View Full Version : Update From Souraya and Drake

09-02-2005, 11:16 AM
Hello there!

Sorry you haven't hear from us in a while, but we have been very very busy lately. Mom was here for the summer and left mid August. We went to a family reunion in VA Beach in July as well. Ripley, Mom's Bichon, and Drake got along famously!! Drake was a bit depressed and lathargic when Ripkey went home, but he is back to himself again.

I just finished my first quarter in the Culinary Arts program and got As in all my subjects. The qurater starts back up September 27.

We have been doing alot of hiking and climbing when the weather permitts. And when it doesn't, lots of shopping :) I bought a brand new 2005 Nissan Xterra 2 weeks ago and have been loving it! Drake loves it too. I had leather seats put in so that it would be easier to clean and it has been working like a charm.

Andrew was coming hom for R&R break in October for 2 weeks. He called 2 days ago and told me a slot cleared up for next week and we decided now would be a better time for him to come since I am off school and will have more time to spend with him. I am soooo excited! He gets here on Monday! Haven't been sleeping well lately in anticipation :) We have plans to do alot around here but on the 13th, we are going to Peurto Rico for a short 5 day vaccation! We will be staying at a 5 star resort and spa and plan on having a blast!! I can hardley wait :)

Hope everyone is doing well.

09-02-2005, 11:23 AM
I'm so glad to hear from you! Congrats on your schooling and your new car. I know you'll have so much fun with Andrew. I can understand you not being able to sleep. Have a great time on your mini vacation. Give Drake a hug from me.

09-02-2005, 11:38 AM
so glad to hear from you Souraya!
Glad Andrew is safe.
Hugs to Drake.
Congratulations on school AND seeing your hubby again!

09-02-2005, 11:50 AM
So you'll be the head chef in Pettalkviile (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7504) ?

Glad you hear you, Drake and Andrew are all doing so well!

09-02-2005, 12:55 PM
Glad to hear you had a nice visit with your mom. And wow! what great news to hear that hubby will be home sooner than expected to spend some quality time with his wife! I hope you two have a wonderful vacation.

Oh and I can't forget the schooling...CONGRATS!

Hope to hear from you soon!

09-03-2005, 12:24 PM
It's so good to hear from you again Souraya.:) Congrats on
your classwork. Straight As, good for you.:)

It's great that Andrew is coming home & you two have a
wonderful vacation. Peurto Rico is a gorgeous place for a nice
get away for the both of you. Enjoy.:)

Hugs to the world traveler Drake. :)

09-03-2005, 06:43 PM
It's nice to hear from you.:)
Thanks for the update and I hope you enjoy your vacation.
Hugs to Drake from me too!:)

09-04-2005, 12:20 AM
Yippee! I'm just thrilled that you stopped by! Klo plays with the toys you got her from last year's gift swap so I think about you everyday! Relieved and happy that Andrew is fine and coming home early! I worry about him too! Great that you were able to spend time with your mom and that the Drakers had a wonderful time! Congrats on your culinary expertise (yum! yum!) and enjoy your special time in SJU! {Hugs} to all!

09-04-2005, 11:52 AM
Glad to hear from you and it wonderful that
you are doing great.
Straight A's :D (thumbs up)

09-04-2005, 10:46 PM

I'm so glad you and Andrew will be able to get together before school starts again.

Well done re the school, too!

AmberLee (on CB's computer at the mini PT meetup!)

09-05-2005, 11:48 AM
From what I remember of some of your recipes, you were already on your way to becoming a great cook. Do you think you will pursue the culinary arts as a career?

I hope you and Andrew have an amazing vacation. He certainly deserves it and I know that you will be devoting every waking minute to thoroughly enjoying being together.

09-05-2005, 08:30 PM
Rachel prompted me to find this thread. I'm glad I did, Souraya! I have been wondering about you and whether you were back and settled in.

Where are you , exactly? And just email or PM me if you need to.

I am in hopes that Anna (Cookiebaker) is coming in this coming weekend, overnight. If there was anyway for you to come too, it would be wonderful. But I know you are anticipating Andrew, and I don't even know for sure that Anna and her husband are coming, but I'm pretty sure. Just waiting on confirmation from her. I was hoping to invite you, Mary (mruffruff) and Kari(Finn's Mom) and anyone else in our nearby area to come for dinner, and of course, stay the night if necessary. Anna and her husband will be staying with us, if all goes according to plan, so we might have tight quarters, but we could make it work, for sure. All 3 of our children are here for the weekend, which makes me happy, and they can all meet as many Pet Talkers as arrive. Elizabeth has room for 4 in her room! LOL!!! We could pile all the children in there and open up the other rooms for adults if necessary, in addition to our guest room that is reserved for Anna and her hubby.

So glad you're keeping in touch with us. We have missed you, Souraya!!!


09-06-2005, 12:26 PM
Logan, I hope you do get to meet Anna and have a big pet talk meeting in South Carolina.:)
Keep us posted on if it will happen and don't forget to take photos this time!;)

09-07-2005, 09:50 AM
Hi Souraya! So great to hear from you!

Are you still in Germany or back in the States?

Congrats on your class!! :D :D

09-07-2005, 09:59 AM
Souraya, I have been thinking a lot of you and Andrew (and the Drake boy ;)) I am so glad that you'll be together sooner than expected and wish you the best of times in Puerto Rico:)

09-07-2005, 10:18 AM
Oh Souraya, how very thoughtful of you to check in with us when your time is so precious right now. I know it will be difficult to keep your eyes on anything else but each other while you are in Puerto Rico ;) ;) but please keep an eye and ear out for weather forecasts. September can be quite unpredictable in the Caribbean this time of year as I'm sure you know. Pictures please if you possibly can and very special warm hugs to both Drake and Andrew from all your friends here :cool:

09-08-2005, 05:41 PM
Hi! Andrew is home and has been since MOnday morning. We have been very busy seeing everyone, doing fun things that he normally wouldn't be able to do in Iraq and spending QT with eachother.

I am back in the states for those who were wondering. Metro Atlanta area. I like it here and have been keeping very busy. I spend most of my days at school and the rest taking care of Drake and doing things for Andrew while he is away.

Rachel, yes, I am pursuing a career in Culinary Arts. I think it is the right choice for me. A career change at this time for me is a big step, but I think a good one. I am much happier cooking and feeding people.

09-09-2005, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by DoggiesAreTheBest
I am back in the states for those who were wondering. Metro Atlanta area. I like it here and have been keeping very busy. I spend most of my days at school and the rest taking care of Drake and doing things for Andrew while he is away.
AHHHHH!! Darnit! I missed you again! I was just in Atlanta this past Labor Day weekend.


Best of luck to you in Culinary School! Sounds fun... and yummy! :D I'm so happy Andrew is home safe.

Lots of hugs for you, Andrew, and Drake. :)