View Full Version : Skye and the Kids!

03-09-2002, 08:31 AM
Good Morning beautiful Skye! I'm so happy to be the first to greet you this morning. As I write, I am looking out at the most beautiful, blue, early Spring sky! How fitting, because you Skye are just as lovely! And what darling little goat babies you have! Skye, I'll bet you are the BEST Mommy goat! Your adorable little ones, Champagne and Grizzly are so precious! Then again, one just has to look at you to see where they get their beauty from! Your life there on the big goat farm sounds so special, surrounded by lots of loving humans, goat pals and treats! I am so happy to have made your acquaintance dear Skye, Champagne and Grizzly! Today it is our very special honor to congratualte you on being named our most beautiful, sweet, loving goat family Pets of the Day! I hope that many hands are outstretched with all of your favorite goat goodies on this, your very own special day of HIGH HONOR!! Love and kisses to you all!!!!!:)

03-09-2002, 08:50 AM
Hi Skye, Champagne and Grizzly. Aren't you the cutest goats I have ever seen. Our daughter raises little goats in Montana.
Lucky your human decided to take you home and then you rewarded her with two babies. I think eating and sleeping is a good thing and it sounds like you have a gourmet appetite.
Congratulations dear, sweet, Skye, Champagne and Grizzly our Very Best Pets of the Day.

03-09-2002, 07:47 PM

Congratulations on being honored as today's
PETS OF THE DAY !!! Skye, you sound like a great
Momma goat to your Sweet litte kids.I'm so happy
that you all have a great place to live with people
who love & appreciate what lovely creatures you are.