View Full Version : Ranking of Dogs for Obedience/Working

09-04-2005, 09:50 PM
I thought this was kind of interesting.
(If someone already posted this link sorry for
repeating it.)

Not sure how accurate this is:


Akitas are #54. No surprise to me. lol

09-04-2005, 10:14 PM
Kodie is part Bloodhound,and bloodhounds are #74,thats where he gets his personality from:rolleyes: :p He's soo difficult to train.:o

09-04-2005, 10:14 PM
*humph* well, this list is OBVIOUSLY totally wrong- australian shepherds arent even in the top 10!!! lol they are #42!??!?!!? aussies are well known as one of the most trainable/"smart" breeds! they are right up there with border collies in agility and obedience, and other dog sports. they are bred to be working dogs, to work all day. I dont know who the heck thought they were only "average" working/obedience dogs..... (morons!! lol)

honestly though, Ive seen lists like this before, personally I dont think you can make an accurate list like this. this list is different than ones Ive seen in the past, because instead of simply saying "intellegence" they say "working/obedience ability" which is a slightly more accurate way to describe it. I dont think you can say one breed is more "intellegent" than another, it all depends on trainability, and obedience level, as in, how willing a certain breed is to work for food/toy/attention/etc. personally I think almost all dogs are pretty much equally trainable as long as you find what it is that motivates them individually. you have to learn how to control the things that motivate the dog. I think certain breeds, labs & goldens for example, are naturally willing to work for almost nothing, just work because their human asks and therefore get labeled as "smarter" and easier to train. others, hounds for example, will generally only work if they are getting something out of it, such as a tastey treat, or something as simple as the opportunity to go sniff, and then get labeled as dumb. alki has such a strong toy drive that Ive taken advantage of in using as a reward for her. playing fetch is 100 times more rewarding to her than petting or food (though she does love petting & food, just not when she has the option of playing ball), which are 2 common things that a lot of people think are supposed to motivate dogs. like I said, you just have to learn how to control all the good things in your dogs life, and they will learn to work for you.

lists like this kind of annoy me because I love dogs and learning about dog training and behavior, and I think placing a rank on them is very demeaning. every dog is an individual. and a lot of it depends on the person/trainer. interesting to see how the author ranks them though. Im very curious as to why they ranked some of the breeds how they did though. many of them I disagree with. lol

09-04-2005, 10:25 PM
Siberian husky is number 45.....I'm surprised they were ranked that high. They always get a bad rep on the intelligence tests. This is NOT because they are not intellitent........they are highly intelligent dogs. They are just independent, they don't normally do things simply to please the person, they do it if there's something in it for them. ;)

Hmm schnauzers are number 12. Nebo obeys commands a lot better than Reggie and Sydney, and he learns tricks faster too, though I have worked with him more. When I try to teach Sydney things and she just gives me a dumbfounded look, Reggie just barks, and Nebo tries to figure out what it takes to get the treat (usually).

09-05-2005, 05:00 AM
Jack Russells are not even on the list :D

09-05-2005, 06:37 AM
I can't say I'm surprised that Mastiff's are a 72 , Bon hates to be told what to do. I knew as soon as I seen the list to look at the bottom:o

09-05-2005, 07:01 AM
I knew poodles would be at the top, although I usually see them in the #2 slot behind german shepherds on such lists. Of course who can doubt the trainability of a border collie. Very interesting.

09-05-2005, 07:19 AM
ACD's are #10. Woohoo, guess I better get working on Grant. He listens but he's stubborn too. Maltese are #59. And no Rat Terriers on the list because they aren't AKC. I knew ACD's were smart but Grant is still learning so we'll see.

09-05-2005, 10:11 AM





09-05-2005, 04:46 PM
Rotties are #9!

Jack is a lab/beagle....labs are #7, Beagles #72

09-05-2005, 05:35 PM
LOL....well this sounds about right to me!:p I always knew I was dealing with two stubborn pups...lol.

09-05-2005, 11:11 PM
:) OF COURSE Border Collies are number 1 and Aussies are number 42! der Veegan. >_< heh, that makes no sense to me either, Aussies are usually one of the closest breeds in OB competitions to BC's.

I would not argue that BC's aren't #1 though, I've never met a dog as easily trained as Gonzo. I guess it is measured by readiness to learn new tricks and perform them right away, like the level of stubborness ~ not by actual intellegence. Bulldogs are 3rd to last, even though Ben is a chow-hound and will learn any trick by the second repitition if good food is involved ^.^

09-05-2005, 11:18 PM
ESS's are #13! No surprise, most that I have seen were easy to train, and Jesse, well, she learned a tiny obstacle coarse in about 7 minutes:eek:

Steph and the gang!

09-05-2005, 11:52 PM
OF COURSE Border Collies are number 1 and Aussies are number 42! der Veegan. >_< heh, that makes no sense to me either, Aussies are usually one of the closest breeds in OB competitions to BC's.

hahaha! yeah exactly, BCs and aussies are practically the same. BCs tend to be more intense and a bit more driven, but not by much. aussies should really be #2, I was surprised they werent, and down right shocked that they were #42!! lol

09-06-2005, 06:29 AM
labs are # 7 and goldens are #4 Hmmmmm