View Full Version : Dog parks - yes or no?

08-26-2005, 10:33 AM
I was wondering about this...I use to take Josie to the dog park all the time. She loved playing with all the dogs. I slowly noticed she stopped wanting to play with the dogs. She just wanted to sniff. That's fine. But one day she growled and snapped at a dog.

I've asked several trainers and as soon as I mentioned "dog park" they said "ahhh, that's the problem" they said they hated the dog park and a lot of people who come to them with aggressive dogs was from going to the dog park. I guess you get dogs there with no manners or who are aggressive themselves. I do remember dogs picking a fight with Josie for no reason.

So I won't take Zeke to a dog park. (unless it's for a PT meeting ;)) The last thing I want is forhim to be aggressive, seeing his such a sweet dog. I can't even picture him being aggressive, but you never know. I guess most dogs won't have a problem, but I suppose it can happen.

What do you think about dog parks? I know most here go tothem.

08-26-2005, 11:02 AM
I have heard this. My father refuses to take his boxers to parks for this sort of reason.

08-26-2005, 11:16 AM
Sierra Looooves playing with other dogs, she has so much fun! I've only been to a dog park once, that was at the Park Park in Findaly. Sierra was in HEAVEN!!
I take her to my friends house, she has 2 Mals and a GSD she never wants to leave when it's time to go home!
Buddy.... he's a different story...:o he doesn't like anyone getting near his mama!!:o

08-26-2005, 11:21 AM
I have heard the same stories from some people. Then again I hear some people that love the dog parks & don't have any problems.

We don't have any dog parks near me but even if we did I would only take my dogs there is it was not crowded. I'd also go there a couple times before I brought my dogs to see what the dogs are like that visit there often. If I noticed any aggression or bad behavior I would stop going to them.

I do get together with friends & their dogs & go to parks with them & don't have any problems. But then again there's not too many dogs & they have met quite a few times before.

08-26-2005, 11:23 AM
I have never heard of dog parks fueling agression, but I supposed in some was it makes sense that you dog can pick up bad habits. BUT I think the pros of socialization and exercise more than make up for the slight chance your dog will become agressive. I wish there were dog parks here, or at least dog friendly areas. Where I live is SO anti-pet.

08-26-2005, 11:23 AM
I've never even seen a dog park. I just use to take my dog & his buddy Rocky, to the tennis court & let them run wild in there chasing after balls & other toys.

Maybe if the park has no dogs in it & u bring ur 2 there to play with eachother, it might be ok.

08-26-2005, 11:24 AM
I don't like to take Maggy because she's very protective of me. If another dog comes close to me, she has a fit. I used to think that she just wasn't dog friendly, but the groomer that I take her to, lets the dog friendly dogs run loose. I told her that Maggy wasn't, but she said, "let me try, if she starts getting out of hand, I'll cage her."

Wouldn't you know that my little stinker found some other Shih Tzus and was actually playing with them? I was amazed when I went to pick her up. She was fine with them until she saw me. One of the other dogs came to greet me before she noticed me and that set off that little short fuse of hers.

Long story short, I can't take her to dog parks. :(

*edit to add that I do take her to parks, but we have to make sure and stay away from other dogs. Just as a precaution. :)

08-26-2005, 11:32 AM
My dad would love to go to a dog park, but as Audrey knows, buttons isn't really dog friendly after buttons wanted to eat Zeke (buttones is only 5p by the way) hehe

Max use to kick buttons when he pulled that BS with him, it was quite funny as Max was much larger then zeke.

Dixieland Dancer
08-26-2005, 12:10 PM
I strongly urge people to make sure your dog has a strong recall and proper socialization if you intend to take your pup to the dog park. You can't always be sure what other dogs are going to do so anytime a new dog comes along to "play", I always use caution and check the newcomer out before letting my guys run around freely. I've seen one too many unprovoked dog fights at the dog park.

The problem is dogs are already in an aroused state getting to go off leash and run. Put that together with dominant dogs, aggressive dogs and unsocilized dogs and it has all the ingredients for disaster. I do not advocate NOT taking your dog to the park unless you know your dog is a problem child around other dogs. I do advocate always being on guard. I have a friend who prefers to not go to the park just because she always has to be on guard and really doesn't enjoy herself even though the dogs do. Myself.... I love going to the park because my dogs enjoy it so much. I do not like always being on guard but it's worth it to see them both having such a enjoyable time. I actually meet a lot of nice people at the dog park.

08-26-2005, 01:20 PM
I love taking Kia to the dog park. It's so large and open that the few tiffs I've seen are few and far between.

Kia will sometimes chase a large pack of running dogs, but other than that, she just likes to smell around. She's never been the playful, wrestling type.

08-26-2005, 02:03 PM
Ripley is our only dog that likes the dog park, he could care less about the other dogs he just likes to run lol all the girls cant stand dogs getting in there faces, and Blair enjoyed it at first but then he got scared and started hiding behind my mom. Happy does not go for obvious reasons lol and I really dont know how Misty would react without Happy with her, so I will continue to just let the gals run off leash is whatever park or feild.

08-26-2005, 02:24 PM
I won't take my dogs to a public dog park because of the possibility of aggressive dogs being there. The park I take my dogs to is private and only members can come in, if someone shows up while I'm already there I can stay for another 20mins before the other person is allowed to come in but I usually invite them in anyway if they say their dogs are good with other dogs....

08-26-2005, 02:24 PM
I say yes. I think as long as you keep control of your dog and let them know when they're out of line, there should be no aggression problems resulting from trips to the dog park.

I love taking Kiara to the dog park/offleash beach because it gives us a great opportunity to work on commands and her socialization. She's become a lot more brave and social because of the park & beach. She also has a great time and absolutely loves it.
The distractions of the park are great to work with your pup, that way they'll be used to performing with distractions.

08-26-2005, 02:43 PM
I've tried a dog park and beach a couple of times with Hunter and Nikka, (my other 2 can be aggessive with some dogs, so I don't chance it). Each of the times we ran into at least one aggressive dog whose owner didn't bother to stop him/her, it really ticked me off. Once I even had put Nikka on a leash and was leaving because of the problem and another dog ran up and started nipping at her, the owner didn't seem to care even when I called out to him, in fact he blamed me because I had put her on a leash! A dog in Hunters training class was severly injured at a dog park, several hundred dollars in vet bills later he recovered. The owner of the dog who attacked her's didn't even apologize! So bottom line is, I think the concept is a good idea if owners were more responsible, until that happens I'm not really a big fan of them.

08-26-2005, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I say yes. I think as long as you keep control of your dog and let them know when they're out of line, there should be no aggression problems resulting from trips to the dog park.

I've tried letting Maggy know that it's not ok to show her cute little underbite to other dogs, but she just doesn't get it. She's very stubborn. (The hubby says she gets that from me:rolleyes: )

08-26-2005, 03:19 PM
Actually, I was kind of thinking the opposite way. I wanted to take Lexi to a dog park to help with her dog aggresion, I guess not anymore. If lots of people hate it when other's dogs are aggresive. But I'd keep her on leash with a muzzle. I can't think of anything else, training classes never worked, sigh, if only she was friendly, but there is a reason for her aggresion.

As a pup, the vet told us TO NOT expose her to ANY dogs of any sort until all vacines were done. Well, by then her socialization period was well over and we lost all socialization skills....:(

08-26-2005, 04:29 PM
I think Dog parks are great if you have a social dog who
enjoys other dogs.
But if your dog is not very social I would not take the
dog to a Dog Park. :)

08-26-2005, 04:38 PM
we've never been to one mainly because the fences weren't high enough for our dogs.

we take them to a local baseball field that a club sponsers - my hubbys a member.

Suki Wingy
08-26-2005, 06:18 PM
NiƱo doesn't have a good recall but we take him to the dog park every week or so. The labs are teaching him to swim! We usually go on the hours there are only a few dogs, and the whole place is 26 acres, so it shouldn't be a problem. Also, we can work on his recal safley there.

08-26-2005, 07:56 PM
I've taken Charlie to a dog park once and he couldn't care less about the other dogs, all he wanted to do was walk around and pee on everything. :rolleyes:

Nacey has also been to a dog park once, she was very social and made friends with several other dogs her size.

We took Nova to a dog park with Kay and Kiara once. Nova didn't enjoy herself too much in the regular part where any size dog can go, she just wondered around. Then we took both dogs into the small dogs only part (Kiara was just barely under the weight limit), and Nova had a lot of fun with all the smaller dogs.

Nacey and Charlie both have a pretty good recall, and Nova is getting better but wasn't too good (infact it was down right bad) when we took her to the dog park.

08-26-2005, 08:19 PM
I'm in a similar situation with Lexi_Lover. Contrary to popular belief, Giselle is NOT dog aggressive. However, we are forced to avoid the dog park now because irresponsible small dog owners find it more "fun" in the big dog park than the little dog park. Apparently, their perception of "fun" is "dangerous". I have had to leave the dog park in fury and shame because some idiots brought their 3 pound Toy dogs into the big dog park, *completely* avoiding the small dog park.

So you can just imagine what happens when an ex-racing Greyhound, who was born and raised in a track enviornment, meets and clashes with a hyperactive, white, fluffy Havanese.

My Suggestion: You must honestly assess your own dog's temperament and tolerance level. If you believe your dog is physically and mentally fit enough for a dog park, DON'T go into the big dog park with a Chihuahua and DO go into the small dog park if you have the appropriately sized dog.

Also remember, just as the dog park is a safe haven for many responsible dog owners, it is also a beehive of idiot owners.

That said, Giselle and I no longer visit the Alameda dog park, but walk on the local dog trails (much better than dog parks, imo).

08-26-2005, 08:57 PM
Fenway goes to the dog park. He likes it. I usually park at the front and check to see whose there and what dogs are there. There used to be a mean dog there but he doesn't go any longer and I'm thinking it's because he got kicked out. There's also another dog that goes there that beat Fenway up one time. I was with Fenway at the park just last week and that dog came in and Fenway stayed away from him but kept looking at him like he wasn't too sure of him so we left. Fenway's 20 lbs so I get worried about him being attacked. Normally, if I do go to the dog park, I go early on a weekend morning when there aren't too many dogs there and the ones who are there, are pretty decent. Fenway usually runs around for a bit but then comes over to me and sticks to me like glue. After about 1 or 1 1/2 hours, he's ready to leave and so we leave. I keep hearing they're going to build a small dog park, but it hasn't happend yet. I wish they would. I always say it's a good day when all the dogs get along and they play without being aggressive. Lately we've had many of those days. But I've been there when dogs fight and it's scarey and it just sucks for all the other dogs who want to go there and play.

08-26-2005, 09:36 PM
Autumn and I go to the local dog park a few times a week. Most of the dogs are "regulars" that come daily. I've never heard of nor seen any dog becoming aggressive from a dog park. Are you sure it was aggression? A lot of people mistake simple dog talk for aggression. Sometimes and older or more solitary dog needs to be stern in order to keep a pursuing pup off of them. Also, sometimes dogs get a bruise or a sore ear and become agressive when other dogs sniff and bother the sore spot. I don't think dogs should ever be allowed to form and run around in a pack at the dog park. At our park everybody is within sight of their dog at all times. The dogs are not released at the front gate and left to explore all 17 acres on their own, they basically stay in the same area as the owners. I guess one of the main pluses at our dog park is strick enorcement of the rules and having somebody monitoring the park each day. Basically in our area those people who train their dgs properly and take care of their dogs use our park while those who don't take proper care of their pets don't use the park at all.

08-26-2005, 10:39 PM
We frequent the dogpark 3 - 6 times a week. My dogs love it because they get to run- this is a good thing for huskies! most of the time, there are no or few dogs there, and we have gotten to know the regulars and our dogs all get along pretty well. most owners are cautious when a new dog arrives, it doesn't usually take too long to see how they do, after the initial pack-insection at the entrance! This is a private dogpark so maybe there are fewer idiot owners, but there are some. Usually this is where the problem lies. I've seen a few hit, kick, push, & shout at other peoples's dogs, because they don't understand dog behavior. Usually everyone leaves when one of these knuckleheads turns up- thankfully that's not very often- they don't usually come back either. But like everywhere else, you have to use common sense. Don't bring in aggresive dogs. Don't bring sick dogs. Don't bring in people-food (your dog may be ok, with it, but not all dogs will sit by and just watch) Watch your dog. Talk to the other owners so you can be more aware of the other dog's personalities & quirks. All in all, I think the dogpark offers both my dogs and me a nice place to socialize with other dogs/owners.

(Our park is quite small, an acre or two. I'm not sure how well I could cope with some of those huge parks, I like to keep track of my dogs.)

08-27-2005, 12:35 AM
See, I'm not worried about Zeke being aggressive/not listening, I'm worried about OTHER people's dogs who are aggressive/don;t listen. I've taken Zeke before and told him to come, I could see he TRIED to, but couldn't cause I dog was jumping all over him and he could move around him. If a dog tried to attack him, I could tell him to come, but I honestly think he owuld try to protect himself first

08-27-2005, 01:33 AM
I used to take Smokey to dog parks... but the last time we went we had a problem so I stopped taking him. Smokey does not provoke but will definitly react which is what happened last time. He will literally roll on his back or give a total play stance but if any dog doesn't respond in a playing manor Smokey will just not take it. Not even that he wants to full on attack but I do understand I have a pitbull and even him giving a warning nip to a dog can make people go ballistic. And quite honestly, I've see Smokey get attacked and his reaction and it's not something I want to break up again.
So now we just play together or w/ the dogs he knows well .

08-27-2005, 06:14 PM
I have mixed feelings on dog parks. Nebo gets really excited to go, he LOVES all the room to run. He gets along with almost all of the dogs and enjoys playing with them but he has had some problems. He has an alpha personality and if another dog tries to dominate him he does not take it well. He's been in a few little tiffs but hasn't drawn blood, it's more show than anything. I have to follow him everywhere and watch his behavior. Sometimes we've been there for hours with no problems at all, met some nice people, it was great. Other times there have been other dominant dogs (larger, unneutered males are the biggest problem) and Nebo just hasn't gotten along with them. He also will chase any dog that runs of course most of the dogs there will do the same thing, Nebo just growls and makes noises while chasing so people think he's vicious. :o

So I guess my answer is yes I will take him to dog parks, but not often and if there's a dog there he does not like then I either sit and hold him with me until that dog leaves or I just leave myself.

08-27-2005, 08:21 PM
I've never heard of dog parks making dogs aggressive. I can see, however, how being around a large group of dogs would make an "only dog" start to act more like a dog (pack behavior) and less like a human being. Lots of owners of a single dog want their dogs to act like people, not dogs. Seeing this new "dogginess" exhibited by their pooch might certainly be disturbing, and not at all what they want.

I would not take my dogs to dog parks for several reasons. First, they are terriers. They are naturally a bit more dominant and aggresive than your average lab. I don't need trouble, which would no doubt be caused by my dogs. Secondly, my dogs are small, but they don't know it. My eight to twenty pound dogs would not think twice about biting the heels of a hundred pound rottweiler. Bad idea. And lastly, I have six dogs. They already have a small pack of their own. They don't really need any more interaction with dogs than they get at home.

08-27-2005, 09:01 PM
The dogs are not released at the front gate and left to explore all 17 acres on their own, they basically stay in the same area as the owners.

Wow! 17 ACRES??? I'm lucky if we have 1 acre!!! I'm jealous.

08-27-2005, 10:16 PM
lol our dog park is 18 acers and my mom thought that was tiny, but she is the type that like to hike. the occasional time that I go to the dog park I saty in the one area away from all the other dogs, its like an acer all to ourselves and most of the dogs dont notice us so far off so they dont come charging over to play. I have been to smaller parks where people met up and played fetch with there dogs, but at our dog park NOBODY plays fetch they just let there dogs off and ignore them while they run around getting in the faces of other dogs, so I prefere to stay as far from then as possable, however to get to the remote part of the park you have to take the bike path, which means you have to walk, and that takes an hour in itself lol

08-27-2005, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by pitc9

Buddy.... he's a different story...:o he doesn't like anyone getting near his mama!!:o
Baby's like that too.. ;)

08-27-2005, 11:03 PM
hm.. I also have mixed feelings about dog parks. I don't think some people can be trusted to be able to assess their own dogs sociability ~ some people think, as long as my dog hasn't attacked another dog, they can go into the dog park. Some people think the dog park is a place to bring any dog, period. Dog parks are good for dogs who love all other dogs, or dogs who are completely neutral to others and just want to play ball or whatever. That's why I dont take Gonzo to dog parks anymore :) to me, the reason he can't go to dog parks anymore is because of the first thing I mentioned ~ idiots who think just because they're dog is a dog (even if she will attack another dog in a second) they can go to the dog park freely! There is no way that you, as owners of friendly dogs, can know for sure that all of the unknown dogs in there aren't hyper-dominant and aggressive, unless you go to an awesome park that screens all dogs before they can play there (which should be required, IMHO!!).

Here's what my experience has been : Ever since I first got Gonzo, when he was over 6 months old, I took him to dog parks. He was great at first! He generally flocked toward the herding pups, because the only dog he ever knew growing up were other BC's, but he would play with just about any dog. Then, he got pinned down by a very aggressive black Lab, which scared the crap out of him. After that, I rarely ever took him to the dog park except to meet people and dogs that I knew. His herding drive also kicked in... and if there were dogs in the front that were chasing a ball, he'd chase after them, even though he's never nipped a dog or made any contact some non-herding-breed-educated people hate that and have told me to leave ;) another reason we don't go to dog parks anymore. Then, just recently, he was really badly attacked by a Rottie ~ like, I thought he might die just because of all the blood. He wasn't even paying attention to the Rottie, he was way out of her way and she basically came up, challenged him, then attacked him. Now, he's generally freaked out about Rotties (even though he grew up with a Rottie :() which is another reason I don't take him to dog parks anymore. So, basically what they say about dog parks making dogs more aggressive is very true in my case. He's awesome with dogs that he knows, but like me, he is wary of large dogs that he does not know (only large dogs, dogs around his weight and under he almost automatically loves. And, he has never had a problem with calm larger dogs ~ its mostly energetic Labby-types that he feels threatened by.)

I DO take him to a 'dog park' at my local park, that is on Sunday mornings and organized by people that I'm good friends with. I know ALL of the dogs and people there, there's only about 20, and I'm extremely cautious about newcomers. I just don't trust people anymore -.-