View Full Version : I need a pro. large turtle owner's advice!!

08-20-2005, 11:43 PM
I've only used hard plastic ponds (160g) for my 20 pound snapping turtle.

I need personal advice on the rubber liner.

I'm moving & we're just giving away the pond cause Axle is starting to out grow it anyways. We want to build a liner pond (indoors of course, my baby has never spent a day outside). I'm not worried about size, but I'm worried about strength. We want to use THICK rubber & have 3 layers.

However I don't know if rubber is even strong enough for a snappers 1 inch claws or the powerful jaws.

We just want something that it easier to transport. Cause having to move 1/2 ton of gravel, well SUCKS! I don't want to move it as it is, let alone in a couple years time if we find an ever better home in Toronto.

So if u know of a liner that'll hold a quickly growing snapper, PLEASE let me know :)

Thanks :)