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08-22-2005, 09:14 AM
Saturday morning on my way home from work I called my fiancee and told him that there was an Aussie mix at our local SPCA. Recently he had seen a show about them and liked them very much. I just told him they had one there. We have been thinking about getting a third dog but the right one really hasn't come along. Anyways, I got home and went to bed and at about 3pm he gets home and tells me to come look at my car, that I must have hit something (I don't recall hitting anything though). I walked out to the garage and there was a dog. However, it was not the dog I told him about. Instead it was a 1 1/2 year old male ACD. I was excited because wow a new dog and a suprise too. Sad news though, I am taking him back this morning in just a little bit. He is a beautiful dog and a very nice dog but he's not fitting in as well as I would like with the girls. He quite a bit larger than them, he's 50 lbs. Sadie growls at him and Maggie is so small he just can run over her. My fiancee and I have both decided that as hard as it's going to be to take him back, I have to do it. We don't think it's going to work out in the long run. He needs a bigger yard and lots of room to run (we have enough room for the girls, but not a dog his size). I was crying on the way home from my parents yesterday because I knew I was having to take him back. I took him over there to show them because at the time I was going there I was unsure if he was staying with us. Well my aunt's dog growled at him pretty good and would have liked to tear into him had there not been a door in the way. My brother's dog's hair was sticking up. He also tore up the bathroom while I was at work (my fiancee had left for work). Tore my shower curtain and rod down, shredded the toilet paper and garbage. Tore the towels off the rack. He's just a little big too much for us to handle right now and looking back I don't think we are ready for a third dog at this time and definitely not one his size. Sadie has always gotten along better with girls so this is what we have to consider for the well being of all of us. She's the alpha dog and she does not like anyone new coming into the house. I feel horrible about taking him back but it is not fair to him or us or the girls to try and make it work when we know it's not in our best interest. He also peed and pooped on the floor as well. I guess I am not a big dog person like I thought I was. I like little cuddle dogs and gentler ones at that. He's pretty rambunctious and stands in your way and doesn't move. I don't want anyone to think badly of me or my decision as this is very personal and hard enough as it is. I just wanted to post and let everyone know what a rough few days I have had and how hard of a day I am in for. Sorry so long but I appreciate those who have read this.

08-22-2005, 09:22 AM
I am sorry you are going to take the poor boy back :(.

I wish people would think about these things a bit more before bringing a strange dog home :(. I hope a suitable home can be found, where he will have plenty of room to run around, i will keep him in my thoughts.

Pawsitive Thinking
08-22-2005, 09:27 AM
Sounds like a real bummer of a weekend!! First the high of the surprise dog and then the low bits........... hope things work out for you all

08-22-2005, 10:06 AM
It sounds as though you made the right desicion, hopefully he will find a home more suitable to his needs. You both should go pick out a dog together and maybe let Maggie and Sadie meet the new dog on neutral territory before just bringing a new dog into their space.

Last October we adopted an Aussie from a rescue and he seemed perfect. We visited him for a couple of weeks at the rescue, had a home check and he met our dogs and everything was fine. We finally adopted him and we had Lenny for a month and he started biting my dad in the face and suddenly tried eating our cats, giving him back to the rescue was the hardest thing but we knew he wasn't right for the family. Then 2 months later Jack came into my life totally by accident and it was the best desicion we made! The right dog will pick you when the time is right!

Ginger's Mom
08-22-2005, 11:02 AM
I am really sorry to hear about your weekend. I hope that he finds a perfect home for him. I am sure that it is tough on everyone. k9krazee said, just wait, don't rush things when the time is right the right dog will find you.

08-22-2005, 11:28 AM
:( I know both of your hearts were in the right direction & sometimes things just dont work out like we want it too.. Hey if he wont work out then let them take him back now before any attachement sets in & then he can have diff home.. I am sure it is a tough decision.:)

08-22-2005, 11:56 AM
I'm so sorry things didn't work out. What you did is for the best for everyone.
I'll keep that guy in my thoughts, hoping he finds his forever home.

08-22-2005, 12:06 PM
Well I went to take him back, but couldn't. They had a parvo outbreak so they had to move all the dogs and the puppy with the parvo is now in foster care. They are under quarantine so I had to bring him back home with me. How much harder can this get? Now he's gonna be here for a little while longer and I just know it's going to be hard to take him back now. I am balling trying to type this. I don't know what to do. Is this some kind of sign that he's supposed to be here and that it's just going to take some getting used to. I just need some well wishes from everyone and good vibes as this is killing me. Maybe we will have to look into obedience for him because he is bigger and likes to jump on people and get his paws on my counters everywhere. This is so hard because now he's going to grab my heart and I won't want to take him back. I know people are probably thinking oh what a horrible person and how can she treat the dog like that but I am stuck as to what to do. I'll try and keep everyone updated but please bear with me.

08-22-2005, 01:00 PM
Listen, you are NOT a horrible person and none of us could think so!! I just feel like you and your hubby did not put very much thought into this AT ALL, and got off on the wrong foot ~ first off, your hubby should not have picked out the dog alone and "suprised" you. Since it sounds like you're his main caretaker anyway, you deserve to choose your own dog to adopt. Second, herding dogs are often NOT good with small dogs (unless they grow up with them) because of their strong prey instincts... Australian Cattle Dogs are especially super hard-mouthed and they tend to nip at small beings (small dogs, cats, kids, etc) if they aren't corrected and trained not to.

First, you NEED to crate train him!! You cannot expect a dog fresh from the pound to be house-trained and to automatically know not to tear things up and get into stuff he isn't supposed to. Dogs just don't know. He needs to be in his crate when he isn't supervised. When you are home, try tethering him to you to encourage potty training and to prevent anything from being torn up. If he does something bad, like jump on the counter, tell him "NO!" or "OFF!" and quickly leash correct him. Most importantly, he DOES need Obedience training and lots and lots of exercise. If your yard is too small, take him for long walks or jogs. Play ball with him for an hour in the backyard or at a nearby dog park. Start training him now, teach the basic commands and practice with him every day to keep his mind stimulated ~ herding dogs need a job, a strict schedule, and all sorts of things to stimulate their minds and bodies. It isn't a huge suprise that Sadie and Maggie dont like him ~ he's a newcomer, he's bigger than them, and he sounds like he doesn't have much manners. He is also only 1 1/2, which is still full puppy stage for any herding dog! Understand that this is not the dog's fault... he's a puppy, he was probably kept outside for his entire life before now, and he does not know any better. Just take it slow, take a deep breath, and think of this a project rather than a nightmare :)

It'd be *awesome* if you guys could foster him while the shelter is sorting things out... then maybe they can still refer people to you to get him adopted out. Tell the shelter they NEED to list him as a dog for herding/ACD-experienced owners with a large yard or property. During this time you can also think about if you're READY for any herding breed... basically, yes, they are like this. They need 1-4 hours of intense exercise every day ~ running, playing, and tons of mental stimulation... whether that is de-stuffing frozen Kongs, getting meals out of a buster food cube (which I highly recommend), learning new tricks, practicing long down-stays in the yard, praticing dog sports, etc. If they don't get all of this every day, they will become very unhappy and take out their frustration on your house and yard. If you're actually considering an Australian Shepherd, they are just as/maybe more active than ACD's, and they can weigh up to 65 lbs. Even if you like the breed and it seems like a cool breed, it is DEFINITELY not for everyone (actually, not for most people)... which is why there are so many available at shelters :(

08-22-2005, 02:34 PM
Thanks Erica for your response as this will be a project shall we keep him. I know I can come to everyone here with herding dogs for advice as they are so many of you who own one. I'll have to keep my eye out for a crate maybe I can get used as they are pretty expensive. Yes as for hubby "suprising" me with him, he did tell me he will talk to me before he does that again. I will let him know when he gets home more of what the dog needs exercise wise and let him know it's going to be a big part of his life as well. He picked the dog and he needs to help with the excercise and training.

08-22-2005, 10:00 PM
You got a great post from Erica with very good advice. I hope things work out with him. If not maybe you could talk to a rescue group about him instead of taking him back to the shelter (especially if it's a kill shelter). A young energetic dog like that will definitely need lots of exericise and mental stimulation. Maybe try teaching him to fetch a frisbee, ball, etc. I bet he would do great in flyball or agility if there's a class near you (start with obedience first though).

For a crate I would suggest a wire crate, most dogs seem more comfortable in them as they can see out better. (I put clips on all the edges of mine as I had an escape artist problem but haven't had any since). Leaving a kong filled with peanut butter and other treats in the crate will help keep him occupied while he is alone. Start out with him only staying in there a few minutes at a time while you are there and gradually increase the crate time plus leave the room. If he barks, ignore him, only come back when he has settled down. If you come back you are only rewarding his bad behavior (barking) by giving him attention. Try feeding his dinner in the crate, putting fun toys in there, etc. It should be a comfortable den for them. Never use the crate as punishment. My dogs all love their crates and will go there on their own to sleep often. There are plenty of people here willing to give you plenty of advice please don't hesitate to ask us any questions.

Get him into a basic obedience class soon and in the meantime we'd love to see pictures. :)

Daisy and Delilah
08-22-2005, 10:15 PM
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} and best wishes Amber. Everything will work out. Don't worry.


08-22-2005, 10:38 PM
Well it looks like he might be staying. The next few days will be the deciding factor. Things with the girls are getting better however he got a little food aggressive tonight with Maggie so I put him in the laundry room by himself to eat with the door shut while the girls ate in the kitchen and bathroom. I have already looked at some crates on Ebay (wire ones) and they are pretty reasonable, however we will wait to make sure we are keeping him before we buy the crate. He does like to fetch tennis balls but looses interest after a little while. I tried a Frisbee and he chased it but left it on the ground. He walks alright on a leash, he likes to walk in front of me and stop so I pull the leash shorter and had him walk by my side but this still needs some work. I am telling him "no" when appropriate with his behavior. The SPCA told us he was house trained however he did pee and poop in here already but not today. Maybe he was nervous. He had a bath today and boy was he dirty and the hair oh my the hair. Pic to come of that. I could have made another Maggie with all the hair that came off him. I brushed his teeth and cleaned his ears. He has beautiful teeth. He has yet to have a vet visit with my vet as we are waiting to know for sure we are keeping him but the SPCA said he was about 50 lbs and he sure feels it. Without further ado, let me introduce Grant (he came with that name).

This is all the hair, thank goodness I have a hair catcher for my drain! And I thought Sadie shed a lot. He's not shedding as much after his bath and a good brushing.

Ok him in the next post.

08-22-2005, 10:42 PM
Hi Pet Talk :D
Coming down the hall, tongue out.
He's got Sadie's moose and she's not too sure about that.
He was not in the picture taking mood here.
Sleepy boy.

Ok that's it. :)

08-22-2005, 10:45 PM
AWWW he is really handsome! I love the first picture. :D

08-22-2005, 11:04 PM
OMGzzz! what a handsome little man!! He is definitely a full Australian Cattle Dog, and a really cute Blue one at that. I reeeaaally want an ACD, they're wonderful pups. However, they can be quite stubborn and reserved ~ but he looks like a total sweetie. He actually doesn't look big at all to me... more like 30-40 lbs at the most.

:) I'm very happy that you're considering adopting him now... it might've been destiny that you weren't able to return him to the shelter ~_^! Please, please do think this over lots though. You'll have this dog for atleast 10-12 years, through thick and thin. He will need at least 8 weeks of Obedience, that is the bare minimum though. I suggest you go through Beginning and then Advanced classes with a good OB school right away, it'll help you and your hubby bond better with him and it will teach you a LOT about him and how to control/train him. aww, that sucks that he isnt a ball-dog.. it makes exercising much easier when they'll just chase a ball back and fourth for hours. To make him ball-addicted, dont leave them around the house and only give him access to a ball during play-time. Act like its the best thing in the world and tease him with it for a while... maybe he'll end up being a ball-addict once he realizes how fun they are :D!

Cattledog.com has a lot of info/resources about ACD's, as does the ACD Club of American website =0)

08-23-2005, 01:27 AM
What a handsome fella! I hope I don't make it worse for you when I say that I feel it's a sign. Things happen for a reason (the parvo). He'll probably just need patience. I know with Logan, I had no idea what her issues were, dispite having an open adoption and speaking to her previous owners. (The SPCA called her for permission for me to call, but she doesn't know who I am or where I live). She was housebroken but peed inside the first day (fear) and pooped once when I didn't realize she wanted out. It took some time to readjust her to our ways, but by the end of the first week, she was a different dog! Still have some things to work on, but she;s blossomed! Of course, I only have the one dog, but you sound pretty fantastic at training so far, so I pray things work out.

Pawsitive Thinking
08-23-2005, 05:56 AM
Secretly glad you are giving him another shot - he is a looker...... won't be long before you won't remember a time when he wasn't part of your life :D

08-23-2005, 07:09 AM
He is a very handsome boy! I am glade you gave hoim a second chance. I am sure your girls will come around to him.

I just wanted to let you no try www.freecycle.org and join the group in your area and post that you are looking for a crate many time some one will have on they dont want anymore....and best of all its a free crate!

08-23-2005, 07:14 AM
He looks pure bred ACD to me too ;). Erica gave some great advice, give him a job to do, planty of mental and physical exercise. These dogs were bred to work cattle all day in all weather, they need to be kept busy.

Goodluck i hope all goes well.

08-23-2005, 08:10 AM
What a cutie. I'm sorry things didn't work out but hope they do no matter what decision you make.

You have received some gret advice.

Did you ask the shelter about the parvo outbreak? Is there a chance that he could of gotten it?

08-23-2005, 08:25 AM
He's a great looking dog. He reminds me of my Diamond especially the ears.;) When we got Ebony Jada didn't like her at all. It was pretty stressful the first few days but things are great now. It takes all the dogs a liitle while to warm up to each other.
I feed Ebony in a different room from the other two, i probably always will. The ACD are super smart dogs. Diamond is so smart she is such a good dog. I bet he will be too!:D

I wish you all the best with him, i hope it all works out and you get to keep him.

08-23-2005, 08:32 AM
Awww! He is so cute!

08-23-2005, 09:12 AM
He is a handsome boy. I'm glad it looks like things are settling down. I grew up with ACDs, and they are great dogs--very intelligent and loyal. They do take a lot of work and exercise, though.

08-23-2005, 02:27 PM
You guys are great and all the nice comments and well wishes are awesome. :) It is going much better everyday but I am still keeping a close eye on things. I took him out today and threw the tennis ball with him, but with his coat and this awful heat and humidity, he wants back in fairly quickly. He slept awesome last night. I took him out for his walk at about 10pm and when we came back in he fell asleep and when I finally went to bed at <gasp> 4am he came into the room with me and laid down on his blanket next to the bed and was out until I woke up not to long ago. Yes I was in bed this late, this is what I get for working around the house all day yesterday and not going to bed until 4am. He never once came to the side of the bed to wake me up. :) I am going to go and get the Kong I have and see what I can stuff in it for him. Thanks again everyone. :D

08-23-2005, 06:24 PM
omg gemini what a gorgeous gorgeous dog. I'm a wee bit partial to ACDs, since the blue merle Smooth Collie seems to have played a big part in the making of that breed.

Totally agree with everybody on the exercise both physical and mental. One thing I noticed with my Smoothies was if I just did standard fetch they lost interest in that pretty quick. If I made it more about catching though, they'd hang in playing that for quite awhile.

I started out with mine catching Soft stuffies and once their catching skills were really good, I increased the difficulty to balls then frisbees. You can really give'em a good workout with frisbee and you don't even have to move much.

Anywho, since yours is a herding breed too, maybe try more catching then fetching.


08-23-2005, 08:38 PM
WOW, sounds like he's turning into a real couch potato! I knew he'd grow on ya. :D Herding dogs can and will be lazy pups in the house, as long as they get plenty of exercise outside during the day.. Gonzo is crashed out in my giant beanbag right now ~_^ after flyball practice.

I totally agree with Par... some pups are not interested in monotonously running back and fourth with the ball. Gonzo gets waay more excited when I throw the ball, then when he gets it and turns around I run the other way. Try that, and try just rolling a frisbee or ball past him.

08-23-2005, 09:34 PM
Wow, it sounds like he bonded with fast! He sure is a cutie!