View Full Version : Greedy dog!

03-03-2002, 10:43 AM
I got Jo these bones. She LOVES them..maybe a little to much. Shes soo greedy over them. She had two pieces of one, and I went to get something and reached past her, she she quickly stuffed both parts in her mouth and moved them. She snapped at Rufus cause he -smelled- them. That is totally not allowed, so I took it away from her. I don't know if that teaches her anything. I don't want her to be so greedy, and definitly not snap or growl and the other dog, or mostly, people. My neices might be over someday shes chewing on them, and the little one likes to throw things so she'll fetch, and i'm worried maybe she'll snap at her if she went to take it. Shes really good with kids, and people, she usually just runs off with it, but she has growled at me when she was a pup when i went to add more food to her bowl (she thought i was stealign it) I told her "NO" and took the food away, and she never did it again with anything. Can anyone give me advice one how to teach her to share? She doesn't need both parts of the bone at once, and she feels she has to eat it all at once or someone will take it.

03-03-2002, 04:14 PM
Anyone? lol

Former User
03-03-2002, 04:18 PM
When giving those bones, make sure she can eat them in peace, without interruptions. I had the same problem with my (not at RB) dog, but when I left him alone to eat them, he stopped being greedy, and eating them fast.

03-03-2002, 04:55 PM
Thanks. Shes fine unless you walk by her or look at her or w/e. I don't think the 2 peices do anything really, it's not that big, she just breaks them in half

03-03-2002, 05:04 PM
I'll have to try and search it out, but someone a while back posted this exact question, and some, including Carrie gave some great advice. If I remember, it was a case of "leave them be!" A dog with a bone is naturally going to be very protective as they "do their thing." I think Carrie said that this was normal, expected behavior. But, when they start "guarding" their goody, ignore them, walk away, and leave them alone. My Star is very "greedy" with her bones; even trying to capture Cody's when she's not looking and steal away with them both! I give them their bones outside, several yards apart, and leave them be. I am though, able to go up to either of them and take it away if I want to. I started doing that when they were very young; that and putting my hand in their food bowl as they ate as puppies, so neither is food protective. Of course, you must be very careful with dogs and bones children around if Josie is very protective. Not knowing better, they may try to approach, touch the bone, etc. I don't think I'm being much help here! But, I'm trying to remember what Carrie wrote. I think the best thing to do would be to gvie her her bone to enjoy in privacy! Hopefully others will post soon! It's Sunday, and people usually start posting later in the evening!:)

03-03-2002, 05:14 PM
Thanks Sandra! That does help hehe. I know dogs naturally just "gaurd" there bones or what not, but with children and stuff, I dont see that as being acceptable. Rufus is very old, and would give everything up for Jo without sticking up for himself. I don't think thats fair to him, if im not in the room, she would probably eat his food too..well, she usually doesn't now till he's finished, but sometimes he goes to get a drink, and he comes back and Jo ate it. If Jo snaps at him, he won't growl or snap back to protect himself. Hes gotten really old..I'm actually getting to the point when I take him to the vets for his check up to ask the vet if i should be thinking about euthanizing him anytime soon. It pains me to think about it, but he seems to be really stiff, hard to get up and around, and he can't really control his bowel movements. I hope I can get something to make it better, but anyway this doesn't have anything to do with this topic..I just can't stop thinking about. I almost started to cry when I was talking to my dad about it, and he got up, walked over to me, and wagged his tale looking at me like "whats wrong?" I get a sick feeling in my belly..I know its going to happen someday, and hes had a long happy live, but i don't remember ONE day that he wasn't there

03-05-2002, 02:40 PM
Oh Audrey. I know just what you speak of when you mention that sinking feeling. The thought of losing any of my babies is gut wrenching. And, when you start to see the signs of age, it hurts so badly, and fears starts to creep in. BUT, Rufus is SO very loved!!! And, like most of us rickety "seniors," he has those days when the legs just don't seem to want to move! And yes, as seniors, that do often have those potty problems. And sometimes, certain accomodations, perhaps medication, and a bit more human effort and patience are necessary to ensure their comfort. I know you excel in providing all of that for your Rufus. But he sounds like he still loves life, loves the company of his family and is eating well. :) Talking with my vet and asking for his advice always helped me during those times. My Cody is only 6 and has suffered from hip dysplasia and arthritris. She has also had the "leaks" since puppyhood! As with most things in life, we have to just take it a day at a time. Try not to look too far ahead. Instead, focus on the day, the hour and the moment, and love him with all your might!! (I know you do!!!)

And here's a link ( I hope) to a past thread which posted a question very similar to the one you had about "greedy dogs!" Hope it helps!


03-05-2002, 03:38 PM
Thanks so much Sandra :D

I know that the senior dogs have their days, but he has them everyday. He always seems still, and always seems to have trouble getting up. He gets lots of love, and he loves that. Sometimes he doesn't eat well, he'll be hungry a little in the morning, and not eat all of his food, but will want to eat a little later in the night. He's deaf, and I know its just cause he's old and deaf, but he's always underfoot. Everywhere you go and turn around you trip over him. We've learned to watch out for him more, and now that we know hes going to be there, we move around him. I know I should be thinking just today, but I can't help thinking what if he's in pain?? I don't think thats fair to him, and I dont want him to be struggling all the time. My cousin did that with their dog, and she got so bad she went to the ditch to die, then they FINALLY took her in to the vets. She was REALLY bad, in so much pain. She couldnt get up the stairs or anything. I guess they felt they couldnt let go. After seeing that poor thing I told myself I wouldn't do that to my babies, no matter how much it hurts..If you would have seen her, you would understand more I think. He seems so happy when you pet him, so he can't be really bad, or maybe not bad at all. I think i'll ask my vet if there is meds I can get him for arthritis or something, and just get his opinion.

About Jo, she only seems greedy with somethings. Like her special bones, or her rope. She has everyday bones and balls, she'll want them if me or ruf want them, but other then that, shes not greedy about them. Thanks so much for listening!

03-05-2002, 05:02 PM
Dear Audrey, PLEASE forgive me for using Josie's name! I just noticed my stupid mistake! Of course, I was talking about Rufus; I had Josie and her "greedy bones" in my head!!!!:rolleyes: You know, as I told you, getting old is rough stuff on the body and the brain; for us human too!

And do talk to your vet about some medic. for Rufus' arthritis! It made a world of difference for my Cody, and there are several to choose from. Often, being uncomfortable or achy can affect all other aspects of behavior, like eating! PLEASE give him the biggest hug you can muster and plant it right THERE!!! (That would be to the side of his nose, right below his eye; my favorite kissing spot!!) Love to Rufus and Josie!!! You're a very wonderful doggie Mom Audrey!!:)

03-05-2002, 06:04 PM
Thats ok Sandra ;] I kinda figured you ment Rufy. Rufus has his appointment for his shots this month, so I think I'll talk to him (vet) about what I should do, and whats best for him (meds or w/e) I'll be sure to pass the hugs and kisses on ;] What would we do without these pups in our lives :D

03-05-2002, 06:19 PM
I read that thing you sent. The former post. I can't say it helped me much. I feel mean taking away the things she loves most. She is never aggressive to me or my dad and stuff, she just takes it and runs off, like she wants to eat it alone or something. I duno..There MUST be someway she can learn to no be so uptight..I know its all natural for her being a dog, and I could leave her alone with her bones..but still..Thanks for your help

03-06-2002, 07:58 PM
Hrm. Why do I get the feeling that no one cares? LMAO..hm..no I can't ssay that..thanks so much Sandra! Your info helped me a lot