View Full Version : Please, Help Us?

08-19-2005, 07:04 PM
hi everybody,

I need your opinions/feelings, then write a complaint letter to the county animal control district/county voucher. and I really hope this thread would be turned out as good as I hope. for some reason, this reminds me of kuhio, the pet talk cat.

anyway, just two days ago, I took my five cats in for spay & neuters and used 'feral' vouchers. I used vouchers so I wouldn't have to pay a lot for these lives I saved.

in that vouchers, which I never knew before, were REQUIRED to have their ears notched off.

the story was, I requested to not have their ears cut off and I thought we had everything agreed. but the vet went ahead and had them done because the nurse forgot to hand in my request form to the vet. I'm more than angry and confused. I didn't understood why vet had to do that. so I emailed my vet, got this back - that they would do it anyway with or without my request, because the vouchers said so. I still don't understand why the county voucher had to have that policy. (I only speak for those people who take a good responsibility of their pets). I mean, can't they tattoo the interor ear or something, instead of cutting their left ears half off? like they did to mine.

although, they knew these kitties had a good home already, they still had to do them or the county voucher wouldn't reimburse at all costs. I've had them all the way since the queen gave birth to them, the mother and her fours were completely tame, sweet and healthy, do you think chip-the-ear was really necessaried?

for more reasons below, why I think they shouldn't have their ears chipped off -

- there must be a better way to sign they have been fixed once before.
- harder finding them good homes. not many would want one-eared cats out there. or a 'disabled' cat, whatever they call them. :(
- suffering more pain, my two kitties' eartips are infected now. they can't drink/eat as much as they wanted to, blood pressure going up to the eartip while bending head down. :mad: :( :confused:

I know that kind of pain is just for "a-while" but I still didn't think it's necessary, not for a minute! I feel I have to do something about this - please help, share what you think about all of this or what more reasons should be added? I hope I'm not alone in this kind of sad, angry situation.

these poor confused kitties need your help, too, thank you.

..gina & one-eared cats

08-19-2005, 07:21 PM
I think cutting the tips of actual feral cats is a good idea because it is quick and easy to identify those cats who have already been fixed. The ear notch is noticeable enough that you can see it from a distance and lets you know that the cat does not need to be trapped again. While ear tattoos would be a good idea the problem is that they wouldn't be noticeable unless the cat has already been trapped or you can get close enough to look in it's ear (however most feral cats would never let you get that close).

I don't know how your county runs the feral vouchers. I know some shelters you call in and order the vouchers, pay for them then you just bring in the cats once they are trapped. I think here it's something like $20 for a male neuter voucher and $35 for a female spay voucher.

Maybe they keep this policy so that people who are doing this simply because they want a discount will be discouraged from ordering the discount coupons to save a few bucks when the coupons should really be used to help spay and neuter feral colonies so that they don't continue to grow.

As for your situation it's hard to say, as for the vet I can understand him wanting to follow policy. These coupons state that they must have the ear tip done. But I can also understand why you are angry.

08-19-2005, 07:23 PM
If you entered them as "feral" that, means they were intended to be TNRed... and the only way to know for sure when they are out in the world is to have the eat tipped. Its to protect the cats as well as keep tabs on who is fixed, who needs to be captured yet.

I think the policy is a darn good one. I'm sorry, but if you wanted to save money on their spay and neuter, then you get the string attached to the savings. I had Abby spayed at a clinic to save on costs... and she got terribly sick and desperately needed to be monitored and given pain meds... she got neither because it was a low cost clinic that does them in a line formation. One done, onto the next. It ripped out my heart and made me sick with worry for weeks, but she pulled through and is a-ok. Will I ever use the clinic again? Sure - for a male. Not for a female. I might reconsider if they changed their policy to ear tipping though.

I'm sorry you had this happen the hard way. {{{HUGS}}}

08-19-2005, 08:01 PM
uabassoon & catnapper, I understand your view, totally.

like I & uabassoon said, in my situation, what about those people who have found over a couple of ferals, paid for the whole thing until they couldn't afford anymore. I never wanted to leave this queen outside and have her four boys unaltered just because I didn't have any penny on me. the population of cats must stop. I did not plan to have more than 8 cats and couldn't leave the queen out there. where better help can I get beside paying $30/male & $45/female around here all the time - (that is all they offer in my county). that being said, we need more animal lovers out there!! that's so sad I had to do, pay everything by myself. (over 14 total now, five not include).

last time, I had the first & last voucher (for shaddow, no ear-chip, same district) that I would need to pay $10 each but they don't do that anymore. and if I knew they had to chip their ears, I wouldn't take in these vouchers and will be more than glad to pay for whole thing!! (I wish they told me...) :(

now, I definitely wouldn't use that vouchers ever again. the only thing bothers me, why they still consider the tame cats as ferals. what can I do? I've found the stray queen as a feral cat but they (the boys too) aren't now. I just realized this all is so sticky. :( I tried! worst seem always come for me.

yeah, maybe tattoo isn't the greatest idea.. but I'm still sure there has to be another way, and avoid "trap-it-again" to see closer. notched ears to be seen from far away is still impossible to tell still, I believe. there better not be a new policy coming up, cut the ear compeltely. :(

08-20-2005, 04:46 PM


08-20-2005, 05:30 PM
the only thing bothers me, why they still consider the tame cats as ferals.
They DON'T, but if your voucher is for a feral, then that is all they know! Even when there is a TNR group of cats going in for their surgeries, they do not always know which cats will wake up and be "tamable". That is why some cats who are placed for adoption have had their ear tip removed. (when the cat is under anesthesia, who could tell the wild from the tamable?).

So if you used the vouchers for ferals even though they are tame pets, than you got what you paid for (so to speak).

08-20-2005, 05:52 PM
I agree with Uabassoon. I'm sorry if you were surprised by
the ear notching, but they were feral vouchers you used. Did
you take the kitties to your own Vet or bring them to a clinic?
Sometimes they do multiple syay/neuter procedures each day
set aside for just ferals & they do notch the ears. Are you sure
about the cutting off of half the cat's ear? Baby cats don't have
very big ears to begin with & maybe it seems excessive to you
right now. Nurse the two with problems & get them well. Good
luck to you.

08-21-2005, 02:13 AM
I also agree that all ferals should have their ears notched. My Sky was not a feral but his ear is slightly notched. They think that he was hanging out with a feral colony for food so he was considered to be feral. I can barely notice the notch and I think it gives him character.:)

I find it hard to believe that your kittens and mother cat now have only one ear left. Can you please take a few pictures of them to show us what the vet did to them?

Here's a picture of Sky and you can hardly even notice the notch in his left ear which would be on the right side when you're looking straight at him.


08-21-2005, 03:18 PM
:confused: ..I've must accidently click on "unsubscribe all threads" link again.. :rolleyes:

everyone, I'm not saying NO ferals should be at least identified, I'm only speaking about my situation and what to do.

jen, I guess you didn't read throughoutly, I said they knew they were the tame. that's why I was confused. this wasn't their first visit with them, their fourth one.

this is what I got back again this morning from a dvm -


Again, I am sorry about the confusion regarding the cats that were spayed and neutered last wednesday. I had a talk with our vet assistant, (name removed), who told you we will not notch their ears on that day. As she noted, will send you an email soon.

I know your cats are indoor, friendly cats but when a feral cat voucher is used we are not allowed to make any decisions about what to do and what not to do.

We really do not have a choice, we know we did not warned you and I am sorry about that.

sigh, the only problem was...if I knew! :( guess there's nothing I can do about that right now but just to think,...how to prevent this error for other new owners. they wouldn't want that either.

lizbud, maybe you're right - they were only seven months and ears may look a half to me. I studied their ears again, it seem not as bad as before since they're healing up and start to "round up", you know? I looked at mother's, star - hers still is pretty a big notch.

krazyaboutkatz, pictures - sure I will but not right now, it's painful for my heart to ask them to smile, crop, resize and post those poor kittens. hope you understand that. if my cats were about to notch, your sky's "character-nick", that is what I would expect!!! then I wouldn't be as upset as I am right now.

thanks to those who corresponded, it means a lot to me.

K & L
08-21-2005, 03:44 PM
We TNR on a regular basis and if we do not want a feral ear-tipped then we don't use the organizations that do this. Usually they have numerous ferals going in and out their clinics and to try and remember to not ear-tip is probably difficult. This is a universal method that all groups working with ferals agree upon. It's too bad this happened, but it's not terrible to have a tame that's ear-tipped. We have a couple now and we barely notice the eartip.


08-21-2005, 04:08 PM
I understand about regular basis - still, I wish they'd pay attention carefully.

K & L, do you think they notched "half" off because they are only seven months old? that the tipped part wouldn't outgrow? right now, their ears definitely look much fresh, squary, & very noticable.

bo & kurby, thank you for stopping by with your hopeful spirit!

08-21-2005, 04:38 PM
Gina, I agree a little baby that has a wonderful home should not have to have its ear notched, but apparently it was a terrible mistake. They obviously didn't understand and the paperwork got botched up. I am sure your babies will be just fine and the ear notching will just make them more unique. As I said you will not love them any less and they certainly don't understand what happened and won't love you any less. They will still be beautiful. How is Chance doing today? I have been worried about him. I hope that everything is improving!


K & L
08-21-2005, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by Gina's Ark Inc.
I understand about regular basis - still, I wish they'd pay attention carefully.

K & L, do you think they notched "half" off because they are only seven months old? that the tipped part wouldn't outgrow? right now, their ears definitely look much fresh, squary, & very noticable.

bo & kurby, thank you for stopping by with your hopeful spirit!

Age has nothing to do with how they ear-tip. It's only suppose to be the top 10 mm tip off. Sounds like you got a botched up job. Some of our ferals have been tipped more than others, it just depends on who's doing the job. I would make sure and let them know they tipped way too much so they won't do this to any ohters.

08-21-2005, 06:44 PM
10 mm & left?

okay, thanks. I wasn't sure - we don't do much of TNRs at our office.

just now, I found out there's domestic vouchers! :eek: (notch not required confirmed).. I wish I knew. ugh, I can't keep on wish, wish and wish... anybody knew about this?

thank you furrykidsmother for asking, chance is doing allright, the same. still all clumsy from anestia, still! it takes forever for him to wear it out. :( but his mother, star isn't doing well now... :(

for me - when nothing happens, always something. :rolleyes:

08-22-2005, 07:41 AM
I just saw this last post. Gina I am glad that Chance is improving. I hope that he will grow stronger everyday and be back to himself soon. I am sorry that Star isn't feeling well and hope that she will be better soon.

You are all in my prayers.