View Full Version : been crazy around here

08-23-2005, 06:53 PM

We've been busy putting a new roof put on the house the past week & a half...and of course, having an OLD house you have to expect a few problems...
On the 1st day the vent coming out the roof for our hot water heater broke off...and it broke off down in the attic!!! The plumber couldn't get there until the following day to look at putting in a new vent pipe...then they discovered that the water heater was 18 years old & the average life is 14-15 years...and it would cost nearly as much to get a new water heater that didn't have to vent through the roof as do the neccessary changes on the old one, which could go to heck at any time...so that's days 1 & 2
On day 3 it rained like crazy & one of the workers nearly fell off the roof, but thought quickly enough to ram his hammer into the wood & hold on til he could get his footing...Also had a leak in the kitchen...
then it went well for a few days...
Last night hubby was showering in the bathroom above our bedroom (the other bathroom is next to our bedroom) I'm laying in bed & I hear gurgle gurgle gurgle...soI jumped up & ran in the downstairs bathroom...the water in the toilet is gurgling & bubbling..BIG TIME! I went to the basement to see if we had a sewer backup of something...NOPE
So this morning, I'm showering upstairs & he's downstairs...the toilet starts filling & filling & filling downstairs...just about goes over...but all of a sudden the tub starts filling & toilet goes down a little...Plumber comes again...remember that vent pipe in the roof??? somehow shingles got down that darn thing & plugged the lines...sheesh!! so we're cleaned up again!!
The roof is done, & hubby has new windows in the porch...& is now putting the door back in...next he has to put new siding on the porch & we'll have a lot of painting to do...
to top it all off...I've decided to change trim colors on the house...lol he's about to kill me I think! Right now the house is antique white trimmed in beige, country green & mauve...I say it's time for the mauve & country green to take a hike...& be replaced with a cranberry or plum & possibly another shade of beige or white...we'll see I guess....
i have a lot of painting & sheetrocking to do inside too...so we'll be busy all winter...Isn't change FUN???

Ginger's Mom
08-23-2005, 07:25 PM
Sorry to hear of all of the problems. But just think how good you will feel when everything is done. :)