View Full Version : Has Pet Talk Changed Your Mind About Pets?

03-02-2002, 04:38 PM
I was thinking that in time that I have been visiting Pet Talk I have gained so much knowledge on the different types of dogs, cats and pets that people share their lives with. It has been a wonderful learning experience for me. I was wondering how many people have had a "change of mind" about a certain type of pet that they may have seen here on as Cat, Dog or Pet of the Day and maybe come to know as a result of Pet Talk. For example if you consider yourself a "dog person" would you now consider owning a cat or if you are a "cat person" would you now consider owning a dog?

03-02-2002, 04:45 PM
It hasn't changed my mind. I STILL LOVE ALL OF THEM
Well, not snakes and spiders but that's just me.

03-02-2002, 05:06 PM
I have always been a cat person and would not consider owning a dog - but I do like most dogs. My husband has had cats around him all his life, so luckily we agree on having a cat. And I have come to learn a lot about these beautiful furbabies. :) I should perhaps add that we both prefer tabbies.

Former User
03-02-2002, 05:11 PM
I was a dog person, and still am, I'd love to go to park and walk there wiht my dog... And I had dog... Now we have 2 cats, and love them very much. I've always liked cats, but I coulnd't take one while living in Finland, because of the pressure from certain relatives, who happen to hate cats :( :( Now that I 've kept telling them that we have cats and they are adorable, their hearts are melting... Too bad they can't see Casper and Kitty live, they would love them...

Anyways, we both (my husband and I) love animals, and I hope we could have a dog in the future....

03-02-2002, 05:35 PM
I have always loved all animals. I deffinantelly prefer dogs, if given the choice, but I would really like a kitty someday. My husband has had bad experiences in the past with cats who never, ever used litter boxes, and so, although he likes cats, he is not quick to adopt another kitty.

There is one thing so precious about kitties that warms my soul, the way a doggie can't. That's the purr and the "making biscuts". I LOVE the sound of kitty purrs. I find the sound itself so soothing and warm, and happy and friendly. I get my purr fix when I visit my mom because she has 2 kitties (actually one is mine but I didn't want to move her away from the only home she's ever known, and her best kitty brother). Someday I will have my purr box and my doggies too :)

03-02-2002, 05:43 PM
You know me......I have one of everything!! LOL!! Always will, I'm sure. :o

But I think being a member of Pet Talk and other communities has opened my mind a lot. Before I was here and at Golden Retriever, I knew so little about the "bad" side of breeding, the puppy mills, etc. So, having Honey and Lilly has opened my eyes because it made me seek out friends who enjoyed their dogs as much as I do, cats too. Now I have an awareness of rescue, shelters, and other things that I would have never had, plus I've been introduced to some marvelous breeds that I would have never taken a second glance at.

And Pet Talk, especially Pet of the Day, is probably totally responsible for me even considering getting a bird!!! And what a joy he is!! I just never knew.

03-03-2002, 01:16 AM
When I first found Pet Talk it was through my brother-in-law sending me the Cat of the Day link and I quickly made it my home page. I joined Pet Talk as soon as it started and devoured all of the posts because here were people who loved their cats as much as I did!

At first I didn't read the dog posts because my last two dogs had been at the Rainbow Bridge for a couple of years. I think I probably didn't want to read anything that might stir an old memory or emotion because my husband and I had pretty much decided that our lives were just going to be the kitties and us from here on in.....no more dogs. The reason we sort of took this attitude is because of the grief at losing both of our dogs in two years' time (Whitney in '96 and Ashley in '98). My husband often said he just didn't think he wanted to open himself up to any more grief and it was honestly very hard on both of us. I have to admit that once I started reading the dog posts it did bring to the surface the feelings that I had tried to bury. The yearnings all came back and hubby and I finally were able to allow ourselves emotionally to take the plunge once again into dog ownership and Bella came into our lives and the rest is history! I feel quite certain that we would have eventually gotten another dog but I think maybe Pet Talk might have helped provide the gentle nudge that we needed.

03-03-2002, 01:24 AM
I have always loved furry animals...Except wild RATS. When I was little and we lived in the Suburbs of Los Angeles I grew up with all kinds of animals...Ducks, Turkeys, Rabbitts, Turtles and we even raised 3 Crows. Always had dogs & Cats... Life isn't the same without them.

C.C.'s Mom
03-03-2002, 05:30 AM
I grew up with many animals around me: cats, dogs, birds, fishes and so on. When I moved out, I got a cat, and another one, and another one.

I never thought about getting a dog though, but my husband always wanted a Golden Retriever and so last summer we got our smiling baby.
I think I'm still more of a cat person, but Cookie is a constant companion and went straight to my heart the minute we got her.

I can't think of a life without my pets, and PetTalk reminds me every day that there are many other animal lovers around.

03-03-2002, 10:06 AM
Since childhood, my family has always included creatures of all kinds. Always at least one doggie and two or three kitties, along with those of the rodent kind (hammies, guinea pigs, rabbits) parakeets, turtles, fishies, chameleons and my brother and I even "squirrled in" contraband such as snakes and frogs from the town pond, which my Mother found hopping around in the bathtub one night!:D My parents grew up in rural Scandinavia, and their menagerie was even greater, with horses, goats, lambs and lots of ducks, geese, wild turkey and the requisite "reindeer" or two!! (Caribou) No question where I got my love for animals from.:) They have always been, and forever will be, a very, very important part of my life!! No, Pet Talk has not "changed my mind." But it certainly has reaffirmed my deep love and devotion for ALL of these wonderful creatures! And it seems, so many out there agree!!

03-03-2002, 06:05 PM
Did you put this poll here for me, Pam? I can't think of a more confirmed *dog person* than I was. As a youngster we had both cats and dogs, but I don't think I ever had a real relationship with a cat. Although our cats were frequently in the house, I don't remember them sleeping there. I think we were the sort who put the cat out at night and they slept in the barn with the cows. All but one of our dogs slept in the house. For a very short time I lived with a roommate who had a cat which for some reason I didn't like at all.

Shortly before I found Pet Talk I became acquainted with a lady in Melbourne, Australia who has two Birman cats. It was through knowing her and hearing about her Boof and Mini and then meeting all the cats of Pet Talk through their people that I started to become very interested. However Dear Husband is a holdout and Hannah and Tucker have demonstrated their aversion as well, so I don't think my interest will go anywhere soon.

03-03-2002, 07:03 PM
I certainly have gained a lot of knowledge about all animals and much about dogs as that is what interests me most. I have never disliked cats but never really paid much attention to them. Well after hearing all the sweet things about them I wouldn't mind having one someday. I guess I didn't realize that they could get into so much stuff!! Would have to spend time cat proofing my house first. LOL In fact the other day I was thinking that boy we have a lot of stuff that could be fatal to a cat.:eek:

03-03-2002, 08:14 PM
I've always adored all kinds of animals. Growing up in the country, I would rather spent my time feeding and petting the animals, than playing with dolls like other girls. Right now I just have cats, but I want a dog more than ever.

03-03-2002, 08:16 PM
I wish there was a choice:
I was a dog person, and thought about getting a cat, so now I have one!
;) :D
I never really thought about owning a kitty, but then thought about getting one for Shaianne to have a playmate. Then Kylie came into the picture and I can't imagine not having her. She is a pure joy for me. Now I can't imagine not having her or not having a cat. I think I will always have one.
And I didn't know much about cats, it was all new for me. I am still learning everyday!
1) Logan I missed the post where you got a bird!
2) Niina, my family doesn't like cats much either but I have said to them "oh well, its my house and you don't have to live here!"
3)Leslie I didn't know your mom had 2 cats also! So she has 2 cats and 2 dogs? So how are Ritz and Cassie! I miss that little pug gurl!

03-04-2002, 03:32 AM
I always loved animals in fact 90% of my toys were animals. One of the first memories I have is of me pestering my parents so we could get a cat or a dog. During the summer we used to spend a few weeks on a farm and I was always threatening to take one animal or other home (including goats). My uncle got a gun because he wanted to go hunting, well I got into such a temper that he sold it the following day (I could be very convincing when I was a child :D ). My parents also love animals that's not a surprise that my sisters and I followed in their steps. When he was younger my father used to say that he did not want children just cats and now he has both species :D

Pet Talk has made me change my mind though... about humans:D

03-04-2002, 03:52 AM
Originally posted by Gio

Pet Talk has made me change my mind though... about humans:D

I couldn't agree with you more... well said Gio!!:D

03-04-2002, 07:33 AM
Sometimes when I lose my faith in man-kind all I have to do is think about Pet Talk and all the wonderful animal lovers we have here - that's what keeps my faith in the human race. I am and probably will always be a major cat fancier, but I do love all animals (even the snakes and spiders:) :) ).

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-05-2002, 01:22 AM
I have always LOVED animals, ALL ANIMALS, I've never been picky. :) But I never understood how a bird could be fun (that is untill I came to pet talk). I always imagined a bird to just sit in it's cage and say a few words here and there. Boy was I wrong :o . Now I love to hear bird stories, they can be such characters. I really enjoyed Nicodemus, Pet of the Day October 10 2000. He has a website too which I really enjoyed. He really had me laughing. :D :p

03-05-2002, 09:41 AM
I love all animals, we always had dogs when I grew up and they were always dedicated to my mother, they followed her everywhere so I really didn't get close to them.
Then our kids had dogs and I still didn't get too close to them.
After the kids moved out on their own we got our first Schnauzer and she turned out to be my best friend, she followed me everywhere. later we got Daisy and Perry and I found PetTalk. That was when I learned so much about dogs, rescue, the plight of animals, puppies, different breeds, mutts, cats, different kinds of pets etc. etc. I credit PetTalk with waking me up to all of this.
In our community I try to make people aware of rescue and adoption as much as possible.
We did have a cat at one time and she disappeared, I loved her very much but to be honest I am still a dog person.