left to heal on its own, but your vet can prescribe antibiotics if it is really severe. As for your GSD, many dogs have a very high prey drive. My Greyhound could never be left alone cats because she would rather kill them than live under the same roof as one. As one owner said, "Some dogs like cats, while other dogs like CAT."
Since it seems like your animals are having such conflict, I wonder if the best thing to do is give the dog or cat up. If you can't do this, then you MUST muzzle or crate your GSD whenever the cat is in her presence. To sort of de-sensitize the cat to the GSD, you can put Kacey in a crate and hold your cat a few feet away. Pet your cat and reassure it. If it's uncomfortable, let go of it and try to repeat this again and again until the cat tolerates being close to the GSD. If Kacey shows any excitement, like perked up ears and whining, she's probably doing so because she wants to attack the cat. I would reward good behavior, like relaxed ears and ignoring the kitty, but either reprimand or ignore bad behaviors like perked ears and excited whining.

09-05-2005, 09:19 PM
what giselle said is right. you should try putting your dog on a leash and bringing it inside. when it whines are trys to get to them say NO! in a very firm voice. when he ignores the cat, praise and give treats. Welcome to PT! and good luck

09-06-2005, 09:40 PM
Giselle is absolutely 100% right! Welcome to PT too! I hope that you like it here!:D

Steph and the gang