View Full Version : First day of school plus Payson pictures

08-27-2005, 02:34 PM
Yesterday Alexa and I went to the humane society for our first day of doggie school. There were no dogs at the first class just the instructor speaking to us about the techniques that will be used. They also gave us a book to read called The Culture Clash we have to read the first chapter by next week. I never thought they would give us reading homework!

The class seems like a good size, I think there will be about 6 dogs and there is one main trainer and there will be another trainer to help us as well.

We were a little insulted when we were asked to say our names and speak about our dogs, the people in front of us cringed when Alexa said that Payson was a Jack Russell! A small part of me now hopes that there dog is a little terror :). However I'm sure they will be surprised when they meet Payson next week and see how mellow he is.

Now for the pictures of Payson :D Yesterday Alexa had a plumber over so I brought Payson to my place to hang out for a little while.

He was a good boy and only managed to destroy 1 cat toy. He never seems to care to much for dog toys, but he loves to destroy cat toys. Must be the terrier in him, he likes to rip apart those little furry mice.

You can see him sleeping on the furry remnants of what was once a kitty toy.

And of course the bed that I put down on the ground for him wasn't good enough, he wanted to relax on the bottom of the cat tree.



I went to my room for a while to check on my cats, then later came out to find him like this.


I think he's going to be a bit dissapointed when he learns the truth and understands that he's a dog and not a cat!

08-27-2005, 03:11 PM
Aww, such a good boy!! :) Payson, listen you're a dog, not a cat!! :p

08-27-2005, 03:13 PM
Payson is so adorable!
Good luck with your classes... I'm sure Payson will do great. It's so wonderful how well he's fitting in. :)
That last picture makes him look like a big dog! I love his ears, they're so cute.

Ginger's Mom
08-27-2005, 05:03 PM
Oh Payson is so cute. I am sure he will show up all of the other dogs in the class (especially if one of the skills is chasing stuffed mice ;)).

08-27-2005, 07:55 PM
Payson is adorable! I'm sure he will do great at the classes. How funny he likes all the cats stuff. :)

08-27-2005, 08:04 PM
Payson is such a handsome guy! I especially love the first pic. :) I hope the classes will go well, I bet Payson will do great!

08-27-2005, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by Uabassoon
I think he's going to be a bit dissapointed when he learns the truth and understands that he's a dog and not a cat!

Haha :)

I hope Payson proves wrong everyone who gasped, I know he will. Good luck with school!
The pictures are great, I love them. He's a doll!

08-27-2005, 08:41 PM
Payson is so cute! He sure seems to like the cat toys! Good luck in school, I'm sure he'll do well! :D

Daisy and Delilah
08-27-2005, 08:43 PM
Payson, you're such a handsome man and we're sure you'll be the star of the class buddy!!:D


08-27-2005, 09:37 PM
Payson is a handsome boy and he'll do great at school. Yep, it's probably the terrier in him when it comes to cat toys because my friend came over with her cat one day and Sadie got a hold of her cat toy and it was gone in no time. Sadie spares the cat toys no mercy! :)

08-27-2005, 09:42 PM
awww payson is so cute

08-28-2005, 06:05 AM
I KNEW I liked Payson...he's a catdog!! ;) Just like Karen's Priya! ;)

The puppy school sounds wonderful!!! You make sure and do that homework. Don't want Payson getting embaressed his mommies didn't do it. ;)

Great pictures, btw. He's sooo adorable!! :)

08-28-2005, 10:18 PM
Thanks everyone :)