View Full Version : Why do people have to be so mean?!

08-22-2005, 05:16 PM

If I weren't so saddened by the events of this weekend, I'd be downright angry. My good friend got her car stolen at a party on Friday night. This gal is a single mom and works about as far away from home as I do and now since she has lost her car, she has lost her job too. :(

We rave-goers have a saying: PLUR, it means peace, love, unity and respect. Stealing someones car is far from respectful. My friend wasn't the only one either...2 other cars got jacked and a few others got broken into. Some guy even got a $400 Burning Man ticket stolen.

Why do people have to hate like that? I was thinking this weekend about why I get so depressed...its because people do things that make me so angry that I feel ill will towards them, when everything spiritual inside myself tells me that even THINKING about violence and revenge is wrong. I try to live by the rule of "Love Thy Neighbor" but what if your neighbor is a complete and total jerk?

What posesses people to harm others? The jerks who stole and broke into cars didn't know my friend...they didn't have any reason to be mean to her.

Sigh...the more and more mean-ness I see the more depressed I get. I just wish I knew what in this world has made some people feel the need to make others miserable.

:( I'm a very sad Fyrewolf today. Maybe I shouldn't think about stuff like this.

08-22-2005, 05:25 PM
Things like that sadden me too, our world is not really a nice place to live in anymore, but sadly we just have to accept it , as there are always going to be jerks like that around,they cannot be bothered getting off their butts to work and earn their own things, so steal other's who indeed have worked long and hard for what they have.

Our poor neighbours had their car stolen, then replaced it with insurance money and had it stolen again, hence they have now moved on.

Try not to get too depressed about it all, and think about some of the positive things in life that happen, that always helps cheer me up, when I hear some good news or some act of kindness,if you get down and out about it, it won't do you much good, because unfortunately it is still going to happen.

So cheer up now and think of something nice today.:)and this advice come from the biggest worry wart in the world, now if only I could practice what I preach.LOL;)

08-22-2005, 05:31 PM
Like sunshine, good music and a cat to cuddle with ;)

Sigh...whats even more irritating is her car wasn't even all too nice but its all she had. It only cost her $100. She is saving for an apartment (or was anyhow). The only reason why anyone would steal it is to trash it (It didn't even have a nice sound system) There's been a lot of that going around here lately...the newspaper had an article a few days ago about how theres this gang of jerks going around and picking beat up old cars to steal and trash, then they take them out into the desert and burn them. Some people need a hobby...

08-22-2005, 05:36 PM
yep they just take it for a joy ride, my neighbour's had expensive hotted up Subaru Legacies, with good sound systems, and they stole it right under their nose more or less, whilst they slept, it was parked under their bedroom window, they also stole from the house in broad daylight, I never saw anything as I was upstairs on PT.

I love your recipe for happiness, does it for me everytime.,especially the cats to cuddle.

08-22-2005, 08:15 PM
I also get sad and depressed when I think
how some people treat others.
I just don't understand when people do not have a

08-22-2005, 08:32 PM
I think some people are bored - they need a pet to love them and to occupy their time. Maybe a godd hyper puppy to keep their every moment occupied with keeping puppy out of trouble ... and by the time pup has grown up, why then that person will know the meaning of love, and be a nicer person overall.

I can dream, anyway.

My Great Uncle Mac used to see teenagers idly kicking down the street with nothing t do, and his first impulse was "Someone ought to give them a piece of land to plant a garden. It'll keep them from finding trouble, and then once they see they can create beautiful things, they will be happier people.

08-22-2005, 10:47 PM
these people..

I had my car broken in twice in a summer once. and what they have found inside? nothing. I already pay for what I paid.

these kind of things are really cruel to some of us.. feeling depress, angry wouldn't keep people in control....that bothers me too!

*hugging you*.. I'm sorry it happened to her (and you) - always remember this, whatever goes around comes around! :D really, it has better be for a good reason! ;)

ok..pooey, am I being all positive? :rolleyes: hope someday, someday they...most of them will realize and stop!

..another werewolf. (I was born on a full moon! counts? =)

08-23-2005, 02:54 AM

That really is sad...I cannot understand the lack of concern or respect for other people. :(

I hope your friend finds a car and job soon. That's really bad luck. :(

Take care.

08-23-2005, 10:39 AM
This is why I love PT...everyone is so positive!! :D Thanks everyone for your thoughts!!