View Full Version : I'm Very Upset Right Now!!!

08-30-2005, 04:21 PM
Hi, I just need to vent a little bit here. I'm very upset right now because I found at least one more ringworm spot on Starr's right ear. His left ear also had a flaky scab on the inside and the edge of the ear looks kind of funny to me. I took the flakes off with a tweezers and then I washed his ears and his back foot that still has a bald spot with special shampoo and then I put miconazole spray on it with q-tips.

I already knew that he had a bald spot on his foot which I've been treating since he's been here and I've also already bathed him completely with the special shampoo. I've been treating his foot every 8 hours and I'm supposed to do this until the fur grows back. I wasn't too worried about this because it's not flaky but his ear was.:( To top it off, Starr was wiggling so much that he knocked the miconazole spray over and I lost half of it.:( I e-mailed his foster mom and let her know that I'm very upset. I don't want to return him this time because I want to treat him. She has a lot of new kittens again and I know he wouldn't get the attention that he deserves.

Before he came home, I gave all of my cats program pills including Pearl just as a precaution because I've heard that they're supposed to help make a cat resistant to ringworm. I sure hope that this works. I'm going to continue to give program to all of my cats and see how it goes. Starr's already been all over the place and I really don't want to have to quarantine him if I don't have to. I just hope that he's not too contagious. Thanks for reading this and if any one has any suggestions then I'd really appreciate it.

08-30-2005, 04:32 PM
Call your vet ASAP and explain all this to them. They will tell you what to do.

Good luck and thanks for venting!! :) I know it doesn't make things easier, but we know how you feel.

IMHO- don't send Starr back, have your own vet take care of things from now on, even if he has spread it throughout your house! I hope he didn't, but YOU handle this from now on!!!

08-30-2005, 04:34 PM
Thanks Bunny.:) This is exactly what I plan to do.

08-30-2005, 04:38 PM
I went through this with a puppy back in February. I kept him separate from my other dog for 2 weeks but what I did was I bathed the dog without ring worm with the ring worm shampoo also to keep her from getting it, she never did get it.

I also did a lot of laundry! Good luck it went away for me pretty quickly.

08-30-2005, 04:51 PM
I am so sorry, this is so hard. I hope that he has not spread it. Ringworm is horrible.

08-30-2005, 04:59 PM
oh I'm sorry! you had so much things going in and out -

I'm sorry but if it's ringworm, you'll have quaranite him now. just to make sure the others wouldn't get it. ringworms are very contagious.. like I've told you before, I had my black cat, ocean home with one ringworm they didn't know and in a week, I ended up with eleven ringworms, the other cat, zephyra got two and miles got one then ocean got three more himself. all didn't go away in four months. hectic, I know!! (thankfully I only had three cats at that time!)

just keep him away from everyone just for now until you have vet in your help. watch for his ear tomorrow, it if it gets bigger, then it's not treated.. I'm not sure what else can prevent the freshy ringworm than mediciating/bathing him every 8 hours, except have you tried lufenourn (not sure if I spelled it right) tablet? that should kill the living ringworm immediately. overnight. hope that ringworm is mistaken? I'll see what I can find for you.

again, I'm so sorry! hope you'll find a better solution very soon!

..gina & furriends

08-30-2005, 05:05 PM
Oh Tracey, you need to vent. I too would be upset, and I agree that you should call your own vet and seek treatment from someone who you know and trust.

I do hope that Starr gets better soon and that this does not spread to the others.

Vent anytime you need to....that's what were here for. (((hugs)))

08-30-2005, 05:35 PM
:( Poor Starr and poor you. Did his foster mom just miss the ear? I hope you are able to separate him from the others so it doesn't spead.

08-30-2005, 05:40 PM
I'm sorry Tracey. I know how frustrating ringworm can be since I went through it with Jazz when we adopted her as kitten. It took about 5-6 weeks to get rid of it and from things I've read we were very lucky for it to be that quick. Of course I have no idea how long she had it before I got her.

08-30-2005, 06:12 PM

You vent away, my dear. Ringworm is horrid... :(

I agree with using your own vet from now on. I'm hoping it hasn't spread as well.

Lots of hugs,
Kelly :)

08-30-2005, 06:14 PM
ARGHH!!! So sorry abot this Tracey! But, I know you can handle it on your own and it won't take forever - may seem like it right now:rolleyes: ((((HUGS)))) to you and the kids.

Miconazole is available without a prescription and you might ask your vet about this - if it is OK to use these products on kitties.

K & L
08-30-2005, 06:57 PM
Oh Tracey this is so sad! Although ringworm is a pain to deal with, it can be dealt with. It might be best to seclude Starr right now. Check with your vet and see what they recommend. Hopefully the others won't come down with it. Hang in there and vent here anytime. Please update!!

08-30-2005, 07:04 PM


08-30-2005, 07:10 PM
And you should be! I have to agree with those who recommend a visit and look-see for Star with your own vet. That's your best source for answers and advice.

Feel free to vent any time for any reason. I may not have the answers but I WILL listen!!!!!

08-30-2005, 07:15 PM
Oh Tracey I am so sorry to hear this. I also don't blame you for venting. Vent away as that is what we are here for. We are also here for prayers and well wishes, which I give you for precious Starr and ((((((HUGS)))))) for you.

I also pray that the others haven't caught it either.

08-30-2005, 07:28 PM
No advice, just good thoughts and prayers heading your way!! Please keep us updated. I hope all will be OK for everyone!!

08-30-2005, 08:12 PM
Thanks everyone.:) I feel a little better now. I called my vets office and spoke to one of the vet techs and she recommended that I continue using the shampoo and spray that I have. I'm also getting a refill on the spray. If he gets worse then they'll have to see him again. I vaccumed and cleaned up the kitchen area very well and I always try to keep things clean and I'm also constantly washing my hands so hopefully it won't spread to any one.

I don't want to use the internal medicines for ringworm because they can cause liver and kidney damage. The only place that I could put Starr would be in the dog crate that I have and now that he's bigger I know he'd be very unhappy and stressed out. He's already on medicine for his diarrhea. I'm just going to continue giving my other cats program pills and I'll be bathing Starr 1-2 times a week and I'll be putting the miconazole spray on him every 8 hours. I was also told that it's the flakes that are contagious and I already got rid of these so I hope that this is true. I guess I should've treated him myself the first time and then maybe he'd be over it by now.

08-30-2005, 08:40 PM
I'm sorry that Starr is still having problems with ringworm. I'm sure this must be very stressful for you as you have already gone through so much with Starr in such a short time. I hope this all clears up soon.

08-30-2005, 10:19 PM
OMG. {{{KAK}}}

So sorry this mess is still on-going. Poor you and the fur-babies.

08-30-2005, 10:47 PM
When Jazz had ringworm I didn't see my favorite vet but one of the others on staff. After a week or so of just using the ointment and sprays he prescribed an oral med for her that I had to have mixed by a pharmacist. The only one who made this was in a neighboring town and I had it mailed to me, very expensive. I gave it to her twice a day for several weeks. When I took her back in for a check up I got to see my favorite vet. He went through the roof when he found out the other vet prescribed the oral med. He said it was too dangerous to give to a kitten and told me to stop giving it to her immediately. After researching it better on the internet I found out it could cause serious liver and kidney damage as you stated in your post. The next time I went to the vet I found out that doctor had been fired. I don't know if it was related but it sure makes me question the meds they prescribe for my furbabies now.

smokey the elder
08-31-2005, 08:08 AM
We have had very good luck with Program for ringworm. The vet prescribes double the dose for fleas, etc. and it can be given prophylactically. I dosed all of my cats twice two years ago when I had the outbreak among the kittens. The kittens were also quarantined. There were no adverse effects from the Program. For the spots my vet prescribed Trezaderm. It contains an anitfungal, an antibiotic and a topical steroid. A little goes a VERY long way.

I had three kittens in quarantine; two got it, the third didn't. Weird, huh? Ringworm is sure a pain in the ...

08-31-2005, 01:22 PM
I understand, tracey. oral pills can be a risk. I think lufenorun (correct spelling) is one of program pills too. it helped our cats when we went crazy! I thought one-time wouldn't hurt.

anyway, how is he doing today? better, you say! hope things will look better in no time for you.

starr, let us know - okay?
..gina & ocean :)

08-31-2005, 03:21 PM
Thanks everyone.:) Starr's doing well and you'd never know that he had anything wrong with him because he's eating well, playing, purring, and being a little terror at times.:) I just hope that he'll clear up quickly and that my other cats won't catch this horrible ring worm. I ordered more program pills online so I'll continue giving these to all of my furkids and hope for the best.:)