View Full Version : Why?

09-05-2005, 08:40 AM
I have sent many emails to dog/pet of the day and my pets haven't been pet/dog of the day yet. hmmm. how long does it usually take? and what would be the reasons for not being chosen? Thank you.

09-05-2005, 08:42 AM
Many of us have waited close to a year before ours were chosen. You have to be patient.

09-05-2005, 08:44 AM
Ok thank you very much. I was getting a little worried there.lol. Cant wait til my pets are on here. i have a pet which has never been on here yet. they are called axolotls. they are amphibians :D .

09-05-2005, 08:44 AM
Peppito was selected after 6 months. I think there are just too many candidates and not enough days in a year.

But you can always share pics and stories of your babies on the PT :)

09-05-2005, 08:45 AM
how do i post pictures?

09-05-2005, 10:48 AM
to post pics you have to have a photobucket account (its free) www.photobucket.com and then you upload your pics into an album and you use the IMG code and place it in a reply :)

09-05-2005, 11:00 AM
rockchick, I will look up your email, and see if we recieved the nomination, and it is complete. A nomination has to have a good, clear color photo, all the information, and then a good story about the pet and why it's special before a pet is truly a candidate for Pet of the Day!

You'd be surprised how many people send just a photo, or just a story and no photo, or say their pet is special because it likes to eat and sleep. Who doesn't? ;)

09-05-2005, 11:47 AM
i definately had the pictures and all of the information. :) .

09-05-2005, 01:28 PM
Same here I added my pet muneca and I haven't been on it yet it takes a while I guess so you can have your pets on it.

09-05-2005, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by rockchick
i definately had the pictures and all of the information. :) .

I am emailing you.

09-07-2005, 06:57 AM

09-07-2005, 12:40 PM
hi rocky! :)

are your links working? for some reason I can't see them! :confused:

well, I had my first cat, zephyra (see the avator) in for cat of the day in january 2003 and she never became CoTD ever since.

I guess it's because of my dumb english and probably already been deleted a long time ago! :p

that's good you're keep trying.. hope to see yours someday! (where the link wouldn't give me a problem!) :)

09-07-2005, 01:53 PM
I submitted several of my pest 3 years ago now, I have had 1 gerbil be pet of the day and non of my dogs have been dog of the day :(

09-07-2005, 02:07 PM
Guys...I don't think we are being fair. I can only imagine the amount of people that submit their pets. It's got to be difficult to pick and choose and I think Karen and Paul are doing a great job. I submitted Lilith and Vixen too but I refuse to complain about the fact they haven't been cat of the day yet. I am sure with time all our pets will have a chance to be pet/cat/dog of the day. We can't expect them all to make it that's just not fair.

09-07-2005, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by kittycats_delight
Guys...I don't think we are being fair. I can only imagine the amount of people that submit their pets. It's got to be difficult to pick and choose and I think Karen and Paul are doing a great job. I submitted Lilith and Vixen too but I refuse to complain about the fact they haven't been cat of the day yet. I am sure with time all our pets will have a chance to be pet/cat/dog of the day. We can't expect them all to make it that's just not fair.

I agree 100%. Even if your pets don't make it, they ARE still special! :D

09-07-2005, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by kittycats_delight
Guys...I don't think we are being fair. I can only imagine the amount of people that submit their pets. It's got to be difficult to pick and choose and I think Karen and Paul are doing a great job. I submitted Lilith and Vixen too but I refuse to complain about the fact they haven't been cat of the day yet. I am sure with time all our pets will have a chance to be pet/cat/dog of the day. We can't expect them all to make it that's just not fair.

I agree 100% too!
I've submitted Beenie a few times and I've been here about 6 months (I think) but no DOTD. I will be very happy if she ever gets chosen but if she doesn't I'm happy just the same.
This website is awesome.

09-11-2005, 05:18 AM
im not sure why the links aren't working. ill try and sort them out soon when im not too busy.

i didnt realise how long the list of pets would be. im just looking forward to the day my pets and dog becomes pet/dog of the day. hehe.