View Full Version : Lake Pillsbury Adventures! [40]

08-20-2005, 07:11 PM
I think this camptrip was the best one I ever had in years! because I got to do a lot of different things -- only one thing I'm not used to this campground - they had flushed toliet, electricity buildings for shower, freezer, a small store & gas. never went one! also, this was the first camping I didn't had cats with me!!! (wow).

anyway - had fun reading lovely bones on hammock, kayaking to several coves for skipping rocks, jumping off spilt rock, tubing, water skiing, biking, shooting star/satillite watching on dock, crayola met his furbuddies! (jenny, harley, buddy & bamboo), rope swing, we saw bears & cubs/raccoons/deers!! dam climbings, did a cannonball tournament, fishing, dock jumpings & log walkings, paddling in paddler & eating yummy steak sandwiches, ping pong (yeah, they had the table!), drove the boat/pulling skiiers and the most nice thing...it was good to have a "family" for a while! :)

okay okay...here’s lake pillsbury, california camping pictures! here’s about over 40 pictures I picked out of 300+ so I’d not kill your computer! :D

here we are! gosh, we drove seven miles on dirty bumpy road and all the trees are dusted that you couldn’t see barks. we (three cars) went 5-10 mph all the way, avoiding bajizillion rocks!

mawmaw..for crying out aloud, unleash me and let me play with other dogs!! (rule there, dogs on leash unless on shorelines of lake)

FIRST thing...swim!!! (we did tents later at night! pfffft) :D

this is what I always see -- crayola (80lbs) loves leaning on me in the water! :eek: not with camera in my hand my dear!!

as I tried to swim away from him for more pictures of him, he followed me all way until I bumped a log... :rolleyes:

after two hours, I got exhausted but of course not crayola! threw stick for another hour, he was the happiest doggie in the whole wide, wide world!!!!

relaxing on dock -- crayola thought he gotta dry himself the next thing!

08-20-2005, 07:12 PM
my friends at the end of dock: come on crayola! crayola! swim with us!! *crayola thought: OH dear..* :)

look what I caught?! a rainbow trout. (sure...only when it’s dead.. fishers on dock sadden me! this was the one they threw back in) - then I let it go, crayola didn’t liked the poor smelly thingy -- you wouldn’t guess what happened next!!

bye-bye! poor life.. (I can’t believe I caught this ‘kodak’ moment!!)

this is the family’s ollld (but good) boat, it pulls us everywhere! (there were four families going with us - lotsa of sharing trips!!)

on the water...staring at water reflection is my only best relaxation.. we were trolling to a small rope hill.

erm..only five-ten feet. but see the big tree? it has a wooden ladder behind it that we can climb on and jump off but one boy tried and he bumped into the next tree..(on the very left)..yeow! >.< anyway, can you find me?? :D

tubing!! most fun! they called me the energizer bunny because I could go on and go on and on all day! (also a beach bunny)..

where’s miss waldo..? my friend, noelle’s father (boat driver) challenged us with sharp turns (at 25 mph) and flipped us off! we were yelling “com on, next time we‘ll make it!!”

08-20-2005, 07:15 PM
SIMPLY AMAZING! Now, go to Animal Planet and enter it in that lexmark contest...;)


08-20-2005, 07:16 PM
tiring crayola...that expression.. *what....?* ohh! I love that!! he never can get any cuter!

here we swim again! see, he preferred a long large stick! :rolleyes: :D

grrr, this black labboy, harley kept on stealing, chewing and breaking his over six sticks in half!!! harley: *I got it!* crayola: *what...hey!!*

gimme the stick back!!

share, harley!!!

we went to the “spilt rock” so we could have jumping funs!

I thought of ‘cannonball tournament‘, we just begun.. advice when you’re on the rock, don’t laugh and walk! :p

last jump challenge, me (left) and shaun (right, who’s heavier than me!) down from eight people and I won the tournament! (a night massage from him..yay) :D

08-20-2005, 07:17 PM
here’s the pink princess bunny! :D they called me that all the week! (at & after the massage, they served me hot chocolate & smores because I was so sore!!!) :p

we beated the driver..heehaw! we got so tired & weak after holding on, balancing each other for over eight minutes!! (I had to weigh on her when the turn went left -- on my side so we wouldn’t flip over then she weighted on me when going into her direction and that goes on and on...fast & faster!) (ten minutes probably is just a short time but imagine squeezing a ball for ten minutes straight while you‘re moved by something else and focusing, risking to knock your head off and break your collarbone!) it happened to one of their son last few years..:eek: *gulps*..

after the long day, back on the dock...mawmaw, play me!!! me: *..groans*

*more! more!* we continued on for last two hours... phew but it‘s very good to see him having a blast!!

next day adventure! cousin, jeff and I kayaked to multi-coves..for more than five hours - it was cool.. the water was very calm and we get to see black basses underneath us! then we found a dam!

this is the most peaceful nature!! when you kayak and whoosh by quietly...blue dragonflies fly around you! I couldn’t leave that cove, never enough! a few have landed on me.. aww! (can you find eight of them?)

oh darn! only a best picture of brown bear cub! we saw another cub and ...the mother! so huge. thankfully I can‘t hear, the campers said the bears were playing volleyball during the nights, keep on breaking glasses, trashing around in garbage area.. it was SO mess!

08-20-2005, 07:19 PM
the pillsbury dam.. with thousands of stairs! YAY. (love stairs...)

do you see me? :D

no way I could ignore this..pretty rainbow! and you could feel the droplets flying & cooling me off!

ah..nothing new...me being a tarzana! ;) (it’s hard to see me though) it was hard to get down lol! ribs ouched me! but it was fun to slide down the warm pipes..

this one had me laugh.. we were diving in together in but my friend, jaime had her legs went in like this!

a deer came!! I was zZzzing.. someone said - “oh, we better wake gina up so nobody get hurt!!” :p

he even let us pet him!! I named him bambi! the families said I’ve must brought the luck! they went to pillsbury and camped the same spot for over seventeen years and never had this happened! :o I thought how magically my love is for the animals! (yay)

bambi was walking around....until he smelled crayola! (in the front of my pink tent) and froze...turned around and smooched us over for berries. crayola was sooo funny, he sniffled & sniffed way up in the air constantly!! *laughs*

08-20-2005, 07:21 PM
sorry dail uppers! last few more!! :D

here me in pajamas sooo excited hugging the dear bambi!

a few nights later, I saw a group gathering over, looking down.. I can’t hear so didn’t know what went on and joined them and found this bug! no one wanted to pick him up except me! but three people gripped my arm, “gina!! he is making a HORRID sound, he’ll definitely bite you!” his leafy ears would shriek, going up in air..interesting! but I picked him up anyway, oh my god...he’s so sweet! I named him joe, I was so fanaticized and had joe on me for all night in long campfire light hours! I think that was another best moment I ever had...I loved bugs & looking for them all my life! everyone thought I was a crazy princess... :)

a farewell picture.. :( :( the lake of pillsbury .. swing - a vista point. when I’m the only person awake in mornings, I swung there almost every morning with my big hot apple cider muggy, watching boats/jet skis whoosh by! very beautiful and sad to go...! for this one, someone sneaked behind me and took a picture of me & crayola.

that‘s it. :) hope you enjoyed as much as I did! it was the greatest adventure I had in a long run...

thanks again for the welcomes! - hugs,
..gina & her whole ark once again!

08-20-2005, 07:55 PM
Wow! WHat a tame deer! And Joe's a cool-looking bug. Poor Crayola - gotta be wary of those Labbie boys - they're super retreivers - and stick stealers!

Wow! Thanks for sharing the pictures - that way we ca all feel like we were there, at least a little bit!

08-20-2005, 08:26 PM
Great pics, again beautiful scenery! :) I love the ones of Crayola swimming in the water with the labbie! :D

08-20-2005, 09:55 PM
love photos!!

08-20-2005, 10:51 PM
So glad to see you having so much fun. Also glad to see Crayola having fun and being so healthy.

Suki Wingy
08-20-2005, 10:58 PM
wow, your a good photographer! That looks like a fun trip! I think Bambi probably lives of the other campers!

08-20-2005, 11:13 PM
What a gorgeous lake!

My favorite picture is the one of the rainbow.*so pretty!*

You shouldn't of touched that deer :( Its sad that animals like that are so tame :(

08-21-2005, 11:02 AM
cagneydog, yeah, I know.. I was worried about that too. the campers, whole campers I met there seem friendly, and don't think they wouldn't hurt him. hope this would continue if bambi still runs around. where I camped was on edge of the lake, there's about 6-7 more campsite around the lake. we don't know where he came from exactly.

as a zoo keeper, I even almost had everybody not to pet him because we never know what disease we could get but I had disinfected soap to wash with after!

thanks everyone. :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
08-22-2005, 05:17 AM
That is a beautiful place in California! Never heard of it before :( .
I love all the pics; those "kodak moments" are very unique!!

ps. I am sorry you blurred out your face... . Why?

08-22-2005, 08:12 PM
maka & inka's mommy, long story short, there is a pet talker around here that haven't posted for a long time, I've known her guys and I just didn't feel safe to show my face around.

I'm more than glad to send the uncensored photos via pm request. :) only to those who I know, of course.

thanks everyone! this campsite was quite a place to go, the water was pretty a little not freshy but when you go in for two weeks straight, your skin get dried up! :o

08-23-2005, 07:43 AM
Gina more wonderful pictures. Looks like you had so much fun. Would love to see uncensored pictures! I am originally from California, but I am not sure where Lake Pillsbury is. Where is it? It looks like a lovely place!

08-23-2005, 07:52 AM
More great pics!!!
Where on earth did you find a pink tent???? I'm a pinkaholic!!!!

08-23-2005, 07:50 PM
LOL lvdogs! :D

sorry, I'll have to ask my friend that...get back to ya. ;)

furrykidsmother, pm'd you some of uncensored pillsbury girl! :)

you also can look up at their site - lake pillsbury (www.lprandm.com).

..gina & her ark

08-23-2005, 07:55 PM
I love your pictures! :D It looks like a ton of fun! I want to go! :p