View Full Version : My salamander a frog addition!!

09-05-2005, 12:48 AM
Well, I now have a salamander and a frog! The salamander is named Ander, and the frog is named Red!:D I am so happy to have them now, after the frog incident (under froggy help!). They are together in a homeade cage..It has a swimming pool, a playground, a "ditch area" and a food area.

The pool is a box safely covered in seram wrap, and full of water! Ander LOVES to swim in there.

The playground is two levels made from one box. The first level has a low swing, three wrings, and a rock.It also has an entrance to the easy-acess pool with a ramp. There is also a little door leading to the food area. It has a toilet paper role the leads to a huge step, then a small step to the second level.

The second level. This level has an awesome brigde leading across the pool entrance, and then there is a little tunnel in the corner. It also has am entrance leading to the ditch..

The food area has a rock and a peanut butter cap dish that will hopefull hold a bug or two. It also has a rock and a twig to climb.

The ditch sits halfway onto the food den and then has a sturdy support. The ditch has a small dark green bowl full of water and a flat black rock in it, then has grass sticking up on half of it. It also has a rock in it also!!!

Sorry this was so long, lol!-
Steph, Jesse, and Splinter

09-05-2005, 10:57 AM

their homemade cage sounds awesome! how long did it took you to make? lol.

be sure to take ander & red pictures! aw, I just remember you don't have camera yet.. well, I can picture them in their little mashion. :D what is ander's color?

keep us updated!! :)

09-05-2005, 08:04 PM
not trying to scare you but i had a newt and a frog together and one day he was gone , i had a kayboard on my floor and when i played it chester(my newt) would come running over well he did when ever he excaped, so i tried playing it when he went missing and nothing we search my whole room ripped apart me room but nothing so we think my frog ate it...we got rid of the frog after but it died

09-05-2005, 10:11 PM
Wow! Well, Red is about the size of a 50 cent and Ander is about 3 1/2 - 4" long..I hope that they will be okay.

Well, someone had left my room open:mad: Luckily I got in there before anything happened, besides there whole place was torn apart *cry*. Ander was in the pool, and Red was running away from Autumn..Red squeezed into a little spot as I walked imto my room horrified! I am trying to come up with an idea on where to keep them? My closet!-with a light of coarse!

Gina, Ander is all black with yellow dots..I'll look for one on google quick *go to check* Here we go:

I have a question for buttercup123 (I'm sorry, I don't know your name...) How do you keep a Salamander through the winter?-a heating lamp? Also, Ander has eaten about three worms in two days. Is that all right? The store that carries crickets is out. They are ordering them though..I also have reptile bites, and I don't know is Ander eats them yet...

Steph & her babes

09-06-2005, 06:32 AM
ya thats fine justmake sure he's got mud to burry in and leaves to hide under and make sure you spray the tank everyday and then have a heat lamp to make it moist, he needs to eat crickets when you go there ask for small ones not pin head they will be way too small what type of worms are you giving him? he should be able to eat king worms, silk works, and wax worms i wouldnt pick any other

09-06-2005, 06:33 AM
o and make sure hes got a stick thats thick and a rock in his tank too

09-06-2005, 09:26 PM
Thank you SO much! I am moving Splinter out of her tank to place Ander into it..I'll have a heated rock in there too, if I have enough money..Thank SO much! I have also been researching online for info on them too..I think I have recieved Ander before I got enough info. He is a tiger salamander, right. That pic that I posted looks just like him!

:DSteph and the gang:D

09-07-2005, 07:48 PM
ya thats right or a yellow spotted salamander im not sure if they are the same or not

09-07-2005, 10:16 PM
Hey your house sounds pretty p'neal! lol:D I'm glad to hear they are enjoying it, and I am so happy everything is staying together!:D lol
Next time I come up we'll have to add stories!:)

09-08-2005, 02:30 PM
Thats awesome. Congrats on your new addition. Very cool.

09-09-2005, 09:14 PM
Thanks everyone! They are in a smaller tank, becuase my parents are being difficult..I am not going to be able to fix the home-made palace:( The cats keep getting to it!

Steph, Jesse, and Splinter

09-11-2005, 03:22 PM
Hi!!! What kind of salamander is he? I have 4 Fire Belly Newts