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08-23-2005, 02:07 PM
I was just curious if your dog or dogs slept with you in your bed. I thought that this would be an interesting poll. :)

Heidi sleeps with me sometimes, but shes been sleeping with me more, and I really like it, although I have only a twin bed and shes a bed hog. :rolleyes:

08-23-2005, 02:12 PM
Tango sleeps with me all the time unless it's really hot. The others sleep with my mom...

Buddy Blaze Lover
08-23-2005, 02:15 PM
Blaze sleeps with me sometimes, but more often then not, he sleeps in his own bed.:) Reason is, this dog moves in his sleep ALL the time! lol;) If I shift, he wakes up, and starts moving and walking around. (on the floor of course):rolleyes: :p ;)

08-23-2005, 02:17 PM
Nanook doesn't anymore cause he can't jump on the bed anymore and I won't lift him up in case he jumps off when I'm sleeping & hurts himself.

Raustyk almost always falls asleep with me but is on the couch when I wake up.

Kaige isn't housebroken yet so he sleeps in his crate. But I hope he will when he's a big boy.

08-23-2005, 02:19 PM
Too bad I couldn't vote twice because they both do. Sometimes if the room is too warm to their liking they will jump down and sleep on the floor but not very often.

08-23-2005, 02:28 PM
No, they all sleep in different spots through out the house.

Mick sleeps in his crate, we are still having potty training issues.

Reggie sleeps in the laundry room on her bed.

Tori sleeps either on her bed behind the chair in living room or sleeps near the front door.

08-23-2005, 03:23 PM
Blair sleeps on the floor in my moms room, Perky sleeps on my moms bed with her, unless she is annoyed and desides to teach my mom a lesson, in which case she huffs at my mom and sleeps with me lol Ripley and Misty always sleep on my bed with me, Ripley almost always under the covers, Misty only when she is cold, and Happy sleeps on the floor at the foot of my bed in the summer and wraped around my head in the winter unless is REALLY cold, then she sleeps under my covers.

08-23-2005, 03:52 PM
Funny you should ask that...when we first got Roscoe, my husband said he wouldn't be allowed on the bed. So, after a few weeks, we noticed that he'd be up there when we weren't home (the covers were messed up and then he began burying his rawhide bones under the covers...THAT'S fun to lay on!). Then, I'd invite Roscoe into bed with me when hubby wasn't there (not in bed yet, or after he got up in the morning). So of course Roscoe jumped up in bed with us a few times when hubby was there, only to be told to get back down :( The other night, when hubby thought I was asleep, I heard him call Roscoe into bed with us. :D He's such a softie, and who could resist those big brown eyes!!

Dixieland Dancer
08-23-2005, 03:54 PM
Dixie always go to bed when I do (even when others in the house are still awake). She sleeps tucked into a ball at the foot of the bed by my feet. She is there for the night.

Dusty comes too bed only when everyone else does too. He sleeps facing me sharing a pillow. If he gets too hot then he jumps down to sleep on the cold tile floor!

Sometimes there just isn't enough room and I end up squished against the wall or hubby does. The dogs are always comfy!

08-23-2005, 03:57 PM
I wish Batman could sleep in the bed, but the lady at his obedience class said it would make him feel dominant and we are trying to help him "learn his place in the pack"

08-23-2005, 04:23 PM
Sheeba,Ozzy,Barkley,keesha and Shadow sleep in my room with me. Usually all of em sleep on the bed except Shadow, she prefers the floor.
maggie prefers to sleep in the living room on the couch
and Eli sleeps outside in his kennel:(

08-23-2005, 04:27 PM
my english setter t.j. does and then my flat-coat sleeps under my bed because she feels safe i guess

08-23-2005, 05:30 PM
my golden can't. him being a service dog.. he isn't allowed to. I think that's good too! so I'd not carry my guilty and feel bad for the cats! they wouldn't have any room to hop on if crayola sleeps with me everynight..he would! ;)

08-23-2005, 07:28 PM
A couple of my dogs used to sleep with me, but most of them sleep on the floor.

My boyfriend SO does not think dogs should sleep in the bed, though ... so now they ALL sleep on the floor.

08-23-2005, 08:22 PM
Micki sleeps with my brother Adam
Mini and Kyra sleep with my mom and dad
Jack with me
Shadow sleeps with my sister Monica at first and moves to the couch...its funny because Monica has a twin sized bed and big ole Shadow takes up the whole thing and leaves Monica curled up at the end of the bed or squished against the wall.

08-23-2005, 08:53 PM
Hey welcome back Miranda! :)

Nope, Harlee sleeps in the same room, but in her crate, with a nice, soft, fuzzy dog bed inside :) We made the mistake of allowing Dale to sleep with us occasionally as a pup and then he kept growing and growing and got too big for our bed...so with Harlee, she has never been allowed and I think everyone gets a good nights rest b/c of it :) I am also up in the middle of the night occasionally ( being a mother of a toddler), and I don't want the added noise of a big old dog follwoing me in the night to Christian's room...and also didn't want her to think that she was allowed to sleep on his bed, either, b/c she is too big for him...and will be way too big for him in his bed, once full grown. Now once he is grown up, maybe he will allow her in his bed, but not now...long story short...nope ;)


08-23-2005, 09:04 PM
Gonzo has a big bed in my room, so he usually sleeps on my bed at first, but when I wake up he's sleeping in his. He likes laying on my bed, but he will not get up there unless I call him ~ he's uber submissive. I think I might kick him or steal the covers from him at night, so he ends up giving up and going to his bed :p

08-23-2005, 09:25 PM
Nope. he sleeps in his crate at night.
not because i dont trust him,, just incase i have to get up,, i dont like having to worry about stepping on him in the dark. so i crate him.

08-24-2005, 09:09 AM
Not often. Sometimes on a Saturday night they do, if my Brother goes out and will be home late (I dont want them getting out accidently).

I usually get Penny and Theo for a little while in the morning for a quick cuddle.

08-25-2005, 01:35 AM
Nebo sleeps in my room and he has his choice of my bed, his kennel with a dog bed in it, or the floor. Sometimes he'll jump on the bed and sleep there for a little while. He's always on the floor by morning though.

08-25-2005, 04:25 AM
I got sammyJ after his frist owner died, and he seems to have some anxity issues. He is afraid of feet to, so im working with him on that, at first he was so unsure as to what to do, I just let him take the lead and let him know I love him, he sleeps with me off n on..hes up n down or hanging over my back..lol..and sometimes i have to sit and rock him, it seems to calm him, he just lays there like a baby and when hes had enough he lets me know and lays here by me, hes never to far away. One day i snapped my fingers to get his attetion and he lay flat on the floor like a whip,got me, I think he was punished , and hes scared of the fly swatter ..so that is put up. He is such a sweet heart, I just want him to forget all that and be really super happy.http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b212/lvpups/sammyjsmile.jpg

08-25-2005, 04:34 AM
wow that pic was bad..ummm, any way, SammyJ is happy..lol