View Full Version : Getting through his thick head???

08-31-2005, 08:50 PM
OK, all summer long, I've dealt with a discipline issue with Malone.

See, our attic is just a closet door away from our computer room; and in the summer time we like to keep the attic fan on and the door open to get fresh air in. Problem is, Malone likes to go in there and chew stuff up. :rolleyes:

So all summer, I've worked consistently on training him not to go in there. I've tried negative reinforcement (going into a settle or putting him into a timeout in his kennel); and I've tried positive reinforcement (cookies for doing the right thing); and most of all I've tried to be consistent, and making an effort to catch him in the act. But whenever he thinks he can get away with it, he darts in there, and yesterday I kinda snapped. I decided that enough was enough and I wasn't playing any more games with him. Also, we have come to the conclusion that he actually LIKES going into his kennel for a timeout, and that by sneaking into the attic, he was getting what he wants.

So, everytime he goes in there for the last 2 days, I've made him SIT (not lay down) right beside me with no length of leash for him to go anywhere for about 15 minutes. And amazingly by tonight, he isn't even attempting to go in there. He has finally figured out that there is a consequence that he doesn't like, and it isn't a game anymore.

I'm pretty excited about this breakthrough, and that he is starting to listen.

08-31-2005, 09:17 PM
Uh oh Malone, you better listen to mommy. ;)

08-31-2005, 09:25 PM
Now Malone, why would you cause your mum so many problems?

I am glad that you have finally found something that he does not like. One other thing I would suggest, is no attention while sitting right next to you. That drives Jesse absolutely NUTS when I am not looking at her and petting her when she wants it!

Good luck,
Steph, Jesse, and Splinter

09-01-2005, 09:44 AM
Kudos to you for your deligence in getting him to know what he's not supposed to do.

Malone, I know it's fun up there, but you have to obey the rules!

Ginger's Mom
09-01-2005, 10:31 AM
I am glad he is finally understanding the rules. Ah, they (furkids)can be stubborn at times, but we still can't imagine being without them. Lots of pats for Malone for being a good boy (and some for Emerson, too ;)).

09-01-2005, 01:30 PM
Deer MalonE~

:rolleyes: Moms just don't unnerstand our misshuns such as going in da base-mint and getting rid uf all da clutter them hoominz leave in there. I can't believe they're not letting you down there, I mean.. if the door iz open, it's your house so you shuld be allowed to enter, right?

Oh wellz, we gotta lisstin to them even if they are silly sometimes. Keep on being handsome and I bet if you lissten to mum she will hand a frew treetz yur way.

Kissez n tailswipes~

09-01-2005, 02:00 PM
Many dogs have very short attention spans. That is a great
idea to immediately have him sit right beside you for 15 min.
Probably helps him connect what he was doing wrong to the
consequences for doing it. Good idea and I'm glad it worked.:D