View Full Version : Problems again with Bemol. HELP!!!

Bemol's mom
03-05-2002, 01:02 PM
Hi there!

This lunch time, I got really upset with Bemol and now that I'm back to work, I feel awful. :( I really need advices to cure the problem 'cause it's driving me (and my boyfriend) crazy.

We just moved on saturday in a larger appartment. Bemol haven't seem traumatized, he reacted really well (of course with an accident in the first 5 minutes we've been there moving boxes ans stuff) and have already adapt (well, I guess he have).

The thing is that these days, it is REALLY COLD outside (like -20C) and he's still doing this "I won't pee and poo the same time", even if I stay outside for 10-15 minutes. More than that, he's starting to go right in front of the door 5 minutes after I come back inside with him.

That made me so upset this lunch time 'cause after 2 times out, he hadn't poo (but ate snow, branches, leaves, etc...). So I brought him back inside and put him back in his crate. I was SO upset! :eek:

I don't know what to do. I'd so like him to understand that when we go out, it's time to pee AND poo... I'm kind of discouraged now... If he's starting this routine, I'm afraid I won't be able to change it...:(

Any advice for a discouraged mom?

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-05-2002, 07:17 PM
Is Bemol a puppy? Maybe he just isn't fully trained yet? This is not really advice but maybe it will help. My mother in law has a chihuahua and he DOES NOT like to go potty when it is raining or cold outside. He is older now and when she says go potty he will after a minute but with a terrible pouty face. Maybe he just does not like the cold? Just stick with your training maybe it will just take a little more time? Good luck though. :confused: :confused:

03-05-2002, 11:28 PM
My dog does this too sometimes. :eek:
Hopefully there will be some answers for you, cuz I'd like to know too. :confused:

Carrie, Dixie, Ktreva.......are you out there?

03-06-2002, 01:50 AM
Your time pressures are not helping things go forward and I think the problem itself has two causes. I think it is a combination of misunderstanding on the dogs part and a desire to feel more secure.
Try getting up ten minutes early for a week and putting a short leash on the dog before you take him out to pee. Leave the leash on him when you come back in and watch him like a hawk, without talking to him or looking directly at him. As soon as he shows any sign of needing to poo (it may be useful to wait until he has actually squatted) grab the lead, say a very firm, "No!" (Don't shout or sound angry, the more of a drama you make of this the worse it is for the dog to try and sort it out) and walk with large confident strides outside to the area you would like the dog to use. Then, in a softer voice, but not looking at the dog, give him your usual instruction, I use, "Get busy, busy busy." Give it five minutes and if nothing has happened just go inside and try again. Try and keep your heart rate under control, it is vital that you remain calm and in control no matter what happens - an awful lot easier to say than do, I know, especially with an ongoing problem.
When he eventually goes outside have a food reward, a toy and loads of physical praise ready.
Keep at it and try to ignore mistakes and carry on as though they haven't happened - not easy!
Good luck.

03-06-2002, 10:47 AM
I have and still do have sort of the same problem. We have been having very cold weather as well as some nice warm weather. My 4 month old lab still doesn't always like to go to the bathroom all at once..Sometimes she likes to go outside and collect rocks,sticks,whatever she can find....We can take her out 5 to 10 times in a hour. She has been much better lately. I just watch her closely and we havn't had any acidents for a long time. I also got her around xmas and we always seem to have bells on our door all year round so she has learned to ring the bells when she was about 7 weeks old when she needs to go outside.;)