View Full Version : Question about Ebony?

08-22-2005, 01:20 PM
Ebony is really good about listening to what I say. I'm teaching her to heal when we walk she is doing wonderful with that. She is totally crate trained, she sits for her treats and for her feedings. I'm having problems with her standing up and looking around on the kitchen counters. Also, when people come over she gets soooo excited that she jumps on them. I have been telling her NO then I tell her down but its not working real well.

Do any of you have any suggestions on how to break her of this habit. Thanks so much in advance.:)

08-22-2005, 01:47 PM
I've never had a problem with my pups jumping on people, but I've heard of a few things that works. My dad has found that stepping on the dogs back feet makes them stop. (kind of hard to do if you ask me!) My sister used to have 4 rotties that would jump on you (all at the same time!!!!) I found with them that putting my knee up, so more or less the dog's chest goes into your knee worked. Both are just meant to make the act of jumping on people uncomfortable for them, and in the long run realize that it's not a pleasant experience when they do it. A friend of mine has a 150 lb wolf dog that used to jump on people when he wanted attention. She taught him that he does not get petting until he's sitting down. When he does jump, all I have to do is turn my back to him and ignore him and he sits down like the sweet little boy that he is, then he gets all the lovin' I can give him!
You can also keep her on a leash when people come in, and when she goes to jump, give her a little tug toward the floor, to keep her from jumping and pick ONE word to associate it with. No, Off, Down... what ever you want, but make sure it's always the same word. Hope some of that helped! Good Luck!

08-22-2005, 01:56 PM
I heard the one about stepping on thier feet and I'm not too fond of it. Several months ago, there was an episode of the dog whisperer that addressed that issue. He said that when people come to the house, they should ignore him and then I forgot what else..... sorry. You may want to look it up.

08-22-2005, 02:41 PM
Did you find what you needed?


08-22-2005, 03:00 PM
Thank you both so much for replying! I will look through the Dog Whisperer site. I love that guy and the show. He totally rocks! He knows what he's doing thats for sure. I love how he roller blades with all the pit bulls.:D

08-22-2005, 03:02 PM
The knee in the chest has worked wonders for me & many trainers/friends that I know. But you probably use the word down also when you want her to lay down right, or at least use it in the prase lay down if you don't just say down? So a great word is "off"! It doesn't confuse the dog. I use it for everything that I want a dog to get off of, not down. It works for the couch, bed, etc... etc... and it'll probably be best to use for the counter surfing that she's doing.
I wouldn't even use the word NO, I just say OFF.
It takes a little time, just like anything else but patience & persistance is the key.
Good luck!

08-22-2005, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by lv4dogs
The knee in the chest has worked wonders for me & many trainers/friends that I know. But you probably use the word down also when you want her to lay down right, or at least use it in the prase lay down if you don't just say down? So a great word is "off"! It doesn't confuse the dog. I use it for everything that I want a dog to get off of, not down. It works for the couch, bed, etc... etc... and it'll probably be best to use for the counter surfing that she's doing.
I wouldn't even use the word NO, I just say OFF.
It takes a little time, just like anything else but patience & persistance is the key.
Good luck!

Thank you so much!! I have been using the word down, i will try using off instead. What all you said makes perfect sence.:)

08-22-2005, 07:51 PM
When Ebony goes to jump up tell her "Off", cross your arms, look away and just ignore her. She will eventually learn that jumping up on people does not get her any attention. When I greet my dogs I make them sit first, this is also very helpful when people come over, in order to get attention they must behave and sit. Just like lv4dogs said the word "off" can also be used when she tries counter surfing.

finn's mom
08-22-2005, 08:00 PM
I don't agree with the knee in the chest thing or the stepping on the toes thing, but, I do know that it gets them down each time they jump...it never worked for me in keeping them down, though, but, maybe it does for some. The only thing I tried with Finn was to ignore him completely. It worked like a charm the first day I tried it, and, he's not jumped on me since he was about six months old. That's when I read that dog listener book (part of it, anyway). When I come home, I ignore him for a few minutes, and, it's never failed. It's getting others to do the same thing that's tricky. But, if you're adamant with people, they see how well it works. I literally left for twenty minutes the first time I tried it...came back home with my arms folded and my head looking up. I didn't make eye contact with Finn, didn't touch him, didn't talk to him. It was amazing how quickly he realized that jumping on me wasn't going to get my attention at all. He went and laid down for a few minutes, and, I continued to ignore him for a few more. That's what the book said to do, and, like I said...now, I just have to come home and ignore him for a couple minutes and he's not jumped on me at all. It's amazing.

08-22-2005, 11:23 PM
One thing I have found is you put your two fist together, and just push down on their chest. They don't like the pressure, so they get off. With my aunts dog Alex, it seems to work like a charm!

Steph and Jes

08-23-2005, 01:34 AM
That's what I did with Cody. Although I've read that kneeing them in the chest can be harmful, I never applied much pressure, I just held my knee up and sternly said "Off!" and it also worked like a charm! I tried stepping on the back feet, but he danced around so I could never get to them! :rolleyes: Luckily, the only time Logan jumps on me is when she has to go out to the bathrrom badly.

08-23-2005, 07:38 AM
Originally posted by K9karen
Although I've read that kneeing them in the chest can be harmful, I never applied much pressure, I just held my knee up and sternly said "Off!" and it also worked like a charm!

I don't apply much pressure at all either, just a small little tiny nudge/bump & "OFF" & thats it.

08-23-2005, 07:55 AM
Thanks so much for your help everyone! I started using the word "off" it's working so much better than down! I wouldn't have known that with out your help. You all are the best!:)