View Full Version : ANOTHER VERY sad movie

08-26-2005, 07:53 PM
kind of extremly graphic but i feel i need to pass this on i couldnt even cry i felt like being sick but i felt so sick i couldnt throw up i couldnt get the images out of my head i wish i could make those people die a very painfull death VERY painfull

08-26-2005, 10:07 PM
Just thought I'd let people know that this video is about animal abuse... really sad!!

08-26-2005, 10:15 PM
I opened it and seen the first frames and closed it immediately. I probably should have posted what it was about. Just the first couple of seconds was enough to turn my stomach. People like theses don't deserve to live.

08-27-2005, 01:05 AM
That was very very sad. Always when I see a video like this my first reaction is disgust and second I always go to my dog and hug and scratch him... so thankful I could give him a good home.

08-27-2005, 01:13 AM
i probally will not be able to watch that, i saw this one where they butcher all thease kind of animals and now i'm trying to become a vegetarian!!!!!! But anyway what would you guys to if you think your neighbors might be abusing their dog, but you don't know for sure?

08-27-2005, 01:23 AM
Originally posted by Flatcoatluver
But anyway what would you guys to if you think your neighbors might be abusing their dog, but you don't know for sure?

I had this sitch kinda... my neighbors have a chow that is outside almost all the time and the the yard is kinda sketchy and i don't see water (but it could be far back on their porch) . and also to their credit they groomed him well (he was shaved except for his head! looks silly.) for the heat... I guess after a few months of observing he just enjoys being outside. Although I've only lived here for about 5 months... We'll see when the serious cold weather comes...

but yeah, when is it you decide there is a real problem?

08-27-2005, 05:53 AM
thats a tough question i guess id call animal aid to check them out just incase just tell them you suspect animal abuse towards a dog at the house beside me and think someone should come check it out

10-04-2005, 08:23 PM
I opened it and after a few seconds i turned it off, i was too discusted to watch it. i just wish those people could burn in hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

Kirbys Mom
10-04-2005, 08:34 PM
i cried :(

10-04-2005, 09:24 PM
O.O oh my gosh! how could people hurt animals!

10-04-2005, 09:37 PM
DBF is going to come home and wonder what happened to put me in a state like this... What a powerful video...