View Full Version : A new litter box Mom?

09-01-2005, 01:29 PM
I just caught Cindy trying to use the litter container as a litter box. I was cleaning/scooping the box and adding more litter. I left the lid off the litter container left the room and came back to Cindy trying to get into the container to use it as a box. Needless to say, out she went and into the proper litter box :)
Guess the old addage... When you gotta go, You gotta go applies to her. LOL She does this when I'm scooping out the box. If she has to pee, she hops in and does her business and I sit there with scoop in hand still she is finished. What a goof ball :) :)

09-01-2005, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by Craftlady
I just caught Cindy trying to use the litter container as a litter box. I was cleaning/scooping the box and adding more litter. I left the lid off the litter container left the room and came back to Cindy trying to get into the container to use it as a box. Needless to say, out she went and into the proper litter box :)
Guess the old addage... When you gotta go, You gotta go applies to her. LOL She does this when I'm scooping out the box. If she has to pee, she hops in and does her business and I sit there with scoop in hand still she is finished. What a goof ball :) :)

My Tinkerbelle does the exact same thing, I wonder sometimes if she isnt worried when I clean out the boxes (mine are changed completely, and I use pan liners so just pick them up and put them into garbage bags, (with the usual every day scooping of course) that I'm taking them away forever?

One time, I guess like you I wasnt fast enough for her and she tried to crawl into the garbage bag where the disposed litter was to do her thing in there....lol.

I'm quicker now. :D

Funny little critters arent they. :)

09-01-2005, 03:35 PM
Kitties sure are wierd sometimes. I LOVE it right after you just scoop one litter box, the kitties then go use it (sarcasm). LOL I've never seen them trying to use a box of litter to do their business. :D

09-01-2005, 03:38 PM
Hey, that is better than my guys.... they just go right in front of me in mid scoop! LOL

Cindy, you are definately too cute for words! I think we need new pictures of you!

09-01-2005, 03:43 PM
My RB Daisy used to sit and wait patiently while I scrubbed the boxes (this was with the old clay litter), filled them and then she would hop in and do her business.

No matter when I did this, she always had to be "first".

09-01-2005, 05:18 PM
Cindy loves to jump in mid scoop to catnapper :)
Ok Ok... More photos on the way :) :)