View Full Version : Pet Peeves IX (9th)

08-16-2005, 10:16 PM
..thought it was a little messy bringing old thread (with too many posts in) back up -- so I update a new one along with old threads here -

pet peeves I (gina's ark inc) (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=19360&highlight=peeves)
pet peeves II (cathybogart) (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22818&highlight=peeves)
pet peeves III (ilovemyabbygirl) (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=32653&highlight=peeves)
silly pet peeves IV (2kitties) (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36647&highlight=peeves)
work pet peeves V (djfyrewolf) (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=50153&highlight=peeves)
pet peeves VI (jods) (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=59820&highlight=peeves)
pet peeves VII (ktluvskitties) (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=73498&highlight=peeves)
pet peeves VIII (laurie's babies) (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=76234&highlight=peeves)

well....my new pet peeve from camping..

RUBBERNECKS!!! (from driving for over 40 hours in five days total)...agggggggh.

moooo-ve please?! :D

sorry if I missed anyone!

08-16-2005, 11:06 PM
When people walk really slowly....Dont you have anywhere to go?!!

When people let there dog run up to mine when they are supposed to be on a leash

When people take a trillion years in the bathroom...What are you doing in there?!


People that cannot take the time to email/phone me back..

When the radio plays the same song over & over again

Hmmm there are so many more, but I will keep it simple :p

08-16-2005, 11:11 PM
lets see here:

People that abuse their pets



People that don't shut up long enough for you to say something

and, as CagneyDog said, people that walk too slow!

That is all for now, I will post more later;)

Steph and Jes

finn's mom
08-17-2005, 01:00 AM
I put this in another one before, but, I just got an email with this...

using ect, instead of etc...it's ETCetera, ETCetera...not ECTetera! :D

08-17-2005, 01:13 AM
posted by finn's mom
ETCetera...not ECTetera! :D

[color=purple]my addition, common words misspelled! :o

it's congraTulations, not congraDulations.
definitEly, not definitAly/definAtely..

no offense but I don't understand when it's everywhere and it still can't be spelled correctly. :confused:

08-17-2005, 01:14 AM
Incredibly picky and anal people.

Irresponsible and immature adults, ditto on that for kids, but even worse when they're adults.

Misbehaved dogs, children, etc. Control your "kids", people!

finn's mom
08-17-2005, 01:28 AM
Originally posted by Gina's Ark Inc.

[color=purple]my addition, common words misspelled! :o

it's congraTulations, not congraDulations.
definitEly, not definitAly/definAtely..

no offense but I don't understand when it's everywhere and it still can't be spelled correctly. :confused:

Yeah, grammar and spelling are things that I always notice. I want to take some classes just to polish up on my own vocabulary and sentence structure. I'm ridiculously anal about some of the silliest things, and, then other things that bother the heck out of most people, don't bug me at all. Ha ha, maybe that's because I'm almost a Libra. Virgos are perfectionists. I'll alphabetize my cd and dvd collections, but, then there are times in my room, I can't even find a pair of clean socks, I'm so disorganized. It's funny.

Let's see...another pet peeve. I love these threads, it's so funny to see the little petty things that drive people batty. It's a wonder we don't all end up on the funny farm. ;)

I HATE it when people refer to Asian people as "Oriental." My dad does it, and, it's not something I'll correct him on, because he means no harm by it. But, it does make me stop in my tracks when I hear it. I don't usually say anything, unless I know the person won't be offended by my correcting them.

I had so many when I worked at Suncoast (a video store, for those that read this and don't have them). It's no big deal when someone says a name wrong and then at least acknowledges their mistake when you show them the correct spelling or whatever. A few examples of what I mean...

Muffets instead of Muppets. I had a regular customer who would never say it correctly. It drove me bananas. She was cool, though, except for that. :)

Jack Nicholas instead of Jack Nicholson...unless you're referring to the golfer (Nicklaus, I think is how you actually spell it, though). But, in a video store, the actor is usually who people meant. ;)

Ah, and, the last one I can think of right now...when people would say Sally Fields instead of Sally Field. Again, petty as heck, but, then...that's why they're called PET peeves. They usually aren't important, but, irksome things nonetheless.

08-17-2005, 03:00 AM
Using "your" instead of "you're". Same goes for "their", "there" and "they're".

08-17-2005, 07:18 AM
typos and misspelled words (obviously not alone here:D )
- oh and it is GRAMMAR, not Grammer

store clerks who talk across my head to another store clerk

trying to talk to someone who starts talking before I can finish a sentence

when a waiter/waitress asks "how are WE doing?":D

doctors who think they know what I need before I am done telling them what is wrong could this come from being a nurse?? :rolleyes:

PJ's Mom
08-17-2005, 08:59 AM
Screaming kids and their parents who don't seem to care that their kids are spoiled brats. Discipline your kids, people. :rolleyes:

People who put their stupid flyers on my door when I have a huge sign that says "no soliciting". Grr.

Dogs riding in the back of trucks. :(

People who take small children into a movie theater. Leave them at home if they can't shut up!

People who talk at full volume during a movie. :mad:

finn's mom
08-17-2005, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by binka_nugget
Using "your" instead of "you're". Same goes for "their", "there" and "they're".

Same here. I do find myself once in awhile making that mistake, though...from just being tired or typing too quickly. It's so funny, I'll edit my posts, even I don't find the mistake for months. ;)

Originally posted by sirrahbed typos and misspelled words (obviously not alone here )
- oh and it is GRAMMAR, not Grammer

Ha ha, obviously not! :) I think it's a good thing to care about grammar and such. I don't edit people, usually, but, I always notice it.

08-17-2005, 10:01 AM
Pet peeves...hmmm...I have many it seems. I agree with the grammar conversation. There was a car dealership near my work and for the longest time the sign on it read something like "Huge Car Sell!" I'd look at it every day, until I finally realized it meant car SALE. That really drove me crazy. Another pet peeve is people on cell phones everywhere. Talking about personal things, talking loudly at the movies, etc. And some people cannot drive and talk on a phone at the same time. That's pretty scary!

08-17-2005, 10:59 AM
Those girls that scream when the lights go out. I mean come on it is just dark.:rolleyes:

When people make fun of you because you like something that they don't like or vise versa. I don't really like music (kinda weird right?) so my brothers and the people at school always make fun of me because I can never answer them when they ask me what my favorite band or song is. Also I am one of those really healthy people so I like alot of vegatbles, and some of my friends go "EWWWW you like brocoli and spinach? Gross!!"

People say "like" after every other word in there sentence.

Talking on the cell phone in the middle of the movies or resteraunt. Also answering the phone in the middle of a conversation. You are talking to them then "RIIING RIIING" they answer it and talk away not even saying I'm busy or something.

I have alot more but these are a few.

08-17-2005, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by PJ's Mom
People who take small children into a movie theater. Leave them at home if they can't shut up!

This is one I can totally agree on. There was this lady who brought her child that was in diapers when I was at the movies the other night. The little girl was crying the whole time and even worse her diaper needed to be changed! The smell was so horrible I wanted to vomit. The little girl kept crawling on the floor and touching my shoes.

Generally I wouldn't be that bothered by kids but it made me so furious that the mother was so irresponsible. Besides letting her scream at the top of her lungs, sit around in a dirty diaper, she was letting her child crawl on the nasty movie theater floor!

Poor kid.

08-17-2005, 11:08 AM
I never took my kids to movies until they were at least 5 then it was disney matinee's, I can't imagine someone doing that.

finn's mom
08-17-2005, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Besides letting her scream at the top of her lungs, sit around in a dirty diaper, she was letting her child crawl on the nasty movie theater floor!

Poor kid.

No joke, that's foul. I can't believe there are people that do that. I've seen some kids that shouldn't be at a theater, but, I've never had a baby crawling around on the floor, that is just too much.

08-17-2005, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by caseysmom
I never took my kids to movies until they were at least 5 then it was disney matinee's, I can't imagine someone doing that.

I would totally expect that at a Disney movie, but this was "The Skeleton Key" - NOT a child movie!

I wish every adult could be responsible with their children. :p

08-17-2005, 11:26 AM
I went to the drive-in saturday night and there was a young couple right behind us with 2 young kids and a newborn. The baby couldn't have been more than 2 weeks. I was pretty surprised..the baby screamed the whole time. Finally, they left (we all started clapping). That's way too young!

finn's mom
08-17-2005, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I would totally expect that at a Disney movie, but this was "The Skeleton Key"

Ack, off topic, I know...and, I'm sorry...but, was this movie any good? I want to see it, but, haven't heard any reviews from people yet.

08-17-2005, 11:53 AM
It really irks me too to see kids being the subject of irrisponsable parenting. Yesterday, I was coming home at about 9:30 at night when I saw two kids, about 10 and 5 Im guessing, ALONE in front of a laundromat (This laundromat has a reputation for having a lot of unsavory types hanging around it, the cops are over there all the time). Grrr, kids that age should not be out alone, at night especially in a bad neighborhood.

Other pet peeves...

People driving SLOWER than the speed limit in the fast lane of a freeway. It is not your job to police my driving...now get out of the way!

People that tailgate. I have a very tiny car and getting hit in the rear end would do a LOT of damage! Also, its a stick shift, so on hills I roll back a little bit before I can get the clutch to engage and go...I'm always scared I'll hit one of these yayhoos that get right up on my bumper.

Idiot drivers in general...there are so many crazies on the road that a lot of times I'm scared to death. Especially in my car! I just wish people would realize that phone conversations, hairstyling, makeup application and reading can all be done at home and do not need to be done in a moving vehicle. Wake up earlier and do this stuff at HOME!

08-17-2005, 12:25 PM
People who put on their brakes before getting all the way into the turn lane/off ramp.
People who have 11 items in the express checkout.
People who own "trophy" dog and keep them tied in the yard.

Anita Cholaine
08-17-2005, 12:44 PM
I hate people who doesn't understand that pets have feeelings and need cares.... A friend of mine has a poodle. They bought it when she was a puppy, but when she grew up, they didn't like her anymore... Now they still have the poor girl, and they want to buy another "baby" poodle, just because they are cute... They don't even have space to have another dog, because their house is really small.....they didn't think that they won't love the dog when it is an adult.... and th worst is that the stupid girl says that she's a great animal lover, and she doesn't even take care of the dog she has....:mad::mad: This makes me feel really bad....

Other ones:

People who always try to show that they are great...
People who don't do what they promise
When my neightbors watch tv or listen to music VERY loud early in the morning...

I was going to say people who doesn't like dogs, but I don't hate them, I just don't understand them...:confused:

I have more, so I'll try to think....

finn's mom
08-17-2005, 12:48 PM
Another pet peeve of mine that is painfully obvious in my life right now...being ignored. Just answer the darn question. That's the rudest thing in the world, when someone can't even acknowledge you. Ugh, I could just kick him. Sorry, needed to vent. :)

08-17-2005, 12:49 PM
I'm always thinking of more...when my mother-in-law comes over and complains about the pet hair - that really drives me crazy. One of these days I'll just tell her to leave if she doesn't like it. She just thinks that animals are dirty.

08-17-2005, 01:04 PM
yikes.. hope nobody hates me for starting this all.. :o probably we're one of their pet peeves, whose don't respond in this. :D

I don't mean to complain at their grammar because I feel bad for a few of people who came to learn new language. but still, those common words. it drives me crazy like if they spell my name, gena all the time! :)

jeez, kay - the poor girl by your shoes. I never understood when or why others has NO sensitivity over others. (grrr) even when I couldn't speak in dark, annoyed enough, I would tap the mother of this child, and ask her to pick her up.

last night, around 2AM - I was trying to sleep....the next door guy... smokes and smokes and smokes...... after I asked him to not smoke under my window bajizillion times. *smoke coming out ears* I hate to close the window, my cats love to smell he fresh air. sad how I rather cats being happy than getting headaches..


08-17-2005, 01:14 PM
I just thought of another one...

When people borrow your car and they break it and expect YOU to pay to fix it. Im a firm believer in the "you break it, you fix it" policy.

08-17-2005, 01:20 PM
I really don't enjoy going to the theater too much, its very expensive and there are always people that are inconsiderate.

I would rather rent when they come out on dvd.

08-17-2005, 01:28 PM
Reading about the typo and grammar/spelling errors made me recall something:D My family knows that I am a English language geek - I used to teach highschool English!!

Here at our base pharmacy, there used to be a form everyone had to fill in - in small print on one line was a place to list the name of your "sponsor" only they spelled it "sponser" Everytime I went to the pharmacy, I would turn the form in and use my red pen on it - circling the misspelled word and writing -10 points SP :D It took 3 years, but they finally did replace the form with a corrected one - I like to think my red pen helped.

I can't help it though - typos just look like NEON signs to me:rolleyes: It isn't really a peeve as much as it is funny.

*Another funny peeve I thought of is when the word ALTAR is spelled ALTER in the church bulletin!!:D :D

08-17-2005, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by DJFyrewolf36
I just thought of another one...

When people borrow your car and they break it and expect YOU to pay to fix it. Im a firm believer in the "you break it, you fix it" policy.

I agree! Or when they borrow your car and bring it back with only enough gas to float into the gas station on fumes...:mad:

08-17-2005, 02:05 PM
This one happened to me yesterday:

I went to a very low cost grocery store. The lines are always very long and they only had one cashier open (another pet peeve). They opened a new line and the woman behind me who had a cart full of groceries, (I had 2 items) about plowed me over to get infront of me.

Pet peeve #1 If someone only has 1 or 2 items, would it kill you to let them go in front of you? Not mandatory, I know, but a nice gesture.

Pet peeve #2 She had a Coach hand bag and paid with food stamps. :eek: Hello!? The bag costs $200+, but yet I have to pay for your food? Granted, I carry a Coach bag too, but that's why I shop at low cost stores. I have a Coach habbit to satisfy. :o After I checked out, I saw her getting into a brand new Cadillac Escalade.

08-18-2005, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by JenBKR
And some people cannot drive and talk on a phone at the same time. That's pretty scary!

Not only is it scary. It is illegal here in NJ!

08-18-2005, 09:13 AM
It's illegal to not use a hands free device here in Chicago too, but this morning, I was behind an unmarked police car, and the driver was using a hand held cell phone!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

I swear that cops here thing they are above the law. :mad:


I swear that cops here thinK (not thing) :o they are above the law.

Maya & Inka's mommy
08-18-2005, 09:43 AM
Sorry that spelling mistakes work on nerves..... ! Just think that it is not always on purpose :rolleyes:

08-18-2005, 11:31 AM
Here's another good one...

People that break the law and then call and COMPLAIN after someone enforces the law. Here, it is illgal to park a car for more than 24hrs on the side of any state road...for safety purposes mostly (so people don't run into them, vandalize them etc). My department has people that go out and put tow noticies on cars, explaining what the law is and informing them that the Highway Patrol will tow the car if it isn't moved. Highways are 24/7 tow zones unless there is special permission granted for people to park there (For special events and the like). This friggen A** calls up just now, and starts screaming at me saying he didn't break the law and blah blah blah when the damned law is printed ON THE STICKER that the inspector put on his car. Can't he READ?!?!? He then starts saying that the highway is HIS property because he pays taxes and that all of us are retards (he actually called me a retard :mad: ) and that he could park where ever the *explitive* he wanted. I told him that were just law enforcement and if he wanted the law changed he could go talk to the legislature.

He then yelled a few more explitives and then hung up. Jerk. :mad:

08-18-2005, 11:37 AM
DJFyrewolf36 I think some people think they are above the law...which brings me to my next pet peeve:

People who think they are better than other people.

How could I have forgotten this one earlier?? :rolleyes:

08-18-2005, 11:42 AM
No kidding Jen :rolleyes:

Grrr, I was so mad too. I'm suprised I didn't start cussing back at him...if this had happened a few years back I would have gotten fired for the things I would have said lol.

I'm proud of how well I managed my anger :D. Two wrongs don't make a right after all.

08-18-2005, 11:50 AM
Then you did an excellent job. When people talk to me like that it's so difficult to keep my temper in check. I used to be a receptionist at a real estate company and people could be so rude!

08-18-2005, 11:56 AM
A pet peeve of mine is receptionists that combat rudeness with even more rudeness. I always have noticed that if you're nice to complainers, the steam goes right out of them! People have even called back later to apologise to me and to thank me for putting up with them :D

My boss said I did a good job of handling the situation. This guy wasn't the worst case I've handled...some guy called and threatened one of the inspectors with violence once! Im glad we have the highway patrol on our side!

08-18-2005, 12:16 PM
Pet Peeves..

1. Snobby customers, No pleases or thank you and they talk over you to someone else, I personally think its rude, It doesnt cost anything to say thanks once in a while.

2. People who stand on the pavement right in the middle so you cant get past :mad: I just wanna scream at them to move over!

3. Bus drivers!! They are always so moody.

4. The fact that I have to get up 3 hours early for college.. lol I'm lazy :p but its like 3 hours away!

5. People who phone up for quotes on dogs and then insult you because " they can get it cheaper somewhere else" Well you do that! personally I dont think you can get a dog groomed for much cheaper, my groomers has an excellent reputation and is vet recommended :)

6. When people bring in puppies.. lol I just wanna take them homee! :p :D only joking I love it :D

08-18-2005, 12:26 PM
People who think that just because "you were a kid once", you should like kids. :rolleyes:

People who say "you'll change your mind" when I tell them that I'm getting my tubes tied as soon as I can. As though I don't know how to think things through and decide for myself what's best.

Rude customers. I'm polite up until a point, then it's right back at 'em. Usually not outright rudeness, just saying something really cutting that usually shuts them right up. (Ex: woman trying to return a birdcage she had bought because her apartments didn't allow pets...but she threw out the reciept and was only eligible for store credit. Eventually I said "well, it wasn't MY responsibility to check with your apartment manager, it was YOURS.")

People who seem to think that EVERYONE wants to listen to the bassline on their thumping music.

People who get pulled over and them start arguing with the cops as though they didn't do anything to get oulled over in the first place! Take responsibility for your actions!!

smokey the elder
08-18-2005, 12:31 PM
Let's see... my list of life's little hemorrhoids...:p

1. People who park their shopping cart in the middle of the aisle.
2. Stockers who park the pallet in the middle of the aisle.
3. Not enough cashiers.
4. Getting 4 pennies in change.
5. People who are so in love with their own ideas that they won't let you voice yours.
6. People who goof off at work when you could REALLY use their helpl
7. Typos on captioned news reports (think the crawl on CNN.)
8. Newcasters or DJs who cannot speak without tripping over their tongue. Years ago there was this DJ in the Albany, NY area who was the WORST and it bugged me to listen to her!
9. Any number of driving idiocies (left blinker on when doing a right lane change; tailgating; cutting in front of me and being a slowpoke; the time the guy 3 cars behind me decided he wasn't going to wait for the light to turn green and passed us into oncoming traffic to run the light!!)

08-18-2005, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by CathyBogart

People who get pulled over and then start arguing with the cops as though they didn't do anything to get pulled over in the first place! Take responsibility for your actions!!

If you are honestly doing something dumb on the roads, DON'T COMPLAIN IF YOU GET PULLED OVER! Gah, that bugs me too...on the flipside though I've seen situations where someone was going the speed limit, using signals, making full stops etc and they still got pulled over. My mother in law got pulled over for passing a cop who was going 10mph under the speed limit on the highway...then he ticketed her for not having a rear licence plate frame even though the plate was secured to the back of the car (I'm not joking, the ticket said "failure to maintian proper rear licence plate restraint") My dad got pulled over once (wasn't doing anything wrong) and the cop said "Im going to write you up for 5 over, and you'll like it because you're from out of state and if you argue with me, I'll make it 10 over!"
Cops who abuse thier power irritate me too.

08-18-2005, 02:10 PM
people who call you, with no intention of actually talking to you. this drives me nuts my friend keeps calling me then proceedes to talk to everybody BUT me, I used to put up with it politely but I have gotten so sick of it I now just say "yell when you decide to actually talk to me" she usually hangs up when I say that lol

people who talk at normal volume, and the more they talk the louder they get until they are yelling at you

people who like to be totally "zen" I cant stand people who are happy all the time and refuse to get mad, I just cant stand being around people like that-this however annoys a lot of people, so if ya want to get someone mad... ;)

people who dont make any distinction about who they are talking to on the phone, because apperntly I can see that they are obviously refering to me and not the 5 other people they are talking to without covering the mouth peice.

people who pick apart everything you say and try to make a fight out of it, then blame the fight on you. I say something then people say "no, you MEANT such and such" rrriiighhhttt because these people are in my head and they know that what I said is not what I meant :rolleyes:

Anita Cholaine
08-18-2005, 02:19 PM
I thought two more:

People who smoke, and don't realize that it could be disgusting for other people (like me, for example...)
People who enter my house, and when they see Anita, they say: "I hate dogs", and look at her with repugnance... If you don't like her, just get out of my house!!

LOL, this are the two things I hate about my aunt...

08-18-2005, 02:34 PM

1. People leave shopping carts out in middle of parking space.

2. People, that get in a group and start talking in middle of the store. And sometimes ignore you when you are trying get by them.

3. People talking on cell phones while at checkout or any other part of the store. I do not want know if your someone wants this or that.

4. People that tailgate, since being rear ended, I'm so afraid it will happen again.

5. People that drive 10 miles or more under the speed limit.

6. I've said this before but people that pull out right in front of you when you are only few inches away from them. I also people wait and wait until you get up close to them and decide to pull out in front of you.

08-18-2005, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by Anita Cholaine
I hate people who doesn't understand that pets have feeelings and need cares.... A friend of mine has a poodle. They bought it when she was a puppy, but when she grew up, they didn't like her anymore... Now they still have the poor girl, and they want to buy another "baby" poodle, just because they are cute... They don't even have space to have another dog, because their house is really small.....they didn't think that they won't love the dog when it is an adult.... and th worst is that the stupid girl says that she's a great animal lover, and she doesn't even take care of the dog she has....:mad::mad: This makes me feel really bad....

Other ones:

People who always try to show that they are great...
People who don't do what they promise
When my neightbors watch tv or listen to music VERY loud early in the morning...

I was going to say people who doesn't like dogs, but I don't hate them, I just don't understand them...:confused:

I have more, so I'll try to think.... Natali, I agree with you about animals having feelings and needing all the care in the world. I can't stand people get a cute dog or a kitten for the novelty of it. They can't understand that when the poor animal grows up, the dog or cat needs love and attention. This why I adopted Nikki. She was what I would call a "throw- away" pet. When she got older, her usefullness as a kitten wore off and she was given up. I have a weak spot for older animals that need homes. (Now she's the QUEEN of the house!)

08-18-2005, 06:04 PM
I have a cutlass surpreme coupe with big long doors. When I'm in a parking lot, there is always an idiot who parks two lousy inches from my driver's door, just enough where it's almost impossible to get in! I almost have to become a contorionist just to get in my car. (I can't get in the passenger door because i have a floor shift ) I try to find an isolated spot with no other cars, but usually the idiot parks beside me anyway. (sigh)

08-19-2005, 04:00 PM
posted by maya & inka's mommy
Sorry that spelling mistakes work on nerves..... ! Just think that it is not always on purpose :rolleyes:

oh my dear lut! misspelling accidents does not bother me at all. I was only talking about those who spells the same common word incorrectly all the time. but I see it does bother the others. I misspell all the time too. :rolleyes: owhelly. :D

reading everyone else's pet peeves, some are too funny, some are too true..some just applied to me a few days ago!

for one.. a policecar parked by a red curb in front of starbucks. I thought something went wrong in there.......when I got in, I see three cops were sitting, having fun, chatting and laughing.

*taking a deep breath* aaaaahhhh.. no fair. :mad: I know life's not fair but we can make this fair!! grrrrrrrrr.

08-19-2005, 05:21 PM
Whats even worse, David is when some Jerk decides to shoehorn my Festiva in!! It is a very small car, there should be room to spare right?? Two jerks in trucks stuck me so bad once that I had to climb in through the back hatch just to get into my car :p

The throw away pet thing bugs me too. My roomates rat was a throw away...someone brought him to the pet store where I worked because he was "too big and scary" :mad: He is nothing but cute in my opinion and he is super friendly too although he is a very big boy :D

08-19-2005, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by Maya & Inka's mommy
Sorry that spelling mistakes work on nerves..... ! Just think that it is not always on purpose :rolleyes:

speeling misteakes don't bohter me, it happins! :p

My peeve : call waiting! There are people who I no longer call because of how they use it! :rolleyes:

08-19-2005, 06:43 PM
Oooohh too many to list, but todays pet peeves are gum chewers who spit it on the ground. Inevitably MY shoe always finds it! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: And parents who shop and let their kids use the store as a personal playground. I was shopping in a thrift store, and came very close to walking out of the store when two kids came flying around the corner and one slammed right into me! :rolleyes: And it goes without saying that sooner or later those unmanaged brats got hurt, and started that infernal wailing. :rolleyes: Discipline??? Not around here. I did want that scratching post (a steal at $3.00) so gritted my teeth, paid for it and ran! ;)

08-20-2005, 11:16 AM
People who finish my sentence for me.

People who will try to carry on a conversation with you while you're on the phone.

08-20-2005, 11:43 AM
Guys that spit - well, I've even seen women spit, too

People who don't park straight

Call waiting - I'm with you there ChocolatePuppy

Yes, to a certain extent spelling mistakes bother me. After I post, I always go back to read and fix any mistakes. Dictionary.com is my best friend.

Shortcuts......u instead of you and r instead of are. Don't mind things like BTW and LMAO....

Cashiers that don't pay attention. I was in the store the other day and two cashiers were yelling back and forth about their upcoming evening "what should I wear" and all that crap. She almost gave me the wrong change back.

People at work who don't clean up after themselves. They leave dirty dishes in the sink. How much effort does it take to put a mug in the dishwasher??

Dog owners who refuse to pick up.

people who call you, with no intention of actually talking to you.
Boy Cali, do I ever hear you there. I was speaking to someone a long time ago and all they ever did was talk to their pets. Drove me crazy!! Thank God for call display!

I'm sure there is more but for Cali's sake, I will remain happy. ;) :D

Edwina's Secretary
08-20-2005, 11:56 AM
Sales clerks who say..."No problem" in response to my "thank you." Of course it is not a problem....it is your JOB. Neither "no problem" nor "have a nice one" ....I always wonder a nice WHAT... is "THANK YOU"....

Sales clerks who carry on conversations with each other while attending (or not) to the customer. That is rude.

Sales clerks who do not greet me. I will wait forever until they say something.

Change on top of the bills. Do sales people not understand how much easier it is for the CUSTOMER to handle when the coins are placed in the hand first....then the bills?

08-20-2005, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
Change on top of the bills. Do sales people not understand how much easier it is for the CUSTOMER to handle when the coins are placed in the hand first....then the bills?
That annoys me too!!

People who walk right past Pjevs in the yard without even notice(ing)? him, when you can tell he's in a cuddle mood. :(

People who try to jump a queue! It's very commom in Denmark when waiting for a bus.

People who stand on an escalator/moving stairway and take up all the space, so you can't get past.

smokey the elder
08-21-2005, 07:37 AM
I just thought of another one: when there is a sign reminding folks to wash their hands in the RR, but no paper towels or hand dryers! What, pray tell, am I supposed to DRY my hands on??

finn's mom
08-21-2005, 08:49 AM
When people don't flush in public restrooms...use your foot if you're so concerned about germs. And, it cracks me up, because the handles to the stall and restroom doors are just as germ filled as the handles on the toilets.

08-21-2005, 08:54 AM
Originally posted by finn's mom
When people don't flush in public restrooms...use your foot if you're so concerned about germs. And, it cracks me up, because the handles to the stall and restroom doors are just as germ filled as the handles on the toilets.

That's one thing that peeves me too. Germs disgust me, I'm constantly washing my hands. When I use pbulic bathrooms I always grab a paper towel to open a door with after i've washed my hands. :o

finn's mom
08-21-2005, 09:00 AM
Originally posted by Kfamr
That's one thing that peeves me too. Germs disgust me, I'm constantly washing my hands. When I use pbulic bathrooms I always grab a paper towel to open a door with after i've washed my hands. :o

So do I. And, I just wash my hands before and after going to the restroom...cuz how nasty is it to put your hands where the sun don't shine once you've been walking around a mall touching clothes or door handles or shopping carts or whatever...And, you get more germs from countertops and money passing hands than you do from the actual toilet seat. I try not to worry about it too much, because my head would probably explode.

08-21-2005, 02:49 PM
The thing that I don't understand is the people who are so germ concious (sp?) to use the little neat seats on the toilets, but don't give a darn as to whether or not they're flushed down after they're done! Ok, you're afraid of getting germs on your tushie, I get it. But the next person is S.O.L. and gets to see your dirty, nasty booty paper on the toilet. NICE!

08-21-2005, 03:18 PM
Booty paper, LMAO. :p

08-21-2005, 03:25 PM
*People who cannot control their dogs
*People who mistreat animals
*People who emotionally/phisically abuse others
*People who aren't committed to their marriage and go off and have an affair
*People who are bullies
*People that are prissy
*People that shouldn't have animals
*People who get a dog and put them outside 24/7 (why not get a stuffed animal??..)
*People who don't like my pets
*People who freak out over dog hair, cat hair, etc. being on their clothes when they come over. If they don't like it, then they can leave..
*People who think Jenny is "mean" & "scary" :mad:

that's about it. I am sure I'll be back..

08-21-2005, 10:11 PM
ok, this is my biggest pet peeve right now! lol..

as I'm WAITING for someone to respond..

people who not responding to my emails/messages/PMs!!! UGH.

sick of that. I can't see, why can't they spare just a minute?? say they don't want to reply/help. say "leave me alone"? say I'm busy? say I don't understand? say something? they couldn't...how insensitive.

especially I have no idea what I've done to them for not getting a word in return. offt!

finn's mom
08-21-2005, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by Gina's Ark Inc.

people who not responding to my emails/messages/PMs!!! UGH.

I feel you. I think ignoring someone is the ultimate insult. I'd rather be told to bug off. Or something...even "I don't know what to say" would be better than nothing. I know exactly what you mean.

08-22-2005, 05:01 AM
:( I'm glad I'm not alone, kari!! right, something better than nothing.

I actually thought I said something really rude..o'whelly.

08-22-2005, 07:32 AM
That hits a nerve with me, too. I really don't understand why a business person doesn't return phone calls. City and state employees are just as bad.

And those phone answering machines that say " please listen to the menu as the options may have changed" and then go on and on with a dozen choices. Just let me talk to a human for a second!

08-22-2005, 05:29 PM
People that go slow in the fast lanes and then when you try to go around them, they speed up!
People that constantly want attention and recognition.
Drunk drivers
Animal abusers
Idiots that put their dogs(especially unsecured) in the back of their pickups. That one really gets to me.
Waiting in the doctor's office.
Gum popping while it's being chewed.
Cell phones not turned off in movies, etc. Is it really that important that you must leave it on all the time? At least put it on vibrate.
That's all for now.

08-22-2005, 05:38 PM
Right now....my biggest peeve is with Theves. Jerks whos only purpose is to steal from others because they can't get what they want legitimately. Get a freakin job or have mommy and daddy pay for it or SOMETHING! Don't disrespect people by taking something that they've earned!

Grrrrr....I've posted why I'm upset with theves in another thread if anyone is interested.

Don't be too mad at us State employees mrruffruff...some of us are just REALLY busy! We'll return your call....someday ;)

08-22-2005, 08:40 PM

Certain spelling mistakes. Although, I'm not a good speller myself. Some basic words though should be spelled properly? Like, you. Not "U" or your not "ur" and stupid things like that. It's really annoying.

People who think they're better then everyone else (or certain people even).

People who pretend to be your friends, but don't want anything to do with you or ditch you all the time.

Rude people!!

People how have no control over their kids!! I see this ALL the time at work. Kids taking all my menu's off ALL the tables when I NEED them there for customers. The parents don't care.

People who are cruel to pets or should own them

finn's mom
08-22-2005, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by Gina's Ark Inc.
:( I'm glad I'm not alone, kari!! right, something better than nothing.

I actually thought I said something really rude..o'whelly.

Yeah, well, you may have said something really rude, but, you'll never know one way or the other. That's the grand thing about being ignored...you get to imagine and create all these awesome, horrible scenarios for why someone could possibly have something against you. Even if they don't, you'll never know. Personally, I think that's my favorite part of a habitual ignorer.(Hopefully, you can sense the sarcasm...) :) Ha, Gina...sorry to take so long to respond again, I've been dealing with an ignorer here in my life, too. It's so disheartening. As you said...oh welly.

08-22-2005, 11:09 PM
no problem-o...finn. :p

you see, when I read the sent PM, I know I said everything friendly but just that it happened so much, so often and does get me sometimes. then I read it again, I said no! I didn't do anything wrong. those evil voices in head. :p

I was referring 'rude' as to how many time I sent... some people could take just one or two. even after they haven't responded to one of mine. again, how am I suppose to know if they haven't said something.

folks, I have one new pet peeve from myself!! LOL.. I kept forgetting to remember I'm boiling something! and water scrambles all over...again! aggh, pay attention, gina!!! thank goodness I have cats! they're my ears. :)

08-22-2005, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by mruffruff
That hits a nerve with me, too. I really don't understand why a business person doesn't return phone calls. City and state employees are just as bad.

And those phone answering machines that say " please listen to the menu as the options may have changed" and then go on and on with a dozen choices. Just let me talk to a human for a second!


08-26-2005, 10:16 PM
Wow, I have lots of those! Too many to name on here, so let me think of the worst peeves I have

People who don't supervise their children or pets properly (see peeve below-dogs using my tree for their potty)

Trashy neighbors (I have a bunch next door to me that has a stove, yes a stove, just sitting in their back yard along with a pile of broken stuff-fountains, bbq grill,etc. The stove is going to rust with this rain we're getting. The yard looked worse a week ago.And another bunch across from me hasn't mowed their grass in a month, they are really lazy people-they never supervise their kids or do anything with them, and they have about 4 or 5 dogs that always get loose from the house;one came to me yard last week and did its business on my tree. Lovely)

People who don't signal,bad drivers in general (I don't know about the folks in other states, but I have never seen so many people here in Kentucky pull in front of others, not signal, cut people off)

People who abuse their children or animals

Swearing alot(turn off for me in men LOL)

People who don't want to do anything-laziness, lack of motivation,has no goals in life


08-26-2005, 10:41 PM
Some of my pet peeves...

This is probably one of my BIGGEST pet peeves. People who are constantly cussing, and using nasty, vulgar language. I just can't seem to understand WHY people need to use these nasty, nasty words as adjectives, whether they are angry, or happy, or sad, or thrilled, or confused. What's the POINT in using words like that? I mean its one thing saying them when you're REALLY upset/angry (I can't even stand it then), but to say it when just talking casually? That peeves me SO MUCH! It really bothers me when people do that. I can't understand HOW people use such language so freely, without feeling bad or ashamed about it. Its really degrading in my opinion...degrading of the person using those words. Just reading or hearing such vulgar language makes me feel sick inside. Really can't understand how or why people use them with every other thing they say. Yuck. Why would anyone want to use such degrading language? It only degrades themselves and makes them seem uncivilized. I guess you can say I strongly dislike it when people have such bad ettiquettes when it comes to language.

Hmmm...what else?

I also don't like it when people express hatred towards children. None of us like misbehaved children, but people need to understand that children are not BORN misbehaved. If there's something wrong with them at that young and tender age, their parents need parenting lessons. Just like I don't appreciate it when people talk badly about animals, I dislike it even MORE when people talk badly about children. We were all children once. People need to be respectful about these things.

Big truck drivers on the highway that will NOT use their signals when changing lanes peeve me too. For heaven's sake, don't you realize how BIG that vehicle of your's is? How can you just turn into the tiny car next to you without using your signals? Sheesh. I'm SO scared to drive next to those big trucks. Too many blind spots.

Dog owners that allow their dogs to run freely, off-leash in a park where there are young children. Be responsible for your animals, for once.

When people are having a heated discussion, and someone brings up a completely unrelated topic to fight over, and leaves everyone else confused as to what he/she is talking about. That annoys me too.

Okay, that's all for now. :D

08-27-2005, 06:52 AM
Originally posted by popcornbird
Some of my pet peeves...

This is probably one of my BIGGEST pet peeves. People who are constantly cussing, and using nasty, vulgar language. I just can't seem to understand WHY people need to use these nasty, nasty words as adjectives, whether they are angry, or happy, or sad, or thrilled, or confused. What's the POINT in using words like that? I mean its one thing saying them when you're REALLY upset/angry (I can't even stand it then), but to say it when just talking casually? That peeves me SO MUCH! It really bothers me when people do that. I can't understand HOW people use such language so freely, without feeling bad or ashamed about it. Its really degrading in my opinion...degrading of the person using those words. Just reading or hearing such vulgar language makes me feel sick inside. Really can't understand how or why people use them with every other thing they say. Yuck. Why would anyone want to use such degrading language? It only degrades themselves and makes them seem uncivilized. I guess you can say I strongly dislike it when people have such bad ettiquettes when it comes to language.

I agree with you, it makes people sound like they have no vocabulary. I admit, I do swear sometimes, but I have a brother-in-law whose every other word is the "F" word. That drives me CRAZY! Especially considering he has two little girls (ages 10 & 5) and he does not hold back around them. I can't even imagine hearing that from my father, that would be so disturbing...

finn's mom
08-27-2005, 08:44 AM
When someone doesn't tell you that they've blocked your number, blocked your email, put you on an ignore list...etc. I don't know if it's ever happened to me, :), but, I have a friend I think it's happening to, with the email thing, because the person she's trying to contact isn't usually the type to not reply. Weird. I know I'd be quicker to quit trying to reconcile or contact someone if I knew they had me on ignore or block or whatever.

Oh, and, crappy pens.

Tags sticking out of shirts. I always will fix a tag on a girl's shirt in public. I've never had anyone not thank me for that. :)

08-27-2005, 03:25 PM
Oh I so agree with you popcornbird and jen-foul language is a major pet peeve of mine. What makes me the most mad is when it is used around children-I see people do it all the time. I admit, I'll occasionally let a bad word (one that is a minor one though!) out but I NEVER do it around kids. They hear everything that comes out of your mouth! I also hate it when people around me do it, in public. Makes them look so uneducated and at a loss on what to say-need to expand their vocab LOL

Jen, I have a brother also who seems like the F word comes out of his mouth every 3 words-especially if he mad-he's 20 and doesn't say it in front of his parents (dad would kill him if he heard it) but he'll say it around anyone else-me, his friends. Don't think he says it around kids though which is good. I think he hangs around with buddies who have potty mouths LOL. I constantly say Floyd watch your language, but that doesn't work. :rolleyes:

08-27-2005, 07:42 PM
Girls who scream when they see a dead body in the movies. (shaddap.. its dead. like its really going to do any harm. other then smelling really bad.. but hey) LOL

People who use the 'word' woser.
People who want long haired dogs,, but are too retarded to groom themselves or take them to the groomer before it mats up. (not bashing anyone to who takes their dogs the groomers.) i mean the ones that let their dogs hair rott off before they groom it themselves,, or take it to the groomers.
People who hurt people or any other liveing thing in any shape or form.
People who use stupid typing short cuts. like using B4 or R U there? is it so hard type the whole word? :rolleyes:
People who think its 'cool' to have a dog lose in the bed of their trucks.
People who leave their pets or kids in the car.
People who scratch their armpits or pick their nose in public.
People who have worse grammer then me. :o :o:o