View Full Version : Fish luvin kitty!

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-06-2002, 10:47 PM
Tinky looooooves the hubby's fish :rolleyes: !!! If we would let her she would sit and watch them forever. We limit her fish watchin time because she jumps at them and it scares them and we don't want them to get stressed out:( . Here are some pictures anyway. I don't know how to do a poll but we were wondering if there were any other fish luvin kitties out there? :D :)

http://www.photogra.com/galleries/37474/curr/8788453_20020303_022601_20020303022601.jpg http://www.photogra.com/galleries/37474/curr/8084811_20020303_022601_20020303022601.jpg

OOPS :o !! I am not very good at this yet. Sorry that one pic is sideways. :o :confused:

Former User
03-07-2002, 01:59 AM
Sara, Tinky looks really cute with the fish!!!

Here's our fish lovin' Casper...

And here he is admiring our screen saver :D


03-07-2002, 04:05 AM
Wonderful Photos from you both - thank you.

Sara - our late Siames Kisi (RB) used to 'trawl' through the fish tank with her paw - she never caught a thing - and both goldfish had very long lives!!!!!! Mind you when she'd had enough it was a case of 'Mummy Wet Paw - Mummy Wet Paw' and she'd stand and wait for me to dry the offending Wet Paw - which I did! :o

Nina - love the pics., of Casper - oh bless him. xxx


03-07-2002, 10:33 AM
Our kitties have never seen a fish tank. I would like to get one soon for them to watch during the day while we are at work. :)


Edwina's Secretary
03-07-2002, 10:59 AM
Edwina has her own videotape. I bought it at a pet store and it is "just for cats." It has footage of birds, squirrels, mice, fish. Edwina favorite part is the mice -- least favorite the REALLY BIG birds. Also, the fish don't seem to hold her attention. She will sit all nice and watch the television. When I first got it for her she ran behind the cabinet trying to figure out how to get at the critters!

I wish it had continuous loop so I could leave it playing during the day.

03-07-2002, 12:10 PM
How long ago did you buy that tape? I might purchase something like that too - I want my kitty to be entertained while I'm away at work. I've been slowly stocking up on cat toys trying to determine which ones she actually likes. So far anything with feathers!!!

Edwina's Secretary
03-08-2002, 08:34 AM
It wasn't that long ago...I didn't find it at the chains (I.e. Petco)though. Had to go to a family owned type store.

03-08-2002, 06:36 PM
My brother's two cats thinks his fish tank is their kitty tv. He has a top on it to discourage fishing! :D

03-08-2002, 08:18 PM
Oh, Lynne ~ the precious image I'm visualizing of "Mummy Wet Paw Mummy Wet Paw" is so delightful ~ lol, lol ~ :D :D I would be the same way with my kitties!! :) That could be the title of a poem . . . ;)

I had no luck finding any cat videos at PetSmart, but did get a homemade one from eBay . . . lots of fishies, ferrets and squirrels along with sound effects, but my furkids weren't interested. :( And here I thought I had the perfect Xmas gift they all could enjoy!:rolleyes: