View Full Version : Oh Auntie Lori.....:)

08-23-2005, 08:47 PM
Hi Auntie Lori. Meowmie took a few pictures of me just for you as she says you luvs to see pics of me. Of course the pics are for everyone else to see, but they are especially for you. Hope you like them. Headbumpies and lickies to you Auntie Lori.


Here I was just relaxing in meowmies laundry basket.

Good night Auntie Lori. Hope you sleep well tonight. :D

08-23-2005, 08:54 PM
OH POPPY!!! I just melted!!!! You brought me a big huge smile and the warm fuzzies just when I really needed them!!!! Thank you!!!!!

Please ask your meowmie to give you hugs, scritchies, smooches and extra treats for me!!!!

I'll be dreaming of a field of feline Poppies tonight!!!!
:D :D :D :D

08-24-2005, 01:18 PM
I'm glad I brought a big smile to your face Auntie Lori and meowmie did deliver the hugs, scritchies, smooches for you and I really enjoyed the extra treats also. :D