View Full Version : Are these poisonous? -- Important

09-04-2005, 01:47 PM
Are Alovera plants poisonous to cats??? How can you stop cats from eatting plants??

09-04-2005, 01:55 PM
Yes, Aloe Vera is poisonous to cats.

Go to the CFA's Plants and Your Cats (http://www.cfainc.org/articles/plants.html) page for a full list.

Perhaps something your cats find distasteful brushed on the leaves of the plants might discourage this behavior?

09-04-2005, 01:56 PM
They are most definately poisonous to cats. Here is the list of toxic plants.

Aloe Vera
Arrowhead Vine (all parts)
Asparagus Fern
Bird of Paradise (fruit, seeds)
Boston Ivy (all parts)
Caladium (all parts)
Calla Lily
Christmas Rose
Creeping Charlie (all parts)
Creeping Fig
Crown of Thorns
Dumbcane (all parts)
Easter Lily
Elephant Ears
Emerald Duke (all parts)
English Holly
English and Glacier Ivy (leaves and berries)
Heartleaf (all parts)
Ivy (Hedera)
Jerusalem Cherry
Lily of the Valley (all parts)
Majesty (all parts)
Marble Queen (all parts)
Nephthytis (all parts)
Parlor Ivy (all parts)
Philodendron (all parts)
Poinsettia (leaves and flowers)
Pothos (all parts)
Pot Mum
Red Princess (all parts)
Saddleleaf (all parts)
Spider Mum
Sprengeri Fern
Swiss Cheese Plant
Tulip (bulbs)
Umbrella Plant (all parts)
Weeping Fig

You either have to put it where your cat can't get it, try spaying the cat with water or get rid of it. You don't need to deal with a very sick cat or at worse losing your cat over a plant.

09-04-2005, 02:30 PM
Wow, I never knew there were so many poisonous-to-cats plants. I knew there were some, but not that many !! But because of that and because my kitties like digging in dirt, I have NO live plants in my house.

09-04-2005, 02:40 PM
I don't keep live plants either. Saphirah tends to chew on the leaves. (It's not much of a problem for me, though, because I am horrible with plants anyway.)

09-04-2005, 04:14 PM
OMG..one of my cats ate a lot of this plant!!! what do i do?? the vet is closed!! they seem ok? help?

09-04-2005, 04:19 PM
Ok..after I freaked out at my dad, he said that Tango was the only one he saw eatting it. He said he only bit pieces off..but I don't see a lot of little peaces everywhere? He said he saw him do it the other day. He is completely fine today. He's not throwing up...?? Is it really poisonous? Like can it kill them?

09-04-2005, 04:26 PM
Tango may not have eaten it. He may have hid it somewhere or just played with it. Yes it is poisonous and if enough is ingested and they do not get rid of the toxins either through vomiting or through intervention by a vet it can kill them.

09-04-2005, 04:36 PM
What should I do??? There is quite a bit gone from it...I can't see that he didn't eat any of it. I don't know WHEN he ate it for sure if he did. He's not throwing up, and he was playing with me a min ago. It's sunday and labour day weekend....the vets are closed till tuesday...Do you think he can get sick still? How long does it take? If he gets sick should I call the emergancy line??

oh, I closed the door in that room so they can't get there till I decide what to do with it. I told my dad I'd rather throw it out cause the cats love that room....-sigh-

09-04-2005, 04:50 PM
Calm down first step. It was the other day Tango was into the aloevera plant right. You would have seen effects by now. My Vixen pulls the leaves of any flowers that come into the house but never eats them. It is possible he never touched them. If you want to be on the safe side call the vet emergency number and have the vet call you back. They will advise as to what should be done. I think he is probably just fine if he isn't behaving any differently than before. Give yourself the peace of mind and call the emergency number. You can induce vomiting but call the vet first.

09-04-2005, 05:03 PM
Well...he seems fine. I'm assuming it's only him cause Kiba has been here with that plant for over a year now and hasn't had any problems. Kiba seems fine too. but Tango is his usual annoying self. He keeps meowing and meowing for someone to pick him up :rolleyes: I think I'll keep an eye on him and if he looks sick I'll call right away...but you're probably right, he would have been sick by now...I get so worried about my precious babies..I don;t know what I'd do without them! And tango already feels like I've had him since he was a kitten

09-04-2005, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by slleipnir
I get so worried about my precious babies..I don;t know what I'd do without them! And tango already feels like I've had him since he was a kitten

I know what you mean I just had a scare with Lilith and rushed her off to the vet. She had a reaction for a rabies shot. So she got a shot of antibiotics, a shot to counter-react to the rabies reaction, sub-Q fluids and a paste to put the nutrients back into her system because she wasn't eating. Her breathing was double what it was suppose to be, she wasn't eating or drinking or using the litter. I freaked. Needless to say she is find and completely herself today after worrying me to death for 2 days.

Be sure to update us if there is a change but of course see to Tango first and foremost.


Michelle & the girls

09-04-2005, 05:09 PM
If he's acting perfectly normal then I'd try to calm myself down and keep an eye on him to make sure he hasn't changed. A lot of times the cat would need to ingest large amounts of the plant to have the toxins hurt them.

I know onions are toxic, but my friend's vet told her the cat would have to eat 3 large whole onions for the toxins to kill him. Still... I keep onions out of sight of the cats just in case. Similar here, keep all dangerous plants out of paws' reach or not at all.

09-04-2005, 05:35 PM
