View Full Version : Roscoe is chewing under his tail?

09-01-2005, 10:13 AM
Roscoe has been chewing on a spot under his tail next to his bum. I looked, but haven't found anything there. I heard that this is a sign of worms? I also heard that it could be a dry spot that a little vegetable oil would help. What do you guys think?

BTW, I did make a vet appointment for Saturday (I need to get him in for shots anyway).

09-01-2005, 05:07 PM
It is a sign of fleas when that happens. Scooby has the same thing:( . It can turn into a "Hot spot" quickly. I would suggest treating it with a spray hydrocortizone/anti-bacterial spray and give a good flea bath. Adam's spray works excellent for fleas. You may want to buy a "dog Halo collar" to prevent the dog from bothering the spot after you spray the medicine on it. Make sure the collar is big enough so it can't reach around it with it's mouth.
I also recommend getting "Frontline" when at the vet's office. It works the best.
Signs of worms is the dog "scooting" it's but against the ground before or after poo-pooing. Although, ringworm symptoms don't always have that sign. You can also give the dog some Benadryl to help with the itching. Scooby weighs about 35 lbs and can take a one full over the counter pill 4-6 hours kind. You may want to adjust for weight with the vet.
Good luck!!!

09-01-2005, 07:24 PM
Fleas by the anus. Worms by the anus. Impacted and/or infected anal glands - "scooty butt" behavior is common as the dog attempts to relieve the pressure. Given most people do well in treating their dogs for fleas and worms, impacted anal glands are probably the most common cause. A Vet can express the gland and even show you how to express them yourself (4 & 8 o'clock positions on the anus is where the glands are located).

Or it could be a more serious problem such as anal sac cancer which the Vet would have to diagnose.

09-02-2005, 07:55 AM
I already have him on frontline. He's going to the vet tomorrow, so I'll ask him about it. I have checked the spot a lot, but can't see anything there. Poor Roscoe! We'll figure this out ;)

09-02-2005, 09:41 AM
I'm guessing it's his anal glands. Good luck!

09-02-2005, 07:00 PM
good luck. i hope it isn't bad.

09-04-2005, 02:31 AM
Kai chewed around his tail for a few months. After spending lots of money on flea meds, pills, special shampoos and lots of exams, we realized that it could have been the anal glands he was trying to get at. He never scooted but the vet said it was really full and that it could be the reason why he still had skin problems even though we treated for different things.

09-06-2005, 07:56 AM
Thanks everyone! Good news, the vet said it's just a patch of dry skin. He recommended some spray that would give it a bitter taste so Roscoe will stop chewing, and told me to keep an eye on it. Yay!