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View Full Version : It has taken me a long time to get here.

08-24-2005, 12:29 PM
I've finally come to a really big point in my life. I'm realizing it's not worth it to dwell on the little things in life when so many things seem to be going well.

Today I was riding the bus over to my mom's house, and I just felt soo happy. I'm realizing that I can't sit and dwell on such stupid things. I need to be happy, that's it.

There were so many little things that made me smile today. The way Abby came and crawled up on my lap and fell asleep. The way the bus driver took and extra long stop at the stop sign and took a cookie from his lunch and ate it. This little puppy asleep in it's yard, not a care in the world. The way this lady got off at my same stop and said hello and goodbye. Seeing all of my friends at summer band after missing them all summer. Seeing my band director and laughing insanely at his silly quirks.

This is all I need right now. I can now laugh at my moms silly insecurities and problems. I can laugh at my own. I have a full life ahead of me and I can't let these stupid things let me down. I'm planning to go to college. I'm gonna be a doctor or a vet. I know what I want and I am going to get it. I feel so much stronger and at peace with myself.

:) *happy sigh of relief*

08-24-2005, 12:39 PM
I am so happy for you! :) ((hugs)) Keep your chin up! :)

08-24-2005, 12:41 PM
:D Awesome attitude! Some people and things are just not worth getting upset over.

My husband told me that there are three rules in life:

1: Don't sweat the small stuff
2: Everything is small in the end equasion
3: If it isn't small, then leave it up to God because EVERYTHING is small to Him

If you aren't happy, then how is anything going to go right? Attitude is altitude!

I'm glad you're happy. You've been so down lately, and I've been kind of worried. *Hugs!* Keep that positive vibe going!

*Now all I gotta do is practice some of what I'm preaching
:o *

08-24-2005, 08:10 PM

08-24-2005, 08:47 PM
What a perfect way for me to end my evening, reading a postive post like this from you, Megan!!!! :)

08-24-2005, 09:11 PM
Way to go Megan, it is so wonderful to hear you so positive about your life, you have had tough times and through it you have come and to an understanding within yourself, I guess an inner peace, that no matter what happens you will beat it, and continue on and enjoy a productive and happy life, GOOD GIRL, keep at it, your'e an inspiration to many other young people, not just young either, us oldies can sure learn a thing or two from you.. :)

08-24-2005, 09:40 PM
So proud of you, kiddo! Remember this feeling and store it in your heart for when you feel the clouds gathering.