View Full Version : Nervous about furbaby meeting skin baby

08-26-2005, 12:37 PM
I am 33 weeks pregnant and a little nervous about my two furbabies meeting my newest addition. I got the nursery done and as soon as I turned my back my orangie jumped into the crib and just layed there. I have also found both of them in the bassinet sleeping. I have heard the good the bad and the ugly about cats and babies, I don't want to get rid of my furbabies but I also don't want them in the crib and bassinet because of cat hair and the "suffocating" the baby. Any suggestions or personal experience would be helpful. thank you in advance.

08-26-2005, 12:47 PM
I had my first skin kid nearly 5 months ago and brought her home to her 3 kitty sisters and we've had no issues at all. Anytime we caught the kitties (there was only 1 really) in Mimi's crib or basinette, we immediately shooed them out. They never went in the crib or basinette while Mimi was in there. We also kept extra blankets in the crib/basinette that we would remove before putting Mimi in there to minimize cat hair.

We were prepared to put a replace the nursery's solid door with a screen door if we had issues keeping kitties out of the crib while Mimi was in there. We haven't had to do that.

Now Mimi is big enough that if a kitty comes to close, they lose a fistful of fur.

*ABYCAT* Alice
08-26-2005, 01:10 PM
I’m 27 weeks pregnant myself and I have the same thoughts as you have. I do not want the cats in the baby’s bed and we will buy a bed that we can put a net over with perhaps a zipper or something, so the cats can’t get in there. Haven’t really figured out the construction yet, but this is the bed:


I also heard there's a small risk for suffocating if the cats sleep too close to the baby, so it's better to be careful.

The cats are crazy about the pram and loves to sleep in it. When we get the baby we won't have the pram in the apartment so I let them use it now (just have to wash every part of it :rolleyes: ).


Good luck!

08-26-2005, 05:48 PM
I have thought about getting one of those mosqueto netting things to put over it but knowing my furbabies they would hang on it and rip right through it. I have also thought about putting a screen door on the nursey door so that way he wouldn't be shut in there but I will have to wait to do that.

08-26-2005, 07:48 PM
Ack. This is so frustrating for me. It is a TOTAL myth-Urban legend- wives tale- about cats and babies. We are in the 2005 now, people. There has to be some progress.

I have SEVEN cats, and one almost 1 year old son. There has not been a SINGLE episode of anybody trying to suffacate anyone! Not once! Not even close! Though, Jonah has fallen down flat onto a cat once or twice.

I do have a crib tent, and he has slept inside that tent since day one (well, that isn't true, he slept- GASP- in my bed, on me for 2 months). The crib tent keeps cats from landing on top of him, something I was concerned about, intitially. Now the crib tent serves the purpose of keeping Jonah inside the crib. Jonah is a climber. I haven't ever had to lower the crib setting as I have the tent on there. That is nice when I am trying very carefully to put him in the crib when he is asleep.

I would be a bit surprised if someone's cat could tear through the crib tent....they are quite remarkable.

08-26-2005, 09:22 PM
When my kids were babies, we just closed the door to the baby's room. I didn't leave the baby and cat unsupervised. Frankly, the cat wasn't all that interested.

08-26-2005, 09:27 PM


08-26-2005, 10:39 PM
Still, you'd be surprised when asking an owner why they are giving up their cat, their answer is: Why, it's because I'm pregnant. (dumbfounded look at why you would ask)

I'd get a zipper screen or netting, or simply keep them out of that room.



08-28-2005, 05:32 PM
Whenever the babies slept at my house (Nieces, nephews, and the children I nannied) my cats would investigate and snuggle. (All parents knew the rules of my house and were ok with it.)

We never, ever had a problem. Even cats that were not very people-friendly were gentle and kind to the babies.

Don't worry!

08-28-2005, 05:53 PM
I have two brothers whose homes had cats when various babies came home. The latest baby in the family, Axel, will be a year old mid-November. Trillian, a petite tuxie kitty, has slept in his bassinet - and then crib - pretty much since he came home. She quickly learned that he's a squirmer and a kicker, and consequently sleeps as far away from him in the crib as she can get. Pippin, the bigger kitty in the house, just avoids Axel - Pippin has luxurious long orange fur that baby's finger can get painfully tangled in in a heartbeat.

The cat-suffocating-baby thing is a myth, pure and simple.

08-28-2005, 06:37 PM
but that myth can happen anytime, anywhere though..

first, congratulations!! :D

what I would do is keep the door shut. as you wouldn't need do that as much as your baby's always up. you also wouldn't know if your baby has an allergic reaction for furries. so it's best to keep not one furhair in for awhile. of course, a beginning.

whatever you do, good luck! :D is it a girl or boy? keep us posted, will ya? :)

08-28-2005, 09:35 PM
My three kids grew up with cats always and I never really thought much of it. Now I have two young grandbabies and they both have kitties. My newest grandchild is 3 months old and their cat was adopted because the previous owners had a baby - but he is just terrific with the new baby!!

I think the thing that might be the most helpful is giving the kitties lots of attention when you bring the baby home - so they have no reason to feel jealous. My daughter sent home one of Tyler's blankets so that their kitty could smell it before they came home with the new baby.

I have always felt that babies and cats go together beautifully. :D

Congratulations to you!:)

08-29-2005, 01:16 PM
Thank you for your input, I am more worried about cat hair than anything. I just don't want to have cat hair all over my newest addition. I have done nanny and child care work for about 6 yrs and to me that is gross when they bring their babies in and they are covered in pet hair. I am having another boy( I already have a 7 yr old son). Once again thank you for your input and sorry if I upset anyone with the "suffocating" thing I for one don't believe it and that is why I stated it the way I did.

08-29-2005, 01:42 PM
I too have seen a lot of friend's babies introduced to homes with adult cats and NEVER has there been a problem. Cats instinctively know that a baby isn't a big person and give them a lot of latitude just as with a kitten.

I have watched a baby grab a handful of fur and the cat stood still, obviously in pain, until the baby let go. Then the cat ran. It seems that after about 18 months that tolerance breaks down, though. Then a handful of fur may be answered by a swat just like with unruly kittens who should be old enough to know better.

The benefits of growing up with pets are enormous and your fears are unfounded. My sisters and I grew up with pets, slept with kitties, played in the dirt, were exposed to germy other kids and other "dangerous" stuff and we lived through it and don't have any allergies. Overprotected kid's immune systems are underdeveloped and they frequently develop allergies as adults. Do your baby a favor and make sure he or she is healthy for life.

SIDS has been such a mystery over the centuries and people had to find someone to blame. We now know what the cause is and it ain't a cat. Move into the 21st century already.

08-29-2005, 01:51 PM
Worried about CAT HAIR? LOL....I guess you would find my son 'gross'...as he is generally wearing alot of it, since he is on the floor so much. I guess you would find me 'gross' too! I usually am wearing it.

Of all the things to be grossed out about....CAT HAIR? What about the vomit in the face, the poop on your hands, the drool, etc. None of it grosses me out- it is life. But, CAT HAIR? I must get some professional help :rolleyes:

08-29-2005, 05:15 PM
I am pretty much of a neat freak and can sort of understand the cat hear thing. Though, I also wear plenty of it and consider it an accessory;) Maybe I need professional help too?

But, even with five cats, I try to keep *fairly* good control over cat hair. An excellent vacuum cleaner is a must...used often as well as above floor attachments, changing the furnace airfilter at least once a momth - and I keep sticky rollers in just about every room. Those are the rollers with the sticky tape you can roll over furniture and then tear off. A product that works wonderfully for picking up cat hair is a rubbery tan sponge that I buy at PetsMart. This thing is terrific!! The sponge and the roller can be wiped over any surface you will use for the baby.

I can keep my grandbaby at the house and don't think I send her home with too much extra cat hair. Or, maybe I have stopped noticing? I don't think it is gross at all. If I was really worried about it more - I would get rid of carpeting and drapes.

I did not really think you were serious about the suffocating thing or believing a cat will suck the breath from a baby. But - expecting a new baby can make you worry I know. But - I can't imagine NOT having cats and believe that they are amazing companions for babies and kids.

08-29-2005, 05:34 PM
Cat hair is SO not an issue here with my little man:D :D
First intro when Tyler was just a week or so old
Getting closer
And finally snuggle time :)

Boomer doesn't want anything to do with the crib now that Tyler is at home. He does let us know when Tyler is crying though. Boomer will come running in to where hubby and I are and pace back and forth until we go check on Tyler. It's cute:D

08-29-2005, 06:07 PM
Could not resist having a bit of fun with this thread. Sirrahsim in the above post is my daughter, Missy -
here she is when she was about 2 1/2 with RB Ernie
same kitty when Missy was about 4 or so...
and finally the week before she got married...he was her kitty all her life!

I do NOT mean to be at all critical of the original question - I can understand the concern. I just feel that the wonderful part of having kitties and babies is sooo worth the potential concerns. Cat hair can be controlled as much as possible and like others have said - yes the cats will get into the crib and bassinet when it is new. But I do not think that same cat will think it is fun once there is a noisy baby in there. One of my cats DID continue to get in the crib with my oldest son - but never slept on him - though did like to cuddle close.

When my granddaughter was very young - I did watch like a hawk until I knew how each kitty would react to her. As it turns out, one of my cats, Lizzie has adored her since she was born (go figure!!) and now that the "baby" is a toddler - they are still the best of friends. Lizzie will bop her with a paw if she gets her fur pulled too hard. Misha (grandbaby) has learned she must be very gentle with animals and has four kitties of her own....and a big dog.

So, please try not to be nervous - that baby and your two kitties will be lots of fun to watch as they grow together. I hope you post pictures:)

08-29-2005, 06:28 PM
My sister and brother-in-law have a 2-year-old skin kid and a six-year-old kitty. While he DID lay in the crib, he left it alone as soon as the baby arrived.

Fur is vaccumed. Kitty is brushed. It just takes a bit of extra work.

Congrats on the upcoming baby! :)

08-30-2005, 09:46 AM

Missy, does Boomer really lay still with Tyler? Allie and Monte let Jonah get up close and personal, but, still scoot away when he tries to utilize them as a pillow!

And, sadly, RB Tex would come looking for me when Jonah would cry. The others? They just put their ears back.

08-30-2005, 10:32 AM
Along these same lines, does anyone have a good suggestion for something to clean the floors on a daily basis without dragging out the big vacuum cleaner every day? Is a Swiffer my best bet or is there something better? Or would I be better off just to drag out the big vacuum more frequently? When our baby comes home, she will be older which means she will be down on the floors quite a lot.

08-30-2005, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by prechrswife
Along these same lines, does anyone have a good suggestion for something to clean the floors on a daily basis without dragging out the big vacuum cleaner every day? Is a Swiffer my best bet or is there something better? Or would I be better off just to drag out the big vacuum more frequently? When our baby comes home, she will be older which means she will be down on the floors quite a lot.

Dusty - what we have bought is a much smaller vacuum that is sort of like a big dustbuster on a stick. It works GREAT for floor and for Berber carpet - even the regular plush carpet for a quick run. Since it is light - I tend to use it everyday and just get the big vacuum out for a good thorough cleaning. The one we bought that I like is called a Dirt Devil Powerstick and is 12 amps like my big vac - but there were lots to choose from in the $25-$40 price range. I do like what we bought because it is light, hangs flat on a wall hook and actually picks up the flooring!! It is bagless and the cup gets pretty full each day.

The kitchen and tile floors - I will vacuum and then use my Swiffer.

08-30-2005, 12:06 PM
I do what Debbie does....AND, i also like the little dirt buster things- though my back doesn't like them. :D

(plus, cat hair = fiber! )

08-30-2005, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
(plus, cat hair = fiber! ) [/B]

:D :D :D

Thanks for the suggestion, Debbie. I had thought about getting something smaller for everyday, but I really had no idea where to begin.

08-30-2005, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by prechrswife
Along these same lines, does anyone have a good suggestion for something to clean the floors on a daily basis without dragging out the big vacuum cleaner every day? Is a Swiffer my best bet or is there something better? Or would I be better off just to drag out the big vacuum more frequently? When our baby comes home, she will be older which means she will be down on the floors quite a lot.

I'm thinking about getting this for the carpets. I love my regular Swiffer.

Swiffer CarpetFlick (http://www.homemadesimple.com/swiffer/usenglish/products/flick.shtml)

08-30-2005, 01:56 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Sirrahsim

LOL! Boomer has that, "I'm not too sure about this" look on his face.

I too am a bit worried, only because Sammy is so big. I am also comforted by the fact that he is very skittish. I expect that when the baby comes home, he'll smell it, but once it moves or make noise, he's outta there. Payton on the other hand is a little more daring.

I am guilty of being gross to with the cat hair. As I look at my shirt now, I'm "gross." :rolleyes:

For the most part, I have faith in my boys that they'll behave themselves with the baby.

I was considering getting a crib tent before I read this thread, now I will purchase one. Both for the baby's sake and my kitties too.