View Full Version : Froggy help!

09-03-2005, 01:46 AM
My sisters were out looking at frogs, and picking them to my disliking, and found an injured one! His leg has a huge tear in it, and it can barley use it. I can see either tendons, or muscle (sorry if that grosses you out..) What can I do for him/her?

We also found a one-eyed frog that we are maybe keeping. I think that it is special, and I want to know your opinion, keep the one-eye, or let it go?

Thank you!-
Steph, Jesse, and Splinter

09-03-2005, 10:18 AM
Frog are good at healing so perhaps you can keep the injured one in a tank until he's better. He'll be temporary pet. If the one-eyed frog doen't seem hindered by his one eye I wouldn't keep him. Is it missing the eye like it was pecked out (sorry grossness) or more like it was never there?

09-03-2005, 11:26 AM
yes, froggies heal themselves 2x quicker than cats - but make sure be very, very careful to not carry/touch them too much. they easily absord our handoils & could harm them very well.

I need to know which kind froggy do you have? some can not be touched at all when injuried. maybe to keep it/them in the tank for a while, give a lot of water (in bowl). if it doesn't want water, spray once/twice, lightly! try avoid using soil too, it could invite/produces mites and cause some nasty trouble!

let us know & good luck! :)

..gina & billy (one of my old froggy) :D

09-05-2005, 12:28 AM
Thank you both! I am sorry to say, but the day I was going to let the one-eye go, my cats and dogs got to them...I was crying so hard when I found them. The injured one was dead when I found him/her, and the one-eyed frog died in my hand shortly after being found. I feel so horroble about it. I had them very well contained, and hidden in a cubboard (with a light) and someone opened it.
We burried them now, it was so awful, and the injured frog had started to use his leg again..

Even though it is too late, the one-eyes had a nasty scar by where his eye should've been. It had trouble getting around, ran into a few twigs cause he couldn't see them:(

I now have a salamander that our petshop had, and also a big red frog from the pet store. My sisters have once again caught a tree frog and a toad, but they will "get loose" tomorrow. This time, they are in my room behind a door that is always closed. (In a new thread is more about them)

Ugh, I am SO mad at myself..Why didn't I find a better place for them?-with a lock or something..

Steph, Jesse, and Splinter

09-05-2005, 10:51 AM
oh no, I'm sorry. :(

rest in peace, three-leggies & one-eyed.

now they have four leggies & two eyes! that's waay better. :)


09-05-2005, 09:53 PM
Thanks Gina..I really needed those hugs!

Have fun hoppin' around up at the RB one-eye and three-leggies!

Steph, Jesse, and Splinter

09-05-2005, 10:00 PM
Poor guys.

I know you were trying to help but I think this is an example of why things should be left in nature.