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View Full Version : a Dakota update-friends golden...

08-17-2005, 03:29 PM
ok, well my friend had to babysit her cousins yesterday and last night they decided she was doing it again today so I was asked to go over and let shadow and dakota out. me being the person that I am obviously did a lot more then just let them out lol more like take them each for a walk in the morning and afternoon and a game of fetch in the evening, groomed them and did some training and of course some cuddle time lol well while I was able to observe Dakota without him being yelled at every 5 seconds, I noticed something, something that goes un-noticed because of his non stop grin, is that he is unbelievably dominant, as far as he is concerned he is in charge, he does not bite or snarle or ever lift a hackle or raise a lip. nope he is pushy, basicly if he wants attention he demands attention, if he is ignored he will body slam you, and pin you with his paws, or block you and prevent you from going wherever you are trying to go. basicly I told him in no uncertain terms that he is NOT the boss. period. simpley ignoring him did not work unfortinatly, as he is enourmous and strong, and ignoring him caused a body slam so I had to slap him on the nose a few times for the body slams before he figered out that no means NO, once he figered out that pushyness got him ignored and body slamming got him a slapped, I would ignore him till he was doing his own thing, then called him over, had him sit and gave him attention, and as soon as he started getting pushy about his attention, attention went byby. basicly he got attention on MY terms only. he got much better er.. until I got off the couch as soon as I stood up it all went out the window, and he was dancing around and body slamming me again hopeing for attention. obviously he did not get any, for this case I just turned my back on him. I will try again when I go back around 6. he is getting at least 2 walks a day with me and I am requiring he walk nice and sit at cornors as well, he is getting much better with the walks, but he is huge, stronge and needs to learn that he aint the boss, I feel bad that I need to be a bit rough with him, but since he had non of this training as a young pup he has grown far to strong willed and strong period to go completly and totally positive.