View Full Version : Too many projects!

09-02-2005, 11:30 PM
I have sooo many things I'm working on at once...I can never sit long enough to do much with the realism works. I get bored of it so easily..it's a freaking lot of work (cause I suck) so I end up never finishing anything lol

maybe you remember this (http://tainted-sky.net/draw/auron2.jpg)
a drawing I started around june and only did a little work. I basically did a little here and a little there and I couldn't finish it! lol it's bugging me that I can't finish anything..anyway, I sat down tonight for a while and managed to get a little more done...-sigh-

The clothes I did so far have been easier than the skin which is SO HARD to make it look real...I just can't get it to look right

(keep in mind, this is my FIRST TRY at realism in people)

Did a little more work..but it's only rough color...didn't really bother to shade much

09-02-2005, 11:57 PM
Okay first of all you obviously do not suck! lol I was proud of my best drawing of a person and it wasnt half as good as yours!:eek: I'm sure many people (as long as my myself) would give anything to be able to draw like that!:D Good job, I think it looks really good.:)

09-03-2005, 12:19 PM

09-03-2005, 12:22 PM
That is so cool! Who is that handsome guy and can you ship him to me? I meant to tell you on Duke's collar, just make it red. His is red with silver dog bones on it. That would probably be easier than getting rid of it. Sound good?

09-03-2005, 12:31 PM
Just take your time. :) Everything you've done has turned out wonderful, even this incomplete project looks ten times better than the one I did the other day. :o (I attempt to draw on the computer. It was okay, but...eh.)

09-03-2005, 12:55 PM
Val - that is Auron from the game Final Fantasy X ;) He's the best character in the game I think...even though he's dead...

Kay - you should post it :D

09-03-2005, 11:41 PM