View Full Version : This feels grrreat!

08-26-2005, 02:58 PM
Wow... something I've been dreaming about for a long time has actually happened this week. Remember the story of my lousy ex-boss and my old company? Well, they are about to get "paybacks"......... they signed the first proposal with me for furniture. They are EXCITED to be working with me!

I can't provide ALL the furniture for all the projects, but I can provide the furniture that is not on the contract they signed with my old company (long story short - they signed a 5 year contract where they get premier discounts if they buy a certain amount of furniture from my old company) the contract is only on certain large ticket items.... and the discount is HUGE. The discount is actually so impressive that they'd be able to buy it cheaper than I would! :eek:

BUT its only certain pieces they can get on that contract..... so I hope to swoop in and take all the peripheral stuff that my old company had. Let me tell you... I'd RATHER have the peripheral stuff because thats where the larger mark-ups were. hee hee heee! They sold stuff on the contract for low to no profit in the hopes that this client would be lazy and order everything from THEM. However, this client is fed-up with my ex-company and shopping around for the extras so that they don't have to deal with my ex-idiots. I was the first person they called! WOOHOO!

So... as exciting this is, its also a LOT of work and I'm extremely exhausted from it all. I think most of it is mental exhaustion because I've been wanting this for so long... its actually happened!

My first comission check will be coming in a few weeks and I couldn't be more excited! I think as broke as I am that I need to do something extremely special with the check to commemorate it. Maybe buy another piece of jewelry form the silver jewelry club? ;)

08-26-2005, 04:53 PM

Congratulations!!! Have fun back in the working man's world. And really enjoy the payback. ;)

Hope you're not too busy for visitors. :rolleyes:

08-27-2005, 12:31 AM
Great work!:) Sounds like you got the best of the bargain. Remember the adage, "buy low, sell high";)

08-27-2005, 10:26 AM
Congratulations. I love hearing such good news.:) I'm very
happy for you.:)