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View Full Version : venting about vets

08-17-2005, 01:19 PM
I moved to where I live now 2 years ago. I've been searching for a decent vet that is nearby ever since. There's only about 4 vets within about 30 or so minutes and I've tried them all. (well actually there's like 6-7 but there's a few that I WILL NOT use no matter what). I don't really want to travel any more than that but I think I may have to.

The vet I have now I started to use in November 04 along with another vet, but I've solely been using this vet since Jan-Feb 05.
The technology is awesome there, their knowledge is great, the place is very clean & well set up. I have NO problem with that, thats why they are my vet, thats the only reason they are my vet.
But the ENTIRE staff is... well just not personable or too friendly. I feel so not welcome there & I get the same feeling that other clients feel the same way. I see the staff treat them just as they treat me.
I've heard people say bad things about them, then again I've heard good stuff about the practice as well, it evens out, like any business.

I know I haven't been a patient for too long but like I said they treat everyone else the same and a few of them I know have been clients for years & years. They should be friendly & outgoing to any & all clients, thats just how any business should be run. Even though I haven't been a patient for long but I've already spent over $4000 there! :eek:
I just get the heebie geebies kind of when I'm there. It doesn't feel right even though I know & feel that they are a good vet, as far as animal welfare goes.

Why is it so hard to find a good vet now-a-days, one that is up to date on technology & knowledge, reasonably priced & friendly.

I'm sick of changing vets. I've tried the whole visit the practice before I bring my pets there & although you get a feel for it you don't get the entire feel for it until your there a few times.
My animals vet records look like poop, I've got a bunch from different vets, it looks like something happened like it's bad on my part when really it was just because I was not satisfied with them.

What do I do, suck it up because I know they do good work & just feel like poop when I'm there, or drive even further & find yet another vet?

08-17-2005, 01:34 PM
I know what you mean by it is hard to find a good vet. Luckily, ours is kind, people and animal friendly, like a vet should be.

Rachel (rizzy) and her family were having a hard time for a while there too. Every vet they went to was wacko, one even told them that when their cat bites that they should bite it back:eek:

Don't worry, eventually a nice vet will be found!

Good luck!-
Steph and Jes

08-17-2005, 01:42 PM
Hang in there.
We also had trouble finding a good vet. We actually go to two of them. One we go to is just for vacinations, and is also where we got Frisk neutered. He is really good eventhough his specialty is larger animals. Since that is so, we go to another vet, about 30-45 miles away for allergies and other problems. She is the wife of a good friend of my dad's, so my dad lives by what she says. :D
Good luck in finding the right vet, stick in there and you'll find one soon enough.

08-17-2005, 02:59 PM
I use to have the most wonderful old country vet for Murph and Maddie. He was so great with the dogs. They both loved him and loved going to the vets. He'd come into the exam room all confident and just chattering away at'em. Grab the needle. Still jabbering. Grab a piece of fur. Still jabbering. Give'em the shot. All the while still jabbering away at them and they never even knew they'd gotten a shot.

He had such a way with dogs that everything went so smoothly. He was knowledgable and he never tried to guilt you into unnecessary procedures. He wasn't the greatest at talking with humans, but he was so great in every other area, I overlooked that. He wasn't rude or anything and the staff made up for the extra friendliness he lacked.

I moved across town, so I had to leave that vet behind. I've never been as happy with these new vets, that Oz and Gull and Murph go to now. They're okay, but I feel like they're way too overpriced. They're friendly with people, but none seem to be overly dog savvy. They're way too timid with the dogs, like they must get bit a lot or something. Ah, I'll take the old country vet anyday.


08-17-2005, 03:55 PM
We have two vet clinics in the entire Yukon. There are six vets between the two clinics. There are no vets outside of Whitehorse. In any of the other communities, you have to drive to Whitehorse, if there is a road. We still have fly in only communities. Or try to treat whatever it is yourself. Even in Whitehorse, if your animal is seriously ill or needs complicated surgery, it has to fly out. I flew one of my cats to Saskatoon for surgery to stop his urinary blocks. The docs here couldn't do the surgery.

The clinic we use is actually substantially more expensive than the other one, but I like the docs and the staff better there. I spend so much at the vet that the few extra hundred a year doesn't really matter!:rolleyes: