View Full Version : Anyone live in Deutchland?

09-03-2005, 04:38 AM
I was just wondering, I am in German Class, and by the end, I should be able to speak pretty well. Not exactly fluent enough (that is what German 2 is for!)

I was also wondering this because my German teacher Frau Donlin would like some lyrics to German Songs, could you please either pm them to me or post here?:D

Thanks you!-
Steph (Jesse and Splinter too!)

09-03-2005, 04:53 AM
I was born there but only know all of about 5 words:rolleyes: :D I know there are several German speakers here on PT, hopefully they will answer you :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
09-03-2005, 06:23 AM
I am not a fluent speaker, but I know enough to find my way around in Germany :) . If you want lyrics, just tell me which; my daughter knows about many sites on internet where you can find about any lyrics! She is also learning German now, second year (AND English, AND French, AND of course Dutch).

ps. Kirsten and Barbara are and live in Germany!

09-03-2005, 06:43 AM
goodness gracious Lut!! A BIlingual American is somewhat of a rare thing here. 4 languages!!??!! I would venture to say that not many Americans know much more of a second language than what can be picked up in a few years of high school language courses. Different cultures certainly look at language skills in completely different ways!
I took two years of French in high school, but I probably couldn't talk my way out of a paper bag.
I don't mean to hijack Steph :) Do you like your teacher? I think that I picked up more language skills from my one year of Latin than I did from my 2 years of French simply because I had more of a connection with my Latin teacher.
Good luck!

Maya & Inka's mommy
09-03-2005, 08:37 AM
You are right, Missy! We learn many different languages here for 2 reasons: 1)Belgium is a very small country (size Maryland), so we are surrounded by other languages (German, French, English);
2) In the past, Belgium has been conquered many times, always a different language (Spain, France, Germany during the WW's, Netherlands, etc.... . Flemish schools are wellknown for their language courses.
Indra is only 16, and already she is learning her 4th language! at some schools, you can also take Spanish! I never minded, cause I LOVE foreign languages!!:)

09-04-2005, 08:01 AM
What kind of song does your teacher want?

Children's song? Something special?

09-04-2005, 10:09 AM
I lived in Germany for 6 months,i loved it!:)
Im in German 2 Honors,and im liking it so far.I'm also in german club...:p but its fun!
I dont know any songs in German,sorry:o

09-05-2005, 11:37 AM
I live in Germany, and German is my native language, so maybe I can help you. :)

What kind of songs are you looking for?
