View Full Version : I have too much going on right now!!!

08-28-2005, 10:42 PM
I am so frustrated right now! Nine cats is nice to have to cuddle with and love.... but NOT when it comes to litterboxes, diarreah, and spraying!!!!!

Allen has been spraying in my daughter's room for a week now. Tonight I heard him scratching in THE basket. Sure enough, he'd peed right on top of the blanket I keep right on top. He's never done that before! And I had scooped all 7 boxes less than an hour before! He's got diarreah again too. :( Before you ask - its behavioral. He's always sprayed since we got him. Always in laundry baskets and on blankets that happened to be on the floor. Just never in the "special" basket, and the fosters were sleepingin it just hours before he did that... I think the additional fosters are too much for him.

Pouncer's turned back into hissy boy :(

My house smells to high-heaven, and my husband's complaining about how itchy they are making his eyes.

Anyone want the girls? Angel is a complete love bug. Flutter is too (when she wants to be) Elfie is a dream lap kitty, and Nessa is too charming for words. ALL GIRLS MUST GO! I am losing my mind and as much as I love them --- they need homes and NOT mine!!!!

Now excuse while I go have a nervous breakdown.

08-29-2005, 03:20 AM
:( :confused:

sorry I can't take anymore in.

can you take the girls back into rescue or a humane (no-kill) society, somewhere safely just to settle things down for now?

I understand how stressful & overwhelming this can be but too bad I can't get there in heartbeat! I think I already have enough troubles here too...lol.

wish you good luck! how you describe those girls, they shouldn't be hard to find good home(s)! pet talkers isn't always a option. :( we're filling up! :p


08-29-2005, 03:25 AM
Oh Kim...I can't imagine how stressed and frustrated you must feel right now. I sure hope things look better in the morning.


08-29-2005, 06:00 AM
I have been at stress overload, so I hear ya! And the fact that your work has been so busy doesn't help that stress level.

If I were you, the first thing I would do is place the 4 babies in their own special fostering room. It will cut down on the stress on YOUR 4 cats.

Marvin has another case of the runs too, and we think it might be food related, but can NOT figure it out. So I know how frustrating it is.

08-29-2005, 08:53 AM
Jen, it is looking like all 4 girls will be going into Tony's room. I just can't take it any more. I just scooped all the boxes. Took the bag to the trash.... walked into the house to smell poop. FRESH poop. Right smack in the middle of the livingroom carpet was Angel poo. :mad: She didn't even try to get to the box. I feel like crying, but that would take too much energy right now.

I finally got hold of someone from the rescue. She said there is something not right if this has been on-going for almost three months (well... DUH!). She's going to have the records faxed from vet hospital A to vet hospital B. I told her that ever since the beginning I felt like Vet A made a decision as to what this is or ins't and wasn't going to listen to me.

and this morning... while scopping Elfie came in to poo as I scooped. When she came here, she had nice firm little poopies. Not now. :( There's GOT TO BE SOMETHING infecting these cats! Elfie is eating the same exact food as she was at the previous foster home!

Now, off to sulk a little more.

08-29-2005, 08:58 AM



K & L
08-29-2005, 08:59 AM
Oh goodness! You need to seclude those that are having problems so they don't infect all the others. Maybe a spare bath where you can put the litter box in the tub and save some mess for you? Sounds like you've passed your limit and need to get some off to another foster home. Good luck to you! It can be VERY tiring and sounds like you need a break right now.

08-29-2005, 10:47 AM

Believe me, I truly understand your frustration. I'm going through the same thing with even less cats than you!!! I'm trying to find a someone on a farm to take LilEli, who is semi-feral, so he can be an outdoor cat. He wants out SOOOOOO badly (he was born outdoors). He is clearly not happy being inside and is creating havoc with Tabitha. I have had him for 3 years and there's been absolutely NO turn around whatsoever. Kimmy, (Ramanth) has his mama and brother and both have settled down and love being indoors.

If you feel like talking, let me know and I'll give you a call or you can email me at [email protected]

Hang in there honey!

08-29-2005, 08:07 PM
Oh Kim, I am so sorry that you are going through all this. I agree with the others when they said that you need a break from all of it.

Seperating the girls from your cats is a very good idea to lessen the stress on your cats.

I wish I was close by so I could help you in your dilemma, but virtual hugs will have to do for now.


Hopefully someone will be able to help you out very soon.

Hang in there girl.