View Full Version : She's eating what?

08-25-2005, 07:03 PM
I have an older golden retriever- she is about 14 years old. Lately, we've noticed that she is eating her own feces- something we've never seen her do before. Anybody know what is up with that?

I know her health is starting to decline and I don't know if that is a sign of something else. Today after dinner, she wanted to go right outside, I went out to watch her and she threw up. I don't know if that is something she is doing on a regular basis or not- I'll have to watch her the next few days to see if that is a trend. She does seem to be losing weight though- she just looks and feels thinner. :( :(

08-25-2005, 07:49 PM
What kind of food are you feeding her?

A lot of the time dogs will eat their own feces if they aren't getting enough nutrients in their diet. This sounds like the reason, if she's ageing and getting thinner. However, there are several other reasons non-health related, such as hiding their feces from predators.

08-25-2005, 07:51 PM
We are feeding her Iams Mature Dog food. She has always had Iams. She also always has food in her bowl so she can eat as she gets hungry. Do you think it would still be nutrient related? Why else might she eat her feces- especially if it is something new?

08-25-2005, 08:27 PM
Mandy did the same thing! We tried the stuff you sprinkle on the food and it only helped for a few days. My vet didn't feel it was nutritional, just a quirk dogs get, they think it tastes good! :eek: Our problem was solved because Mandy has to be leashed due to a heart condition. Lacey used to get into the litterbox. We solved that by putting it up on a table and tying it down. ;)
You can check with your vet and see what he/she thinks. Good luck. :)

08-25-2005, 08:30 PM
If not nutritional, it could just be a silly quirk, out of boredom or what have you.

Annette's suggestion to visit the vet would probably be your best bet.

08-25-2005, 09:09 PM
I agree, a Vet visit is in order for the 14 yr. old girl.

I would pick up the poop right away before she gets
a chance to eat it.

Keep us posted.

08-25-2005, 09:46 PM
I would pick up the poop right away before she gets a chance to eat it.

That is what I was thinking. We had a bit of trouble with Malone wanting to roll :mad: in it, and that's what we did for a while, and since haven't had any trouble.

Best of luck in finding a solution though!

P.S. I would love to see pictures of your gorgeous golden! :)

Den Anne Pen
08-25-2005, 10:05 PM
I agree w/ the others i would take her to the vet just to check because of her age i have 2 dogs that like to eat there poop i went to the vet and she told me that it's normal for dogs to do that at times it taste yummy to them YUK i got FOR-BID and that seems to help alittle anyway all i really can do is just pick it up before they get to it


08-26-2005, 07:09 AM
Thanks for the input! She has been to the vet within the last few months and given a fairly clean bill of health- for her age she is healthy. Her eyesight and hearing are starting to go. Her arthritis is getting worse but we are able to manage it right now with pain meds! I'll just be better at scooping the yard after every bathroom run!

08-26-2005, 09:15 AM
Buddy does that too:o
I pick it up asap.
He likes it best in the winter... I guess he likes "Poop-cycles":o