View Full Version : Happy Anniversary, Delta & Antare

08-16-2005, 11:43 AM
Three years ago today, two timid 9 month old littermates joined our pack. Technically fosters at the time, but seriously, did anyone think they were leaving!? Delta and Antare had spent most of their puppyhood in the shelter. Cute as buttons, but no one was interested in dogs who cowered in the back corner of their kennel all day, who had to be carried outside even for fun stuff.
Their shelter website picture. They were about 5 months old.

The day they joined us wasn't a particularly happy one around our kennel. The night before we had rushed Kayleigh to the vet with a 6 inch gash across her neck, a wound inflicted by her sister who we were attempting to foster. Unfortunately, Summit's temperment was even worse than Kayleigh's and despite our best efforts we could not keep our permanent residents safe from Summit. So on the morning of August 16 as the shelter manager unlocked the doors, I was waiting with Summit in the truck. She had to go back to the shelter, the only foster we've ever completely given up on. Of course there were no open kennels so someone had to leave for Summit to return. I said we'd take a timid, non-aggressive male and walked out with two of them.

When we got to the house, Antare could not get out of the truck fast enough. He was thrilled to see other dogs and he already knew several of them from the shelter. It took over an hour to convince Delta that it was safe to come out.
One of the first pics I took of Delta.

An early pic of Antare.

They've come a long way in three years. They will never be super friendly, outgoing dogs, but they no longer cower in fear from everything. Antare is one of the best little sled dogs I have. He'll do anything if it means he can go for a run. He hates being left behind. Several miles from home, I can still hear his mournful howls if he's left in the yard.
Antare in his happy place!
He's a little cutie!

Delta is still much more timid than his brother, but we can handle him now. He doesn't approach often for attention, but we have long conversations every day. He does love to WOOOOO at me. I'm hoping this winter he will find his place in the team too. That beautiful gait is being wasted running around the yard! Delta adores other dogs and they in turn adore him. He is one of the dogs in our kennel who can go in just about any pen and get along with the other dogs.
Delta this past spring. He doesn't like being in the house very much.
He's much happier outside with his buddies.

I wasn't happy the day I got them, but I'm happy they are here. Happy Anniversary, boys.

PS: Summit, the foster from h**l, eventually found her forever home too--with a trapper who lives in the middle of nowhere, with no kids, no other pets and not a neighbor for 100 miles. She is a happy, much loved companion now.

08-16-2005, 11:46 AM
Happy gotcha day guys! That story tears my eyes up everytime.

08-16-2005, 12:40 PM
What a sweet story :) Your boys have come a long way!

Happy Anniversary Delta & Antare

08-16-2005, 01:35 PM
Happy Anniversary, Boys!
Just looking at your happy faces says it all -- you guys found the BEST forever home for two handsome huskies!
(I love the markings on Antare's mask - very distinctive!)

Queen of Poop
08-16-2005, 02:02 PM
Happy anniversary boys!!! :D

finn's mom
08-16-2005, 02:13 PM
Happy Anniversary, delta and antare! :)

08-16-2005, 02:24 PM
Aww! Happy Anniversary Boys!!!!

08-16-2005, 02:30 PM
Happy Anniversary to you two sweeties! :)

08-16-2005, 03:15 PM
Happy Anniverssary to 2 sweeties. Things always happen for a reason Summit needed someone else and these 2 babies needed you and Stuart. They look very happy and healthy. Who could ask for more?

08-16-2005, 03:36 PM
Happy Anniversary Delta and Antare! What beautiful puppy pics! :D

08-16-2005, 05:51 PM
what cute lil babies

08-16-2005, 06:35 PM
Such a beautiful sotry!!!

Happy Anniversary darlings!!!


a happy ending for Summit!!
