View Full Version : Worst day :[

03-07-2002, 02:06 PM
Urg, I had the worst day today! I gave my dogs their good as usually and let them out for their washroom'ing, and got ready for school. When I was leaving I noticed Jo (the lab) barly touched her food, and you all know what labs + food is like..I figured she had to pee really bad and didnt have time to eat, and my other dog kept trying to eat it, which is unsual cause its usally him who doesnt finish. So I put him in a kitchen, and he out side it with her food so she could eat it whenever she wanted (i think maybe she wasnt hungry, and I didn't want her to feel rushed to eat it, so I separated them.) she still didn't eat it, and I was kinda worried but I had to go to school.

I had a test I messed answers up on (I KNEW the answer to both, but i mixed up the ?) Then I had writing, and my puter wouldn't log me in till ike 5 mins left in class, so I'm behind in that.
Lunch went ok, I talked with ppl and had some fun, and thought my day would be better later. Wrong, it got worst. In physics class we got our assignments back. I did HORRIBLE! I was like "How did I do so bad?! I worked hard, and my answers were the same as on the sheet!! (she gave us a sheet of just the answers and we had to work the rest) So yeah, she didn't mark me farly. I got something wrong, when I got the method from how SHE did it on the board, and now she's telling me I'M WRONG?? I may be stupid, but im not that dumb. Then, because I did a question my own way, but got the right answer, I was wrong. There was nothing on the sheet about saying "Do it this way" nor did she tell us in class. How am I suppost to know!? She told us earlier to use chem, so I figured I would, but nooo i'm wrong. What happened to having an open mind? Doesn't that make you understand it more? She just doesn't like me and my friends, she marked us all unfair.

When I got home, I was like URG I NEEEED to go for a drive and clear my mind! Guess what? Theres no gas in the truck. I didn't have money to fill it right now..urg...Atleast Jo finished her food when I got home.

Thanks for listening ppl, I'm not sure anyone will read it, it's long (sry) ppl don't seem to ever respond to my stuff anyway (except a few..thanks for caring -hugs-)

Sorry again it's so long, I had to get it out. Don't ask why, but it makes me feel better..and driving too ;]

Dixieland Dancer
03-07-2002, 02:14 PM
I've had one of those days today too :rolleyes: Perhaps tomorrow will be better! :D

Former User
03-07-2002, 02:25 PM
Yeah, know the feeling when everything goes wrong! Hey, cheer up, at least we here listen (well, read)!
Hope everything is better now!

03-07-2002, 02:53 PM
Chin up, tomorrow is a new day :)

I know how ya feel though. Maybe taking the dogs for a walk will help relax you? Feel better soon!

03-07-2002, 02:56 PM
hey! it's almost tomorrow already :) at least Jo seems better and that's what's really important. You probably were so worried (even if you weren't aware of it) that what might have seemed like a small thing just ballooned. Take a rest and walk the dogs..... that will help you all relax. Have a gentle evening. L

03-07-2002, 03:01 PM
When I first saw this thread, I thought, oh, no, they had to put Rufus down. Thank God that is not the case!!!! You know how the saying goes, when it rains, it pours. I hope things will start going better for you. Give the dogs extra pets and maybe a nice walk will help you.

03-07-2002, 03:11 PM
Audrey.....you know what, we all have days like this.....and if it makes you feel any better, I have had one too. So many disappointments on the "pet" front, plus work issues too. But we all keep on plugging along. It could be worse!! We could just keel over and not be here at all!!! :eek: What a pessimistic outlook I have today!!

Anyway, I enjoy all of your posts, so please don't think your posts go unanswered!!! We read, just don't always respond. :)


03-07-2002, 03:47 PM
Oh Audrey, my first thought was the same as Steno's! I thought something happened to Rufus! I'm glad Jo and Rufus are OK!! Now, as for YOU!!! We all have those days when everything is screwy!! And I agree with the others. Sometimes the smallest thing going wrong at the very start of the day sets into motion a whole series of "disasters"! The best thing to do is to take them as they come, lay low and head for the covers as early as you can!:) Miraculously, the next day is 100% better! And Audrey, you probably were focusing on Jo, although you may not have been aware of it! And FORGET ABOUT arguing your point with the teacher!:rolleyes: Sometimes people, and life in general, just doesn't seem fair. You got the opportunity to make your point with her, and that's about as much as you can hope for, sadly!! We're here, and WE love ya!! So, how bad can life be???;) Go hug your babies and give yourself a face full of fur!!! That's what I do on a bad day! Love you and Rufus and Jo!!!! Sandra and Cody and Star***Shine!!

03-07-2002, 03:59 PM
Thanks ppl
I took a long drive to my cottage, and it made me feel sooo much better. I know there is nothing I can do about my teacher, but she seriously did not mark fair. I don't mind the one assignment, but what if it's a test? An exam? I don't want to repeat this course from a weird teacher. Anyway, I'll probably go have a nap and snuggle into Jo, that makes everything better.

BTW, Ruf is fine! This is probably one of his better days :D

03-07-2002, 07:56 PM
Okay this is probably going to make me seem older then I really am but hey that's okay. In the words of Dick Van Dyke "Gray skies are gonna clear up, put on happy face!!" hey it was either that or "The sun will come out tomorrow."

Anyway what I'm trying to say is, bad days happen but usually things that looked bad one day aren't as bad the next...does that make sense? It's like the chef said in The Muppets take Manhatten "peoples is peoples, bears is peoples, frogs is peoples, pigs is peoples.." Actually now that I think about it that has nothing to do with what I'm trying to say but hey it's one of my fave lines from the movie :D

I'll stop trying to explain now and just say cheer up things will look better in the morning.

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-07-2002, 08:37 PM
Im sorry you had a bad day :( . I have one of those every day at work. I'm glad Jo finished her food, I know how anxious we can get when we think something might be wrong with out precious furbabies. But tomorrows almost here and it will be better :D .

03-07-2002, 10:43 PM
So glad things were looking up tonight for you slleipnir. Those down days are no fun at all.

03-07-2002, 10:52 PM
I am so sorry you had a bad day... When I was in school I used to read Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst, whenever I had a bad day. If you've never read it, it describes a bad day and how sometimes they just happen it always cheered me up ... Tomarrow will be better!;)

03-07-2002, 11:07 PM
Hey now, keep your head up and things will definitely brighten for you. One bad day isn't so bad after all. Just think of all the good days that are ahead of you.

03-08-2002, 12:23 AM
Hey Audrey, you get lots of points in my book for just TAKING physics! That class was, without a doubt, the WORST academic experience of my lifetime. :confused:

Hugs to your furkids!

03-08-2002, 01:37 PM
Thanks :]
Wanna know whats funny? I woke up this morning with what you guys had said "its a new day" Guess what? it was bad too! I got up, and got in a fight with my dad..then at school that teacher came and talked to my friend..she said she felt bad and was giving her a make up for it. I was like cool, i should get one too ;D So after class we went up, and cait got hers, and I asked if I to could have one. Shes like "No, this is a thing between me and caitlin" I was like, well you marked me just as unfair! (infact, it was caitlin who copied me, and I was the one who worked hard on it, and she gets the break? Thats really not fair) Anyway I just said whatever and left. Don't ask why, but that REALLY hurt. I thought before she just didn't like me, know I know she doesnt. I worked so hard on it, and I even talked to her, she just doesn't like me. If your teacher doesnt like your, your pretty much screwed. All I know is i will NEVER like that class again. I can't tell the teacher "oh but caitlin copied me, I should get one" One, i'm not like that, 2 shes my friend and I wouldn't rat on her..I think its great she got one, I just don't see why I didn't..Can you see what I mean? Two pplp do bad on a paper, both get treated unfair, and only ONE gets to make it up?

03-08-2002, 10:24 PM
Hmmm, trying to think of something to say to what your day has been like today and to tell you the truth the only thing that's coming to mind is Twisted Sisters "We're not gonna take it!" which is really weird 'cause I'm listening to country music right now :)

Anyhoo I guess hmmm, oh I know be glad it's the weekend, and just think next week is a new week. :D