View Full Version : Reality TV????

08-19-2005, 09:42 AM
Do you enjoy reality TV????

Does anyone here watch Rockstar INXS??? I really love that show but then again i am the biggest http://www.1-2-3-gaestebuch.de/smilies/147.gif sucker for reality tv[img]http://www.1-2-3-gaestebuch.de/smilies/147.gif. Hahahaha..well if anyone here happens to watch it who is your favorite???? Mine probably has to be Mig.....What do you think???

I also watch Big Brother, Survivor and all that other stuff. Hahahaha!:D

08-19-2005, 09:53 AM
I love it! My favorite used to be Survivor but it's run it's course, I'm afraid. I love BB. Wasn't it good last night? Too bad Janelle is only HOH for such a short time. If you really love reality tv, go to this website: www.fansofrealitytv.com

08-19-2005, 09:56 AM
I love Survivor and can't wait for it to come back on.

I haven't watched a sitcom in ages...I watch Survivor, and shows on discovery and TLC..like Miami Ink, OCC...stuff that is real life...and you get to watch ;)

08-19-2005, 09:59 AM
Well it is a good thing that Janelle won last night but i agree it is too bad that she only gets to be HOH for such a short amount of time but at least she made a good decision about the noimanies(sp). And have you hears about he new Survivor coming out??? It in Guetamala......I guess it will be cool.......:)
O thanks for the link im going to check it out right now!!!!!:D

08-19-2005, 10:25 AM
I may be in the wrong place, but I can't stand reality tv...

finn's mom
08-19-2005, 10:32 AM
I've never watched any of them except for Fear Factor. The commercials bug the crap out of me, so, I imagine the shows would be excruciating. I have been known to catch a couple of those extremely late night dating shows, like elimidate, blind date, the fifth wheel, etc...but, only because I used to be up til the wee hours of the morning, and, only had four or five channels, and, that's just what was on. :)

PJ's Mom
08-19-2005, 10:39 AM
I hate reality TV! First, there's nothing "real" about it. Second, it's everywhere and it's the main reason I don't watch tv.

08-19-2005, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by finn's mom
elimidate, blind date, the fifth wheel, etc...but, only because I used to be up til the wee hours of the morning, and, only had four or five channels, and, that's just what was on. :)

I'm sorry, you're right, I have been known to watch those shows once in a while. Sometimes when I can't sleep...they can be interesting sometimes.

finn's mom
08-19-2005, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by JenBKR
I'm sorry, you're right, I have been known to watch those shows once in a while. Sometimes when I can't sleep...they can be interesting sometimes.

Ha ha, yeah, I know. I always have to have a tv or radio on, and, I'd either go to sleep watching those things, or I'd wake up in the middle of the night, and, they'd be on. :) And, those are easy to watch, because it's several mini stories in thirty minutes. It's not a continuous, soap-opera like drama that lasts an hour, and, you have to watch every episode or whatever. I don't like to watch anything where I have to come back every week. I love movies, don't know what I'd do without them...but, I watch very little television.

08-19-2005, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by finn's mom
Ha ha, yeah, I know. I always have to have a tv or radio on, and, I'd either go to sleep watching those things, or I'd wake up in the middle of the night, and, they'd be on. :) And, those are easy to watch, because it's several mini stories in thirty minutes. It's not a continuous, soap-opera like drama that lasts an hour, and, you have to watch every episode or whatever. I don't like to watch anything where I have to come back every week. I love movies, don't know what I'd do without them...but, I watch very little television.

They are good 'insomnia' shows. Sometimes you have to put to much time into shows to know what's going on from week to week. I do like crime dramas (Law & Order SVU, etc.) but if you miss a show you're not lost!

08-19-2005, 11:43 AM
I like Survivor and the Amazing Race. I used to watch Fear Factor, but I got bored of it. Oh yeah, I'll occaisonally watch the Surreal Life, but only if I'm bored and there's nothing else on.

08-19-2005, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by PJ's Mom
I hate reality TV! First, there's nothing "real" about it. Second, it's everywhere and it's the main reason I don't watch tv.

I disagree about there being nothing "real" about it. Personally I like the music shows like INXS and American Idol. You can't really fake a talent....I guess if you lipsync you can. Anyway I have to say I love the music shows. I also like Fear Factor, I would NEVER make it on the show but still it's interesting what people will do for money.

08-19-2005, 11:54 AM
I don't consider most reality show reality... how real can they be when people are manipulated by the producers every step of the way? Though right now the kids have me addicted to MTV's 70s House... what a hoot watching those spoiled kids make fools of themselves!

As for show on TLC and such - those are more like what we used to call documentaries... where we take an in depth look into how someone works and what they do, etc. These are more real than any reality TV show ever will be. I love TLC, the History channel, Discovery Health, etc. I often forgo sitcoms and such to watch a dicumentary on one of those channels. Last night it was a show about a woman who lost 300 pounds - how amazing!

Anita Cholaine
08-19-2005, 12:44 PM
I'm not a reality tv fan at all... I watched The Apprentice and American Idol, and I really liked them, but I never watched Survivor or that kind of things...They are great when you're really bored...

Reality tv shows the lack of creativity on the producers... Why can't they think of something new??

08-19-2005, 01:11 PM
I'll admit to watching the show Cheaters on late at night. Some of the people they have on that show are sooooo stupid!! I wonder what planet they found these people on :rolleyes:

I like Fear Factor, its about the only one I watch on a regular basis. The Apprentice was pretty ok, I had to watch it as part of a college class. I like American Idol too, some of the talent is phenominal (although Im still convinced that the voting is all based on image) Most others seem pretty hokey.

Give me a show on any of the Discovery channels any day though! I was watching Animal Planet (my favorite out of all the discovery stations) the other day and they had a show on about bloodsucking critters (Like ticks, misquitos etc. They even had on a finch on the galopagos that pecks at other birds and eats blood!) and then right after they had a show about insects. Facinating stuff!

08-19-2005, 01:46 PM
The shows go to far anymore. They aren't 'reality' shows, they are surreal episodes.

I watched a documentary on Reality TV. It isn't reality at all. It is more like live acting, taken to a bizarre level. It is so scripted, and contrived. Even those judge shows! As much as I like to watch them when I am home early enough. I had a client that was on one, and he told me he was totally coached to be super duper irrational, emotional, etc. Total acting.

But, it is entertainment, afterall.

08-19-2005, 02:46 PM
I love reality shows. Thats almost all I watch, besides 7th Heaven. I watch as many as I can. My favorites are American Idol, INXS-- I think Mig or Marty is going to win it. My favorite girl on the show is Jordis.. I also like Nashville Star, Amazing Race, Surreal Life, and a few others too.

PJ's Mom
08-19-2005, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
I watched a documentary on Reality TV. It isn't reality at all. It is more like live acting, taken to a bizarre level. It is so scripted, and contrived. Even those judge shows! As much as I like to watch them when I am home early enough. I had a client that was on one, and he told me he was totally coached to be super duper irrational, emotional, etc. Total acting.

Which is why I made the comment I made about it not being "real" You just said it much better than I did. :D

08-19-2005, 03:07 PM
I'm not so much into the ones where there's a lot of fighting and back stabbing and such. Lil' too much real life for me. I normaly like more uplifting, escapism type TV.

I did enjoy Dancing with the Stars. I just loved John O'Hurley on this. He and Charlotta was robbed, I tell ya, not to have won. I also watched Show Dog's Moms and Dads. Mainly for the dogs. I wouldn't have watched it otherwise. And I'll admit I did watch some of Chasing Farrah. For the flake factor mainly.


08-19-2005, 03:16 PM
We watch some reality TV. My favorites are "Amazing Race" and "American Idol." We are also enjoying "So You Think You Can Dance."

08-19-2005, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
The shows go to far anymore. They aren't 'reality' shows, they are surreal episodes.

I watched a documentary on Reality TV. It isn't reality at all. It is more like live acting, taken to a bizarre level. It is so scripted, and contrived. Even those judge shows! As much as I like to watch them when I am home early enough. I had a client that was on one, and he told me he was totally coached to be super duper irrational, emotional, etc. Total acting.

But, it is entertainment, afterall.

Got to agree with you there. It is just contrived drama, and I don't think it's even remotely entertaining.

08-19-2005, 11:57 PM
I love reality TV, I just seem to watch them whether they are good or not, I like to watch a programme where it does not matter if you miss a word or two, not having to concentrate on the story line sometimes, and Reality TV is good for that, I still like mystery's and other TV where you brain is a bit challenged as well, but for chilling out when I am tired Reality TV does it for me.

I gave up on Fear Factor, I got sick of all the plastic fantastic girls on it, and i was offended by the live bug eating, I considered that cruel and distasteful excuse the pun, although I did love Joe the presentor , he was a kewl dude.

Survivor I just got fed up with , too many of them, but I do enjoy The Apprentice, I never really got into the first couple of them , but now I hate to miss it, so video it to make sure.

Right now we are being overloaded with people helping people to raise their unruly kids, Supernanny, which I do enjoy, Little Angels and even a NZ one, just too many of the same kind of programmes on at once.

08-21-2005, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by petslover
I love reality shows. Thats almost all I watch, besides 7th Heaven. I watch as many as I can. My favorites are American Idol, INXS-- I think Mig or Marty is going to win it. My favorite girl on the show is Jordis.. I also like Nashville Star, Amazing Race, Surreal Life, and a few others too.

I totally agree!!!!:)

08-21-2005, 12:06 PM
I rarely watch TV at all. I watch the news, a few programs on Animal Planet and I love HGTV, Discovery Health and TLC. I could do without most of the channels that are on my TV. :)