View Full Version : poor pup!

08-28-2005, 08:59 PM
My neighbour always rants and raves about the groomer that she takes her dog to, so I though I would give them a try. OMG what a mistake. :eek: This pictures are a couple of months old, so Bella is starting to look somewhat normal again.

First, here in the before


and here is the after

It was almost crying when I picked her up (I have bad haircut phobias) and it took over TWO HOURS!

the second we got home I broke out the scissors and tried to fix it as best I could. She hates to be groomed, so I just did my best to even it out a bit.

08-28-2005, 09:07 PM
:D I think she looked quite nice in the before pictures! The only thing I would have done in the "before" pictures was give her a bath, blow dry her to poof her coat, and then even the coat by doing a little trimming. I'd also trim her beard and face a little. That length of coat is really adorable and easy to manage!

What mix is she? She's really cute :)

08-28-2005, 09:12 PM
Did you ask for her fur to be cut short? I don't think she looks that bad honestly except for it's rather choppy around the face...but if she's hard to groom that may be the reason. She definitely looked better fluffy but she's still cute. :) Two hours isn't unreasonable for a groom either at all in my opinion. I'm a groomer and it often takes that amount of time if not longer.

08-28-2005, 09:14 PM
All I told the groomers to do is wash, dry, trim her, and cut out the mats behind her ears. And this is what she came out like! :( :eek:

I don't think 2 hours is bad at all, thats what it normally takes, and she comes out looking perfect. But the chop job they did on her looks like it took about 15 minutes. LOL

08-28-2005, 09:18 PM
Haha! I think they went overboard with the "trimming" ;-) If you go to them next time, you can tell them to NOT use the clippers. That's what it looks like they did, LOL.

You should try grooming her yourself :) I love grooming Lucky. I keep him in full coat, so I don't do any trimming (except for the toesies), but it'd be a lot of fun to groom Bella. Just let her grow out her fur a few inches, wash, blow dry (and pull the fur up when you blow dry), and trim her face and toes. I think she looks super cute in the before pictures :D

08-28-2005, 09:19 PM
Well I guess they took "trim" as full body haircut. :/ I would take "trim" as around the eyes, feet, and hind area only...but some people say trim and do mean a short haircut...so it can be confusing! Sorry they misunderstood you (or just plain didn't listen!). At least their fur grows pretty fast. If I took my dog to a groomer and they shaved him (he's a siberian husky) I would be beyond angry!

08-29-2005, 01:31 AM
oH MY POOR BABY.. She looks sad. shes a cutie any way it goes but the fluffy look is so adorable on her..Id be really upset..
Does it grow fast. My sammyj has slow growing.

08-29-2005, 07:32 AM
Aw, her "before" photos were completely cute (love that little ponytail on her noggin), and even her "after" pictures can't hide her sweetness! -- any pictures from the last few days so we can see how it's grown back? I completely understand how you feel though, I just took Bijou (a rough collie, but she's young so doesn't have too much fluff yet!) to the groomers for a bath "and a trim." In the past, they've just trimmed her feet, done her leg feathering and trimmed her tail a little bit and she's always come out so pretty. On Friday when I picked her up, they'd shaved behind her ears because they said it was sooo tight (I understood that, since they felt it was necessary for her comfort and safety), done a horrible job with her cute feeties (basically hacked away at the fur, not a tidy trim job as in the past) and they cut off all her pretty mane! Now she's the same length fur from the top of her head all the way down her back, without any of the "collie mane" that she was finally beginning to grow! Waaa. I liked the groomer as a person because she seemed to really like Bijou but in the future, I'll be sure to ask for someone else. I think the tip-off was when she told me that she'd be unavailable for the next month because she was going to be attending grooming school! (Um, wish I'd known she didn't have any training before before she got near my girl with scissors!)

08-29-2005, 12:15 PM
AAAWWWW...I think she looks cute before AND after!!

08-29-2005, 01:17 PM
^aww, thanks for saying she looks cute after, i still don't agree, thank goodness its only hair!

Poofy-Sammyj is so beatiful, she looks like a toy in that picture!

tricollie4me-Its upsetting when they don't do what you would like when you explain to them what you want.

WolfQ-huskies won't regrow their hair if it is cut?