View Full Version : I love my girl...

03-09-2002, 06:25 AM
but, I just wish she would let me sleep every now & then!:D It doesn't matter what time I go to bed...10pm or 2am, she still wakes me up between 5 & 6 in the morning! Of course, she never wants to go back to sleep either! I have this weekend off so I was hoping(hoping!) to maby sleep till 8, RIGHT! what was I thinking:D well, she's standing her staring at me better go & take her for a walk before it rains. Anone else's dog wake them up early?

03-09-2002, 08:13 AM
What a beautiful dog :] my dog used to wake me up at my old house, she used to sleep in the kitchen (dad made her) and she would cry until I went downstairs. Then she started sleeping in my room, then she would just lick me or jump on me to wake me up, but now she'll sleep until I show her that i'm awake then she wants me to get up and feed her :]

03-09-2002, 08:49 AM
You're not alone Anna! My Lab Star TRYS to convince me that 3am (every night, on the NOSE!!) is a good time to give me a nudge to go out for a romp and a little retrieving. After a "back to bed, Star" I'm free to blissfully snooze away the hours...until 5am that is! That's her limit!! After having gotten accustomed to getting up with me at that time during work days, and having breakfast by 5:30 a.m., she just can't grasp the idea of W-E-E-K-E-N-D!!!!:D She's is simply NOT a napper or a sleeper!:rolleyes: This girl NEVER stops!

03-10-2002, 04:02 PM
My girls (Sadie esp.) are the same way!! Last night we got home about 1:30 am, stayed up 1/2 hr or so playing with the dogs and then went to bed. 7:30, Sadie was whining, ready to go outside and then for breakfast. And Ralph wonders why I fall asleep onthe couch at 10:30 at night!!!!

Heather Wallace
03-10-2002, 05:41 PM
Sandra I love the avatar pic that you have, it is so cute, i forgot to comment on it before now.

03-11-2002, 12:12 PM
Yes, since Daisy sleeps with me, she wakes up about 6 every morning and then Perry hears her stirring and he wakes up.
It's like a routine every day of the week including Saturdays and Sundays. I don't mind though, I like to get up early and go to bed early. I guess that's what happens when you get old. LOL

03-12-2002, 09:21 AM
Amen, Jackie!

My dogs won't let me sleep in either. I can sometimes stretch it to 6:30, but thats rare.

Now that I'm old, I enjoy the early morning hours when I don't have to work. I sure wasted a lot of them when I was young:rolleyes:
