View Full Version : Interesting article about cats/allergies

03-05-2002, 07:54 AM
I found this to be very interesting.


K & L
03-05-2002, 11:20 AM
That is interesting! Thanks for sharing.

03-09-2002, 09:15 AM
Thanks for the info! I've found it interesting that some people who claim to be allergic to cats can be in a room where a cat has been but not have any symptoms until they actually SEE the cat...almost like the power of suggestion.

I have a friend who is terribly allergic to dogs, but cats create no adverse reaction at all.

03-09-2002, 12:19 PM
Thank you Logan - very interesting.

As a child our younger daughter Elizabeth was chronic astmatic (she still is by the way) - all the doctors suggested we get rid (rehome) our cat. I maintained then (and still do) that the traumatic effect on Elizabeth would have been so great - it would have made her feel even more poorly - she couldn't cope with stress at all. So the cat stayed.
When Elizabeth had to have time off school and be at home - who stayed with her the whole time - Kisi (RB) did. She stayed on Elizabeth's bed and 'looked after her' (according to Elizabeth!!) I think that cat was worth her weight in gold. When Elizabeth had to go into hospital as she often did - Kisi knew - she waited on her bed the whole time and was the first to greet her when she arrived home :)

Don't get me wrong Elizabeth was extremley ill many times and as she was part of the family, so was Kisi.

When we visited my sister we had to take Elizabeth's nebuliser with us - becaused within 15 minutes of walking into their 2 cat home - Elizabeth would be wheezing and coughing like a good 'un!

We did bath Kisi on occassions (especially when she helped me paint an outdoor wall! Fun!) this helped to keep her dander down and there was no carpet in Elizabeth's bedroom, just wooden floorboards.

Now as a grown woman she has her own house complete with cat and dog!

Make of it all what you will.
