View Full Version : Heartbreaking

Dixie Belle
09-02-2005, 08:06 AM
I've lived in hurricane territory my whole life. Never has anything like this ever happened before. Amazing that a storm could cover three states. I'm lucky, I live in God's country, Baldwin County AL. But just south of us in Mobile County, they still don't have power in a lot of places. Supplies are low. Gas almost nonexistent. Here in Baldwin, we are getting people from Mississippi and Lousiana. It's heartbreaking hearing these peoples stories first hand. We listen to the radio, and hear people calling in, begging for food. But I've held tight, haven't broken down. I've been doing everything that I can. We are tightly conserving gas, making sure that we have enough for my husband to get to work, and nothing else. I've gone through and donated everything that I can for people who need it. But guys, last night on the news I saw something that made me break.

It was a little white poodle. They are bussing people out of New Orleans, but dogs are not allowed. This little pup was at the door of the bus, clawing trying to get on. A worker had to go over and pick the little one up and move him/her to the side so the bus could leave. This little guy was someones pet of nine years.

Could you picture it? You've lost everything. You have to leave. And the one thing that has loved you and comforted you over the years, you have to leave behind. But what can these people do? They have no money, no homes, no food, no water.

But God, it broke my heart. I don't know what I would do in a situation like that, and I thank God that I didn't have to make that kind of a choice.

Everyone, just keep us Southerners in your prayers. Even the ones of us that weren't hit that hard, we still are suffering. Our neighbors are coming to us, and we have nothing. Just pray for us. I don't know what anyone on here's situation is, but if you can let go of anything, please take it to the American Red Cross and donate it for the hurricane relief. Anything at this point is better than what these people have.

09-02-2005, 08:50 AM
Dixie Belle - Many of us are certainly praying for all of you - please be assured of that! That story about the little dog was very heartbreaking to read and I can only imagine how you felt to see it:( I am so very sorry.

I want to send you a hug!
(((((((Dixie Belle))))))

09-02-2005, 09:01 AM
The misery of the people who are left homeless and without food and water make me weep. Any problem I may have is so minor in comparison.

The Red Cross and Salvation Army is requesting money instead of 'things' because they can buy in bulk and get what is most needed. And pay for the fuel to get supplies there.

The world's troubles have landed at home. We can no longer ignore them; they are ours.

Prayers being sent hourly.

09-02-2005, 11:09 AM
Cheryl, I'm so glad you posted. I could not remember exactly where you were located, but sure had you on my mind this week.


09-02-2005, 11:24 AM
My thoughts are prayers are with the entire south. I just want to cry when I watch the news reports. I feel so helpless. I made a monetary donation, but I feel like I can't do much more than that. I wish I could do more :(

09-02-2005, 11:26 AM
That is so sad. I honestly don't know if I could leave like that. This whole situation is horrible. I never dreamed it would be as bad as it is. Glad you checked in with us.

09-02-2005, 11:33 AM
It is a horrible situation and you are all in our prayers. The stories are just heartbreaking.

I am glad you and yours are safe, I couldn't remember exactly where in Alabama you were, so am doubly glad you checked in.

09-02-2005, 11:49 AM
Its incredibly heartbreaking. :( I've been crying for days over this...everytime I watch the news, the tears won't stop. I keep thinking, "This could happen to anyone." It is so terrible, and so scary. My heart hurts for the poor people stuck in this tragedy.

09-02-2005, 12:59 PM
Good to hear you are doing ok, even though things aren't looking so good for your area either.

This disaster has turned even more ugly in the past few day:( I hope that everyone will be able to find food and shelter without fear of someone killing them. This just breaks my heart.

09-02-2005, 01:19 PM
Dixie Belle, was the little poodle called Snowball? I just read a story about a little boy who wanted to bring his dog on the bus but the authorities wouldn't let him. The little boy was crying so hard that he threw up. I believe the dog was left behind. It just broke my heart....again. I "lost" it last night when I saw the old woman in a wheelchair with a blanket over her head, off to the side....dead. Next to her on the floor was another body with a sheet over it. It was just so sad. My heart is breaking that I can't bear to watch t.v. or listen to the radio anymore. I almost feel guilty. Here I am living my life while these poor people can't even get a glass of water, go home, find their loved ones, put clean clothes on, etc. It's just so sad.

I have a co-worker who grew up in New Orleans. Her parents and sister are okay but they don't know if they have a home anymore. My co-worker is devistated. Everybody at work decided to pitch in and make a donation. We're going to give the check to our co-worker to give to her family so they can buy essentials....deoderant, food, clothing, toothpaste, etc.

Dixie Belle, glad you're doing okay.

09-02-2005, 02:46 PM
My Brother-In-Law just got called down (he's with the National Guard). He leaves tonight. I hope he'll be okay. I don't want anybody shooting at him. He's a nice guy.


Dixie Belle
09-02-2005, 04:02 PM
I don't know what the dog's name was, although Snowball would be a good one for him.

As much as I hate to say it, the people in New Orleans have gone crazy. I do hope your brother-in-law will be okay. Hopefully the people will calm down once they get help in there.

Thank you to everyone for their prayers and donations. Please keep my family in mind. We haven't been able to get up with one of my uncles and his family (wife, two kids) and one of my aunts (husband, two kids.)

09-02-2005, 06:49 PM
Carolyn Cole, staff photographer for the L.A. Times, took a great picture....


Over 150 dogs and other animals were evacuated from an animal hospital after their owners had left town without them.
(Carolyn Cole / LAT)

09-02-2005, 08:59 PM

09-02-2005, 10:09 PM
awe.. that picture gave me a tear!

I'm so glad there's animal lovers out there... out of this pet site. many, many pets have helplessly died. I'll never want to know/see the numbers. :( poor snowball. :mad:/:( if I were one of those autorizations, I'd say come on in! especially in this kind of diaster. people would scramble in, making messes anyway. they didn't needed more horrible happenings.

dixie belle, you and your precious-ones will remain in my prayers, do hope you'll be hearing from them very soon!! I'm so sorry..((({HUG}))).

thank you for stopping by,
..gina & the hopeful ark

09-03-2005, 01:26 AM
That pic just made me cry.

I can't imagine it, everything going on down south. Why are they NOT allowing people to take their dogs/pets? What's up with that?

09-03-2005, 03:22 AM
I can't imagine it, everything going on down south. Why are they NOT allowing people to take their dogs/pets? What's up with that?
I was wondering the same thing. It is so awful and sad:(

I have been praying for everyone down south that this will be over as soon as possible, and I was really worried about any PT'ers in those area's. I am so glad that you are okay!

Steph, Jesse, and Splinter

09-03-2005, 12:05 PM
Thanks for the picture Richard.This is a much better mental
image to have than the film clip of that little white poodle.:(

Doe anyone remember the thread started by Kfamr about pets
and energencies? http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=83530&highlight=kfamr

I still feel the same way. Sorry, but if I had to stay behind and
scrounge around for what I needed, I would. I could not leave
my pets behind.I might be alive, but my soul would be dead.:(

09-03-2005, 12:29 PM
That pic breaks my heart! I hope they can be reunited some day. Look how sad those two dogs in the front of the pic look, especially the one on the left. Brings tears to my eyes.

09-03-2005, 02:27 PM
Cheryl, it's good to read you are safe and I hope you hear from your family soon. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
I can't take one more TV or radio program, it's so heartbreaking I can't stop crying. The most frustrating thing is not to be able to do much more than send donations, which I've done both to the Humane Society and the Red Cross. One of our local grocery stores, part of a New England chain, is collectiong donations for the Red Cross at all the check-out counters. I think that is a very good idea, I hope more stores all over the country will do the same.