View Full Version : Guess what was in our backyard!?!?

08-27-2005, 11:39 PM
A WOLF!!!!
I didn't see him, but heres how the story goes.

Robs dad was sitting at the computer. He saw the lights in the back go on, then he saw a large dog walk by. He thought he must have forgotten Cadeau outside & she had gotten loose.

So he rushed to the front & whistled while he came around the car. He said the dog stopped & turned its head & looked at him.

BOY was he scared. It was a 150-200p wolf !! He walked backwards & then ran into the house scared to death.

I asked him, r u sure it wasn't one of the neighbourhood huskeys? They kinda look like wolves. He said this was NO huskey, he showed me with his hands about how large it was & yep, thats NO huskey. He said the face was huge & not dog like, but wild.

NUTS! I missed the wolf :(
We never see wolves around here. We know of a wild pack in the corn field, but not here. I live in Canada's Capital, with deer & geese that might wonder into the neighbourhoods, but a wolf? I was quite angry, cause I would have hopped into the car & took pics of him.

08-27-2005, 11:47 PM
Wow! That's pretty amazing.
Apparently, our neighborhood has a renegade red fox with a ransom on it's head. My neighbor said it was just in her yard.

08-28-2005, 12:01 AM
Wow that is amazing when I went camping around the summer. My dad was making a BBQ since it was like my family there and I screamed and said look over there by the hill close to us and everyone saw and there was like 8 coyotes in a line staring at us becuase they smelled the food but they are of course scared of us becuase people are allowed to hunt them over here so probably they we scared also about that. I wish I took pictures of them but we had no camera aww nuts.

08-28-2005, 12:04 AM
That's cool! I've never seen a wolf before, but I have seen other cool animals like coyotes, javelinas, deer and a bobcat.

For a while people wouldn't believe my dad that we had a bobcat coming into our yard. So my dad went out with his video camera to get proof. The bobcat looked at my dad then took a dump in the yard! So now my dad has a video of a bobcat taking a dump in the yard.

08-28-2005, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by Uabassoon
That's cool! I've never seen a wolf before, but I have seen other cool animals like coyotes, javelinas, deer and a bobcat.

For a while people wouldn't believe my dad that we had a bobcat coming into our yard. So my dad went out with his video camera to get proof. The bobcat looked at my dad then took a dump in the yard! So now my dad has a video of a bobcat taking a dump in the yard.

haha that is so funny that should be in Animal Planets funny home video show haha!

08-28-2005, 12:34 AM
Cool, I would have been scared too. We don't have any wolves around here (FL) so I for sure would have been scared. Too bad you didn't get pics because I'm sure he was very pretty.