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View Full Version : It's not all bad

08-30-2005, 02:42 AM
I got an email today that Tyler's passport is ready to be picked up!! I was afraid that it would take much longer because the lady had to personally take it down to the embassy and everything. I get to go pick that and his birth certificate up tomorrow :) My house feels empty, but at least I've gotten a lot of cleaning done. I'm trying to act as normal as possible so that I don't upset Tyler. We took a walk earlier today and tonight him and I are going to see Bewitched at the base theater.
Annnnd I mailed off a box to Paul today, 21 lbs 2 oz, and it was free:D :D I love MPS:D :D it's fairly slow, but anything that will enable me to send a 21lb box to my hubby for free is wonderful. I wonder if I'll be able to mail for free from the states?? Probably not... I'll just have to mail him a lot of heavy stuff over the next month. It will be free for him to mail back anything that he doesn't need as well. :D There is a light in this long lonely tunnel :)

08-30-2005, 08:28 AM
Missy - these first days are really the worst - as the shock starts to wear off - but you are doing great, keeping positive and staying busy. You will do just fine I know:) (oh - did your civilian-FEE passport come too???)

Next, Paul's mom will be there, you two can run all over and then....... to the states.

Some more positive things:

Sleep in the middle of a big bed
sleep when you feel like it
Eat what you are in the mood for, whenever you feel like it
go to a theater with multiple movies
cable TV with lots of American channels
watch the baby cousins play
eat mom's dinners:)
go to the mall, WalMart, etc
see your very best childhood friend!!