View Full Version : Yoohoo Soncat!!!!!!!!! Here's Willy. :d

08-29-2005, 09:31 PM
Thank you for asking about my Willy. He is doing just fine. Still harrassing my big ones and being a little nawtee as a kitty should be. :D

Here are some new pictures for all to enjoy. I think I better say that there are some CUTENESS OVERLOAD pictures coming up, so be warned. :D


My widdle computer buddy. :D

Another one.

I couldn't believe this when I saw it and I am so glad that they stayed like this long enough for me to get the camera.
Willy actually fell asleep on Poppy like this. Too darn cute or what!!!!

I interrupted their beauty sleep. Sorry about the alien eyes.

That's all for now folks. Hope you enjoyed. :D

K & L
08-29-2005, 09:41 PM
OMG! He has GROWN! I love the picture where he fell asleep on Poppy. Too cute!

08-29-2005, 09:47 PM
AWWWW!!!! What a cute picture of Poppy and Willy!!!:D I'm glad that you were able take their picture before they moved.;)

08-29-2005, 10:09 PM
"Seriously, mom...um...this isn't comfortable." ;)

Willy is HUGE now. Why do they have to grow up? Kisses to my darling boy.

08-29-2005, 10:13 PM
Oh Willy! Oh Poppy! Wow..... you two just are too cute! Cuteness overload to new hieghts!

08-29-2005, 10:42 PM
LOL!!!!! CalliesMom, I just love your caption. :)

I think Willy IS going to be a big boy as he seems kind of big for being almost 5 months, which will be around September 8th.

08-30-2005, 04:32 AM
Just think how much joy that widdle boy brought in your house- and in ours:D :D :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
08-30-2005, 06:48 AM
Awwww, our precious little fluff-ball is growing into a stunning young man!!

Lightning SuperCat
08-30-2005, 06:57 AM
Awww, Willie is SOO cute!! (((hugs))) headbumpies, tummy **rubs** and kisses for the adorable boy! :D

08-30-2005, 08:07 AM
Willy is really growing up. Love the sleeping on Poppy picture. That is just too funny.:)

08-30-2005, 12:15 PM
I was pretty sure he was going to be a big boy due to the size of his paws. But, my he's grown fast. I'm sure glad he hasn't lost all that silly ear hair! :D

08-30-2005, 12:26 PM
The picture of him and Poppy is just to cute for words!!

Don Juan's mom
08-30-2005, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by rg_girlca

[sigh!] Little brothers! :rolleyes:


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-30-2005, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by Don Juan's mom
[sigh!] Little brothers! :rolleyes:


:D :D
That picture is just too cute! I've seen pics of how kittens just fall asleep right in the middle of things, but this is ridiculous! ;) :D :D

She looks like a little dickens in the first picture too, then a total adorable sweety pie in the sleepy ones. :D

08-30-2005, 09:33 PM
Thanks everyone on your lovely comments on our Willy.

Kuhio 98, I'm glad he still has that silly ear hair also.

Don Juan's mom, I also love your caption.

It's too bad though that Poppy opened his eyes just before I took the picture and then after the flash, they both looked up.
Oh Well, it is still an adorable picture.

08-30-2005, 10:51 PM
Oh Lorraine he is such a cutie!!! I know I keep saying this but it's like looking at Rocky's face on Rumor's body (with the exception of Willy's gorgeous swirls). His eyes and expressions are just like Rocky.

I absolutely love the pictures of him sleeping on my Poppy boy. I'm saving those to the computer!:D :D

08-31-2005, 12:43 PM
Hey, little buddy!
My college classes started last night and I had to go straight to class from work, made for a VERY long day. When I finally got home, momcat said there was a message from you. That was such a pleasant welcome home! As always, your pictures are super. That one of you falling asleep on top of Poppy is definitely a prize winner! Poppy didn't seem to mind at all!!! Thank you and your Meowmie for the pictures and update. Glad to know you're doing well and growing like a little wildflower. Lots of tummy rubs from me to you, Poppy and all your fursibs!
